Reccomend to me a Game Boy and/or some games for it! | Video Games Open (2025)


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  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #1


I'm gonna be taking a vacation in a few weeks, which means flying around and driving around and otherwise travelling. And I'm thinking about bringing a game boy of some stripe, so as to entertain myself if/when I feel like saving my iPod batteries. Oh, what a technological world we live in.

So yeah. I still have my big green brick of a 1st model Game Boy, and it still works! Neat. However, I'm wondering if I want to 'upgrade' to the SP. If nothing else, more portability and all that.

I'm really not all that interested in any model of DS- mainly 'cause I don't wanna spend TOO much money, and I'd like to stick with backwards compatability, if possible. I mean, I've got Tetris, Pokemon Blue, Zelda, Harvest Moon, and some Final Fantasy Legend games (along with a couple of other random games of varying quality), so that should keep me occupied.

Even still, I have to wonder, are there any other super-classic game boy games I might be missing? Or even better more/engrossing games for the SP/Advance that I could look into? I know they did a release of FFVI for the GBA awhile back, but it looks like the game's out of print and stupid expensive now. Pity!

So yeah. Enlighten me, VGO!



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15 Year Compatriot!

  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #2

Well I can't help you out much with the classic Gameboy. Still, if you do pick up an Advance, one series of games that I enjoyed for it is the Megaman Battle Network series, though you'd likely have to find them online or at a used game store. I'll admit that some of the writing can be pretty bad, and you


facepalm over how these people have connected


to the internet. Still, the gameplay is pretty fun, and I at least could end up spending a lot of time of those games. That and Wily seems like a more credible threat to me when his minions are doing stuff like hijacking buses full of passengers and planting bombs on them.

In addition to that, they also released the first two Final Fantasy games for the GBA. The Summon Night: Swordcraft Story games were also fairly good action RPGs. And if you're into the Metroidvania-style Castlevania games then Aria of Sorrow is a must grab. Avoid Circle of the Moon though. That one sucked.


Well, that’s just Prime.

15 Year Compatriot!

  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #3

The Megaman Zero games are pretty damn good, and rather like the X series.

The Pokemon games have seen some nice improvements mechanically speaking, but not everyone likes the designs of the newer 'mons.

The Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation games are some nice strategy-RPGs, with mecha.

Oh, and for getting games, take a look at Goozex. It works out cheaper than a used game store a lot of the time.




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  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #4

In terms of ancient Game Boy games, if you're looking to pick up more classics, you can't go wrong with Mega Man, Kirby's Dreamland (and KD2), Super Mario Land 2 (never played the first Game Boy one), Dragon Warrior Monsters (it's Pokemon, but with Dragon Warrior beasties! and way harder, to be honest)...

If you get a GBA, the newer Pokemon games may still be good for you, depending on your tolerance for the new 'mons. In contrast to Lurkerson, I played the hell out of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, although I didn't play the ones that came after.




Validated User

  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #5

The Fire Emblem games for GBA are great - the one I played was Sacred Stones. Advance Wars ditto.


take data in change it push it out

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  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #6

Well, the sweet thing about the SP is that it can also run original GB games, so the games you own will be playable. Also, if you're getting an SP, make sure you buy a backlit model. Otherwise, you'll encounter this problem. Games to look out for:

Dr. Mario (How can anyone who loves the Gameboy not own this game? Reccomend to me a Game Boy and/or some games for it! | Video Games Open (4))
Metroid II: Return of Samus
Super Mario Land (Both are great, but the second was already recommended above)
Wario Land and Wario Land II (Fuck yeah Wario!)

Cannon Fodder
Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (All-new coloring is awesome, and the new dungeon is good enough)
Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (I prefer this one, but I know others, such as my brother, like Ages more)
Metal Gear Solid
Pokemon Gold, Silver & Chrystal (I'd suggest Chrystal, as it's the "refined" third release.)
Pokemon Trading Card Game (Surprisingly excellent.)
Super Mario Deluxe

Advance Wars and Advance Wars II
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (Super sweet rpg where an out-of-game light sensor helps determine your strength in game. Never played the second)
Metroid Fusion (Has a perfect port of the original Metroid as an unlockable)
Metroid: Zero Mission (An excellent remake of the original Metroid)
Doom and Doom II
Final Fantasies IV, V, and VI (Retranslated, revamped, and generally kick-ass ports)
Final Fantasy Tactics
Zelda: Minish Cap (I enjoy this more than Four Swords. Reccomend to me a Game Boy and/or some games for it! | Video Games Open (5))
Zelda: Four Swords (An excellent port of LttP)
Mother 1 + 2 (Mother 2 was known as Earthbound when released in US for the SNES)
Mother 3 (Buy the game, then download a rom and the fan translation patch, and toss the patched version onto a flash cart. Then play what might be the best GBA game ever. It has one of the only scenes in gaming that made me cry. :-D)
Pokemon Emerald (I've never played the GBA ones, but I hear they're good. I mean, it's Pokemon.)

GBA NES Ports:
Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: Link's Adventure
Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros 2.

I know there are a multitude of games I missed, but I didn't play them, so it's not my place to recommend them! Good luck however you go!


Monkey King

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Validated User

  • Apr 20, 2010
  • #7

The various Castlevania games on GBA are solid, if you liked Symphony of the Night. Give Harmony of Dissonance a pass unless you're desperate, though.

Also keep an eye out for Astro Boy, which is a surprisingly good platformer in addition to being a massive love letter to Osamu Tezuka.

The GBA also has the Megaman Zero series. I hesistate to recommend the first two games on account of their abusive difficulty curve (you dared to take damage on that level? No special weapons for you!), but 3 and 4 are much more reasonable.

And of course, I have to plug Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 1 & 2. They're fairly old school SRPGs, but the difficulty curve is gentle and the story and cast are entertaining. It helps to be a mecha fan to identify all the tropes they're riffing on, though.

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Reccomend to me a Game Boy and/or some games for it! | Video Games Open (2025)


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