The Abilene Weekly Chronicle from Abilene, Kansas (2024)

3IISS AS II BELL. The Chronicle. USEFUL AXD SCIENTIFIC. 'A Cent Brazilian Gold Kin rs, Amethyst set Dd in the wfnicl. Novelty Catalogiiefre TJ atL Lautfulou.

Wilson kCoClucago. graphic uses. Caustic alkalies and concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids do not attack it but concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids attack it as they do gutta-percha, which it closely resembles in all other properties. Polytechnic Von Can Save Money By nsin? Dooley's Teast Powder, for less butter, flour, esrss, ate required to accomplish satisfactory results. This is not a needless, bap-hazard statement, but a fact, verified by tho experience of ivianv thousand families.

Try it and prove the claim. Terras and CCD A WEEK in vonrown town ouuit (rve. A'dilr's HaiI 4ivll ABILENE, KANSAS. FA to va believe that we were in quite a flourishing condition. But for all that, she ought to have known that we were not flourishing enough to support a delicate and beautiful girl, used to luxury, tenderness, and devotion, for even a few months.

Was ever any thing so malapropos and vexatious Of course Miss Ashbell would look with scorn on our seven-roomed dwelling, with a back garden twenty-five by twenty-five, and a court-yard ten by ten. And suppose as aunt, with a short-sightedness very And Carrol's picture of 44 Miss Ash bell gained him a place on the walls of the Academy that autumn and Will, who entered college last week, never ran away from her again, but has ever since been giving her roses freed from thorns, as he did the first night she came among us, bringing light and happiness God bless her! to our sorrow-clouded house. And I often think, looking at the two young heads (there is only four years' difference in their ages) bending over the same book, that some day Will will tell her the old, old story, and she will of the largwt and finest grain heu in the world. NATURE'S REMEDY. urmcrs I'HruitT Single Grains measuring nearly 3 one-nan men in lengan, send yorr atitlress ami we will you The Gst Biood Purtiea I nrmcrs Vsirmors I'ariners farmers a i.y reiuru mail.

I llt.K OF 4 11. K. V. HAIVF 41 N. in nt Pa.

1 1 me. NKTPOBT, Feb. 6, MluH.RSTEri.vs: wr.Mr-1 write to say thfit lx4ttp of your VeEeiine have cmed ne m-m vtrr sev rj rast1 ot Sf I r. mam- tears' an-r tiMnfr many nuili- in. and rt.K-' rimt a (treat 1 al.

I am now free from a I sores, ami nn wrk a WI a ever, ani tlnnk the Vt'gt'tiiw Is a a'n! nuiie ought to do illiout it. 1 remain, tvsivcUulljr yi iirs J. A. KM RICK. Vesetine I Sol by All IlrugsWts.

ADVERTISERS i)lSIKIG TO 11EACH Tie LEADERS cf THIS STATE DR. JOHN BULL'S CAN DO SO IS TBS Sit ft i onic Syrnu Cheapest and Best Manner BT APDEESMX9 hear it with a smile. 44 1 shouldn't wonder if you were right, Brownie," says my husband hosv I laughed when I think of my jealoiu fears about him once on a time 44 you almost always are." And aunt's speculation turned out splendidly (she is still living, a hale old woman of 75), and she insisted npon our accepting what she called father's share, and that share was no inconsiderable one. And the seven-roomed house has frown to a twelve-roomed one Betty, y-the-bye, has allowed her daughter to assist in the house-work and the twenty-five by twenty-five garden to a hundred by a hundred, my corner just filled with rose-bushes. And every thing has prospered with us, and no lengthening shadows have fallen upon our paths since the rosy June site-noon we so unwillingly opened the door to let in the darling who loved us, as we loved her, at first sight sweet brown-eyed, golden-haired Miss Ashbell! Harper's Weekly.

B. H. Erco, 254 Walnut Street, SU Loals, It, FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. Seal reorder received tor any Western SUio. Cstulfcuo Consternation was depicted on the faces of the family group assembled to hear it, when I finished reading the letter I had just received from aunt.

The group consisted of myself Mary, eldest daughter of the house and hearth brown, dark-eyed, tall, and 18 Helen, not quite as brown, hazel-eyed, almost as tall, and 16 Will, browner, darker-eyed, a head shorter, and 10; and Carrol, towering above us all, blue-eyed, fair-haired, golden mustached, and 21. Aunt was, in fact, our great-aunt, sister of our father's mother, but the only mint, creat or little, thit we had ever known. We had met her but two or three times during our lives, as she lived in far-away Illinois, and was too much occupied with grains and herds to think of frequent viiting, and we well, we were too poorly provided with gold and silver to be able to take long and expensive So what little visiting there had been had been on aunt's side, with one exception, and then wa3 the visitor. It was when 1 was about 15 this short and memorable visit took place. Yielding to aunt's repeated solicitations I was her namesake I started from home with the intention of spending the dimmer months cn the Illinois farm.

I arrived there safely, was welcomed heartily, and entertained right royally; but before a week had passed away I had grown so tired of the seeming boundlessness of every and longed so for the little cottage and Lilliputian garden where grew my three rose-bushes one red, one white, and one a creamy yellow that aunt, seeing the longing in my eyes, said, Child, you must go back," and back I came long before I was expected, but my dear father and mother assured me not a moment too soon. We children had alwaj-3 heard twice a year from aunt once" collectively at and once respectively on our birthdays and each time the kind note which exhorted us to be good, -reliant," inclosed a check larger or smaller, according to aunt's gains of the preceding year. These notes we had been taught to answer with many wishes for the old lady's wel-pre, and thanks for her kindnesses.and hopes for a speedy meeting; in short, in a manner betitting the only neices and nephews of the Carmody family when rpljing to the friendly epistles of their only aunt, to say nothing of that aunt being the wealthiest and most influential member of that family A few days before our father died he called us together, and said, My chil nnusual with her, complacently remarked Carrol should fall in love with her? The proud English girl would no doubt regard him as a fortune-hunter, and invidiously compare his frank, impulsive, rather brusque manners with the repose and "awful" dignity of the languid swells of her own land. And somebody else might be attracted toward her men are so susceptible to woman's beauty somebody who now thought my brown face the sweetest in the world. The very thought made my heart stop beating.

And the maid? Even if we could make arrangements to accommodate her and it seemed utterly impossible for us to do so Betty, our faithful servant for the last fifteen years, would look upon her in the light of an interloper, and treat her as Betty had been used to being 44 monarch of all she surveyed." Even in house-cleaning times those times that tries men's souls and women's soles she scorned the idea of an assistant. 44 No, ma'am, I'll have no strangers pokiu' roun' me. When I'm not able to do the work of this house alone, I'll go." And mother dear, shrinking, grief-stricken mother how would she bear the advent of thi3 dainty Miss Ashbell? But we could do nothing to avert the impending misfortune. Even if we had thought of disobeying our father's last command, and refusing aunt the favor she had not asked, but, in her usual decisive way, taken for granted, the young lady was on her way, and would be here in a day or two. The news must be immediately broken to mother and Betty.

being the SNIDER (KftlablltlieA 1S73). Live-Stock Commission, KANSAS CITY STOCK-YARDS, MO. Market reporrs FTKMSItEn KRFF. Intern and TV4-rrrams pronH.lly answi'rtHl. 'orresiio'nlorifx a.itierjJ niatte oai'oni(nneuU.

f. Wlxotl with sew, lite: In irili', 2uc Agrnt so 100. tie i. unier, liikitol. Conn.

I F.l.FO Kew style rhrnmn CarrKwitn name, I Inc. nost-naiii. (ifcu. 1. liKf.u ii a.ssau.

N. I. Mixed ('arils, with nanie.lOc. Acent's Kj I'ullit, li)e. rontier Card JTaiililiu.

Vt JfO'tfE AXI FOREIGN GOSSIP. Cremation has been made optional ly law in Gotha. Prussia has what is said to be a sure exterminator of the Colorado beetle. Sin John Lubbock has owned some of his pet ant3 )T more than five years. All the doors in Boston school-houses aro to be altered so as to swing both waj-s.

A Bin i. Aziz, Sultan of Turkey, in his dread oi fire, used to read by the light of a candle floating in a basin of water. Hictclks are coming into vogue in England as ecclesiastical conveyances, enabling clergymen to visit remote parta of large country parishes. Mit. co*kdox, Inspectorof Live Stock in Queensland, Northern Australia, computes the loss in sheep there last year at 1,718,190 heail.

The workmen in the 950-foot level of a Colorado mine unearthed a live liz-z ird, 10 inches long, which was found imbedded in the crevice of the rock. Gkoroe Fkknch, a half-crazy inmate of the Newton (Mass.) Poor-house, tried to poison his companions by putting about a pound of Paris green in a pan of milk, because he was jealous of another inmate. Ulll-kkihtim; was recently revived inLandea; but, as the three matadors only sustained among them a bruised leg, a trampled foot, and two broken ribs, the sport was not regarded as amounting to much. The wife of Capt. David Porter Heap wore a painted dress at a Newport re ception.

The material was white silk, said on that groundwork the Captain id painted flowers and birds in bright colors. A prominent Newton County (Ga.) farmer says that cotton pays better at the present price, taking the low pi ice of every thing else into consideration, than it did when it brought X) cents per pound. Gen. Tom Thumb denies that his father i3 a pauper in Chicago. lie died 15 years ago, leaving an estate worth and a lofty monument marks his last renting place, live times as largo as his diminutive son.

J. E. IlruiiEs, a wealthy Missouri farmer, en route to Fort Worth, Texas, recognized his son, whom he supposed dead, in the convict gang at Eagle Ford, sentenced for horse stealing. An effort has been inaugurated to obtain a pardon. Mme.

His ei i a ut, a lion-tamer, came near being killed while she was performing in a cage of wild animals at Marlboio, an infuriated panther biting her on the arm and hip. Her coolness saved her, and she cowed the beast wilh a whip. A I.AKOK suake was found coiled in the reading desk in the church in Borth, Vah-s, but it ran into a hole on being disturbed. A tune on the organ drew hi in out, however, and he was rano-ht. The villagers regarded the reptile with FARM AND FIRESIDE.

Jelly Cake. Take 1 cupful of sugar, 4 cupful of sweet milk, 24 cupfuls of flour, 3 eggs, yelks and whites beaten separately 1 teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and 4 teaspoonful of soda. A simple and good cake. French Cake. Take 11 cupfuls of pulverized sugar, 4 eggs (yelks and whites beaten separately and well), 4 cupful of cold water, 2 cupfuls of flour, 1 teaspoonful of cream of tartar, and 4 teaspoonful of soda.

Nice to eat with ice-cream or berries. Squash Griddle Cakes. Have about 4 pint of cold stewed squash put through the sieve, 2 eggs, 2 cupfuls of milk, 2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder, and 1 teaspoonful of melted butter, and flour enough to make the batter a proper thickness. Celery Salt. This is a delicious condiment to use with soups, oysters, gravies, broths, stews, meats and hashes.

It is very wholesome and very much relished by those who like the vegetable. Save the root of the celery plant, dry it and grate it, mixing with it one-third as much salt. Keep it in a bottle well corked. Rules for. Cake.

Have the ingredients all measured and prepared, aiid the tins buttered before mixing the materials. Sift the cream-tarter, or baking-powder, well into the flower; dissolve the soda in the milk, or, if no milk is used, in a little warm water; roll the sugar; beat the butter to a cream mix the butter and sugar together beat the yelks and wkite3 of the eggs separately. When fruit is used, it must always be added the last thing, and dredged with flour to prevent its falling to the bottom. Cake to be light should be baked slowly at first, until the batter is evenly heated all through. Cake is very much more delicate made with pulverized sugar than when made with a coarser kind.

Eggs will beat lighter and quicker if they are put into a basin of cold water for half an hour before using, but with the wonderful Dover beater it is not necessary. Beefsteak Pudding. Line a well buttered pudding-mold or a tin pail will do if you have not a mold with a plain paste.and put in layers of beefsteak cut in small pieces sprinkle with chopped onion, parsley, celery, thyme, sweet marjoram, salt and pepper; then another layer of beef; then onions, and so on until all are used fill it with cold water until it comes about even with the top layer of meat put a cover of paste on the top of it, wetting the edges of the paste, and place over this a buttered paper. Set it in a saucepan of boiling water to reach two-thirds up the outside of the mold. Keep the water boiling, and add to it as it boils away.

This will take about two hours ar.d a half to steam done. Turn out on a dish carefully. To vary this, and to use less beefsteak, you may put into it one real kidney, cut in slices, and put in with the beef. Alsoyrou may add some oysters and their liquor. Popular Lactometer.

Dip a well polished knitting-needle into a deep vessel of milk, and withdraw it immediately in an upright position. If the milk is pure some of it will hang to the needle, but if water has been added, even in small proportions, the fluid will not adhere. Arabian Cuke for Hydrophobia. M. De Chevarries, of Gabes, Tunis, has sent to the Societe d'Entomologie, of France, specimens of an Arab preventive for hydrophobia.

The specimens consisted of fragments of a kind cf insect of the class coleoptera, having blist ciing properties Jike the vesicatoria. If, the Arabs say and they have a profound belief in the efficacy of the alleged prophylactic a small portion of the insect be given to the patient in a piece of meat within 20 days after the bite, all danger from hydrophobia will be averted. A large dose is fatal. Even the quantity usually administereda piece about the size of a grain of wheat -produces violent colic. The Moon's Shape.

Astronomers are generally agreed that the moon is not a perfect sphere, but is slightly flattened at the poles, as our earth is, and is also somewhat elongated equatorially ia the direction of the earth. Her shape is therefore ellipsoidal rather than spheroidal, having three unequal axee the shortest being that from pole to pole, and the longest the equatorial one pointing towards the earth the other equatorial diameter, at right angles to the latter, being of intermediate length. The difference in length is, however, very slight. People sometimes imagine that the moon is distinctly egg-shaped, and fancy that they can see this in ster-eographic pictures, but they are the victims of optical illusion. Utilizing Waste Substances.

The arts of utilization have now been extended to the extraction of the oil from the waste leather of factories the old belts, cards, which are usually thrown aside as worthless, becoming, as they do, so saturated with oil as to render their further use impracticable, thus resulting in serious loss to manufacturers. The new process of utilization not only restores the leather to usefulness, but the oil that is extracted from it becomes valuable as a lubricator, much superior for this purpose, in fact, to fish oil. After removing the teeth from the old cards, the leather is subjected, under great pressure, to a peculiar preparation, and in a very short time, say about twenty minutes, is restored as clear as ever, free from oil, and the holes made by the teeth are cloied. This leather, it is found, may be used for various purposes, such as sub-rolls, belting, bur-wheels, harness work, and in some instances made into hose. Compressed Coffee.

A patent has recently been issued in Germany for a process of compressing ground and burnt coffee, for the purpose of making it more readily transportable and unalterable for a length of time. For this purpose the cofiee is subjected to a pressure of from 40 to 70 atmospheres in suitable cast iron molds. The coffee is thus made into cakes, and comes into market in a form resembling chocolate, divided as tho latter is by creases to facilitate breaking into pieces of suitable size for use. The interior surface of the molds is highly polished, by which arti lice the outer crust of the compressed coffee is made sufficiently smooth and hard to prevent the tendency of the ethereal oil of the coffee to escape from the interior of the cakes. The volume of the coffee thus prepared is reduced to Cards perfect beautie! with name.

Hie Cftromo tUltlit ll YELLOW FEY EH NOTES. Dr. O. D. Bartholomew" of Nashville, in writing from Memphis, gives the following startling statement: 44 Things are fearful here.

Wherever you see 100 new cases reported by the papers you can be sure it should be b'00. Very few of the physicians have time to fool away making reports, and from this fact arose the idea that the disease was so terribly fatal. All deaths are reported by the undertakers, but Turner I'nnt Ashland. Mass. New, ami Easy process of The proprietor of this celebrated meflicine justly claims for it a superiority OTer all remedies ever offered to the public lor the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whelh-erof short or longstanding, He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth cf the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to care if the directions are strictly followei and carried out.

In a great many cases asingle dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a tingle bottle, with a perfect restoration of the geceral health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if its use is continued in (miller doses for a week or two af-er the disease has been checked, more especially in difficult and long-standing Usually this medicine will not require any aidto keep the bowels in good order. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four of the Tonic, a sins le dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY FILLS will be sufficient. Th genuine SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP must have DR. JOHN BULL'Sprivatestaaiponeach bottle.

DE. JOHNEULLonlyhaithe riirht to manufacture and sell the original JOHN J. SMITH'S TONIC SYEUP, of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on each bottle, do not pui chase, or you.

will be deceived, 13 It. JOIIJXT TlTTT.Tf Manufacturer and Vender of SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. ii-aimr-st tvu litalle riatoa. st -imp J. J.

Callow. Cleveland, U. MTrn Men for one year, to nejrln work at I All I LU t-'i I' r- Bu-iiira first ciaaa. minwn MuitotKAS Wouu CiaciaaaTi.Uaio. housekeeper, undertook to face the lat retail prtee 2a onlT S.

PI A 5 OS OB vl in price i jitaj laiKams. ter. I will confess I did it with fear and trembling. She heard me grimly, never YVmiled, From f2 to das Is IiiK made mw ij Aireiiia. Ti Jkv.

S. 1. HICK, Milton. Xurluuuiberland Ta. nrTrred n-llfi ceasing to pare the potatoes she held in her lap, and when I had ended, looked up with a sharp nod of her head, and said, slowiy and emphatically, 44 Betty '11 have to go now, sure.

She can't stand no fine young ladies and sassy young AlAiCKll ifais: In hi-cks a siinole arid will semi the reeolpt troe to all alllh t-d. Ad.ln-aa, wilh sump, llhV. T. J. MEA1, Syiaeuse, N.

V. ladies-maids about for nothin'." Helen went to mother, put her arms dren, it isn't at all likely to occur, but aoout ner necK, ana with a kiss and a it ill i'kekkvixj 1 Ll V.ZIoSiiilACOiyjWiiluuiisUN.J smile told her of the expected visitor, adding, with an assumption of eravetv Half Prices. nl I I. o-ie U.t I 'I: one for fin: 110 one for 44 She shan't come near you at all.mam-ma dear, if you don't want her; but you Principal Omre, 319 Main I.OriSVILI.E, Kt. $fM farrtl and m- and rifle b-ie.

Al-o ere. Mi-it al tjr-tuj-reifit 1 1 TS VI t'alahifiirfrrr. Vohk li-roi. wru J. II.

1.1 1 WiMt 11 Alf t. OKtlrn Id's, cor.Clarfc Jkke Know aunt has oeen so kind to us, and father loved her so dearly, it would be impossible to refuse the iirst favor she ever asked of us." Cures Kidney, Bladder and I IiIseae-. Inalx-tis. liiavcl and Imi; sv, llPtcntH'n and In-eoiiTiui-n'-H of Lino-.

Ill M- I1IHR. cures rain in itie liack, SM- or lyoins, OI1M I'M ,1 --91 1. A The beat-aell- VAfJTI llli OKVlS to Aent-. for all. if ever aunt should ask a favor of you, grant it, at no matter what inconvenience.

She has been my best and dearest friend." Poor father! I suspect aunt had often helped him out of pecuniary difficulties. He waan unpractical, dreamy sort of man, fond of birds and poetry and flowers, and didn't succeed very well in life. But, in spito of his dreaminess and his want of worldly tact, and his being so totally unlike in most ways, he was a great favorite of aunt's, and when we telegraphed his serious illness to her she left her vast possessions without a captain at a moment's notice, and hastened to his side, making her appearance in a bonnci that immediately suggested the prairies, it was so unlimitedas to size Ci-am'i pinf the nlicd Mate andWoill: Stale Mans. Atlaes. 1 Mother said never a word, but began brushing the hair back from her temples with both hands in a nervous way she had when any thing grieved or an Uriirlu's lust-use of tiie Ki.lnevs.

IHM-s rchk. i CiurtH. UtlioKianli. thromos. Stationery, JJ 01 liiis.

ete. iTH i-a low. lTotiLi largo. IV cures all IM-a--s of Hie Kldm-. and Irlnary onran.

'I It IIIM'S Send lor pamphlet to WM. E. CLARKE. Providence. It.

noyed her. Itvu.a rieis Audi-ess Uto. F. Cuaji, b6 Lake-et, Chieaco, III. And then we began preparing for Miss Ashbell.

Will's room was to be nrrnnii iirvnn oit nmi a CUBfflET 03 PARLOR ORGAN lie sun- to send tor our LA TKsr a ni.ixn is and cim-u-t. is, T.lth m- sticks Km-Kl PKKTc atHl mm Info nation. Sent fret. ASuN. 11ALUN OllUAN 11 -stou, Yolk or ClucaKo.

given up to her, and Will (Carrol's room was scarcely large enough for himself and hL? art-traps, as he called them) For all Irindt of rSt, Srmfuln, fttlrr or hfg Win-nt, Suit Klievm. and all In, Kitrt nt the Skin and litict. ONK 1 Jl IT TLB A A 11 Tt CI' Kit 1.1. casks or Ticks; bim (im to IHKKB HOrrl.KS AM. C.ASV3 Of Hi mors, it jonr lirnt-Kist has put it, ak him to send lor 1C i'rtoe, II ter bottle.

was to be stowed away in tho loft a i JOfJ perdnvat horne. Snmples worth I ZU free. Address SriNSON JtCa.Purtiaud.Ma. proceeding which he viewed with immense dissatisfaction. 44 I'll smother np there in hot weather," he said, with a wry face.

44 Oh, I wish there wasn't any Miss Ashbell Why don't she fro to a hotel?" 44 Why don't she?" echoed I. I said we began to prepare for her, but for lack of the before-mentioned fl ft Any worker can 1 2 a day at home. ly UULUoullit free. Address TULEii Augusta. Ma.

Nine feet ten inches at the shoulder was the highest elephant Mr. Sanderson, an expert in such affairs, ever measured. A thoroughbred elephant is worth $10,000 or more. In 1835 the aires Summer and niter. IllXat XaUoiial Copying 3'X1 W.

Iouro. 1 less man one-third of that of the orig very few of the cases get into print. I honestly believe there are not less than 2,000 cases of yellow fever here. I believe three out of four recover. Every body has got it.

I frequently find four or five cases in one house, sometimes in one room. The doctors are working hard, but hundreds of people die without having been able to get a phy si-cian." Alas, fair Memphis What sights meet the eye of those who yet remain in our midst! At every turn and corner a cry of distress is wafted on the breeze that floats o'er housetops, through your streets and alleys. On every side is met the bowed form of some citizen who has lost a relative or friend. The river in a calm Is hurried onward Through channels of despair I The small, burnt piles of bedding that are seen on every street but tell the passer-by, 44 A death has occurred here." These blackened spots are growing in number daily, and yet there are scores of brave hearts, who, remaining, bound by a duty to their fellow-man, can but shudder in anticipating that perhaps within the week the bed on which he throws himself to rest to-night will mark the street with its burning record of sacrificed life. Memphis Aval'inch.

Burying the Dead is Memphis. In the city the work of caring for the sick and burying the dead is carried on like clock work. A victim dies and his body is immediately wrapped into a sheet, put into a box, the cover screwed down, and the remains taken off to be buried. No funeral is held, unless perhaps some friend reads the burial service or a prayer over the rough coffin as it gees into the hastily dug hole. Night and day the burial goes on, and, as one looks upon the street at midnight, the carts piled up with coffined dead go rattling by, while the negro grave-diggers, with shouldered spades, march by in single file with a steady tramp that somehow seems to sink into the very heart of the listener, and he turns to his couch with a sickening feeling that he may perhaps be the next to require their services.

At the cemetery the dead come and are piled up awaiting their turn to be interred. They fill graves faster than the negroes can dig them, and they seem to come in with a sort of rivalry as to who shall be buried first. Dr. Barton, cf Cleveland. Annie Cook, the woman who, after a long life of shame, ventured all she had of lite and property for the sick, died yesterday morning at 7 oclock of yellow fever, which she contracted while nursing her patients.

If there was virtue in the faith of the woman who but touched the hem of the garments of the Divine Redeemer, surley the sins of this woman must have been forgiven her. Her faith hath made her whole, made her one with the loving Christ whose example she followed in giving her life that others might live. Amid so much that is sorrowful to an agonizing degree, so much that illumines he graces of a com HOW TO GET TKtM I a i rltti- Home- ilUf, K.MJ.A4. inal. It is asserted that the operation for Circular and hiphly Important I Ohoslness lnforuiafn.

Hall, irtienlarnof Ap-'-ntv Pirectory. cony Aa i'ileia I Lt'iii a. silver and gold, our preparations were of the simplest kind. Carrol made and aiureMi S. J.

ii I.a:..l I I. tr price of elephants was $225 a head; now none can be had for less than 750, and tuskers of any pretension are held at from $4,000 to $7,500. At 25 3 ears the elephant is full grown, ard it will noes not the least anect its good qua! lties, and that it can be packed and put up two pretty brackets, and hung, with a sigrh for he hated to nart with transported ia tin or other packages VJ rj 2-fon Hav Scales, IO; 4-ton, SfiO. ila Circulars free. hicane ale Cb.llitcaen41L them the few pictures he nossessed on live from SO to even 150 jears.

The Government load is 1,640 pounds, in- preserving its aroma indefinitely. the walls. I looped back the white cur Transmitting Power by Electric foi- 50r nnl no $5.00 tains (freshly washed and ironed, with Scilil nitf-Ccllt hlillu-i elusive of chains and attendants, and the daily ration is 800 pounds of fodder. it. rroiessor iuqisoh now proposes IN8TITUTK.

of i.ntfr. im- 11. i- lii.fc.ii Ai Siillxu. i Pa. much grumbling, by Betty) with new blue ribbons, and 1 covered the trunk Two elephants which had quarreled to oonge the rivers of the far est to get to work and help the miners with kkrLjf Krroiul.

and hkin Ijikcrh. uout uiub.vfl knitouf loss of blood htmI lilti ottoman with bright chintz, and with VAHTFfl -Sellts Evervwhere, tosell I I I II our new invention a lien s.sity no cnninetiiioii nvit In every houe st lis on siuM innlitJi iartk Don't lail to write luS. J. spalwmi Chicago. their drilling and boring after rock pain.

information, rirmlars and kilrircfcs fr. F. I I. Aurora, Kans III. bound treasure.

Mr. Wallace, of An son ia, Conn has shown Mr. Edison his Helen's help made a new mat to place before the bureau, and we turned an old table-cloth into napkins, and bought a new napkin-ring and two or three" cut- TV- (PS. telemachon, and he was enraptured with were separated for 14 years and then taken out on a hunting expedition. They met without any seeming recognition of each other, but on descending a slanting path down the steep bank of a river the one behind on a sudden made a plunge forward and upset its old adversary, mahout, howoah, guns, and all into the river and so bare of ornament, and which grotesquely obtruded itself into the remembrance of that sad time forever after.

Since father's death things hadn't been very bright with us. In fact, they hadn't been bright at all. We found there was a good deal of money owing, and what remained of the two hundred dollars aunt gave us on the day of the funeral she bade us good-bye the instant the ceremonies were over after our very cheap mourning was paid for, went to the butcher, grocer, and shoemaker. We were all willing to do, and all did, whatever we could toward supporting the household; but, dear! daar! talk about weeds! never saw any thin grow like bills. Carrol, who had an artistic turn of mind, struggled with it, and who had a dressmaking turn of mind, struggled with that, and Helen struggled with her books, hoping to become a teacher in time, and little Will struggled with somebody else's books, for he went into a publishing-house as errand boy poor fellow Besides the struggles, we had mother on our minds.

A lew weeks after we lost our father we lost our baby sister. A beautiful child she was, as bright as a diamond and as fair as a pearl, and the pride and darling of us all. Already sinking beneath the blow of her husband's death, when her little daughter died too rcy mother's heart was nearly broken. From being a sunshiny, energetic, busy woman, she became listless and apathetic, sitting in her room day after day gazing upon the pictures of the loved ones, or rocking back and forth, her hands clasped before her, looking with dry eyes upon vacancy. that she could be made to weep! that she could be roused from this dreadful speechless gloom into which she has fallen!" was our continual prayer, for the terrible thousht came to us often the wonderful machine, which may be applied to manufacturing or illuminating purposes.

The powerful electric current generated by this machine may glass goblets and a lovely china cup and saucer, and when all was done, waited with anxious hearts for our unwelcome LVA- A YY 4i guest. I I Mother had shut herself np in her Unexcelled in Economy cf Fuel. Unsurpassed hi Construction. De greatly increased where river-power or tidal-power is abundant or it may be obtained where fuel is cheap, as at the coal-mines, and by means of an ordinary cable be transmitted hundreds of Unparalleled in Durability. miles.

I he cable may be tapped at any A Chinaman found a nugget of gold in the Dunolly district oi Australia weighing over 22 pounds. A rush of miners to the place was the result, but thus far none of them have been lucky. Australia's yield of gold ha3been steadily declining for years. Cleveland, rejoices in er.e noisy nuisance abated, the Lake Shore Road having substituted for locomotive whistles at crossings a telegraphic gon-which tells the watchman on which track a train is coming and which switches to open. A miller in England, who had beaten his wife and threatened his children because summoned for not sending the litter to school, was last month seized by forty women, who flogged him and then dragged him to a pond, where, while drenched with water, he implored pardon for his misdeeds.

A societv has been formed in Edinburgh for inspecting the sanitary condition of dwellings. The evils of bad air, stagnant moisture, and defective sewers have so unmistakably declared themselves in prevailing sickness and excessive mortality tables that householders have associated themselves together to employ an expert, each paying $5 a year. Frank Palmer, who was in the fiht in which Custer was killed, tells how those who buried the bodies discriminated. They carefully interred the remains of the otVicers, piled stones over the graves, and inscribed them; but the privates were not buried at all, only covered, a little earth being thrown on them, and their bones are now strung from ono end of the prairie to the other." Tire singular performance of a tornado which visited New Preston, Conn, about the same time that Wallingford was devastated, and plwed furrows among the neighboring forests, was the transferring of a large oak tree from some unknown and distant place to Baldwin Hill, near the village. Some people think they saw it sailing over the town during the storm, but no one knows how far it came.

The Chinamen in San Francisco, despite their violation of some of the commonest sanitary rules, are a healthy class. The vitiated air of their sleeping-kennels does not seem to effect them unfavorably. The San Francisco Xeus Letter says that their good health is due to temperance in eating and drinkino-Their strongest beverage is tea, and they eat very little rich food. Their simple lire makes them require less point, and powers used therefrom. Mr ill US ui.ijaw auiu Ll li.

Kdison believes he can assist Mr. Wal 3k. lace in perfecting the telemachon so VEPiY BEST OPERATING, room early in the morning of the day we expected her, and had remained there and the rest of U3 were all as uncomfortable as poor, proud, shy, sensitive people could be at the thought of a Eerfect stranger's ingress into the very eart of their home, and wishing audibly and inaudibly that Miss Ashbell's father had never brought her from Eb--land, when, as the sun sank in the west, and a cool summer breeze, fragrant with the breath of the roses, lifted the curtains of our cozy bay-window, a carriage stopped at our door. that power may be transmitted from point to point with the same facility as AM MOST a telegraph message. Bv means of this fin PERFECT COOK instrument Naugatuck River is made to 'III I 1 drive the ponderous machinery of the aiiace manufactory (where 300 men are employed), a quarter of a mile dis EVES CFFE22D FC3 TH3 MADE ONLY BT ESOELSIOH tant.

Applied to illumination, the cost 41 bhe's come, and I'm gone," said Will, flinging down his book and rush oi a single light, equal to 1,000 candles, 612. 614, N. MAIN STREET, ST. LOUIS. MO.

sold by ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. is esiimatea at three cents an hour. W'aterproof Paper. There is ing out into the garden. Carrol rose from his chair, ran his fingers through his golden hair, and glanced in the mirror at his new blue silk neck-tie.

Helen sank back on th FEVER AND AGDE I ss a d.7 ssi? ns2 afjicttss very simple process whereby paper can be made as strong as parchment, and proof against all moisture, by dipping mon humanity, and so much that dis We met a farmer, a day or two ago, who was so hard pushed that he wason his way to pawn his hoe. We told him we were sorry to see his case so hopeless. "Hopeless!" he exclaimed; "far from it! You know the old motto, 'hoe-pawn, hope "Yonkers Gazette. Some scientific men claim that the earth is drawing nearer the sun every yonr. We don't know about that, but we do know that throughout the season the bottom of the strawberry and blackberry boxes come closer and closer to the top every day.

IJaivk-Eye. Anotlier Fat Wan Reduced. II. A. Kufus, dealer in dry poods, Wooil-hull.

111., writes Botanic Medicine Buffalo, N. June 221, lsTS: "Gentlemen Please find inclosed $5.00. for wluch send me, by express, Anti-Fat. I have taken one bottle and I lort nve and one-quarter pounds." CHiTord's Febrifuge is not a panacea for all the ills to which llesh is heir. We lo not profess to have discovered a cure till, but we confidently recommend it to vou as a sure, safe and speedy cure for all diseases arising from Malaria.

In this class of diseases it is a specific; it enters the circulation and utterly destroys the germs of the poison it will purify and build up the debilitated (system in a shorter time, and with more lasting benefit, than any other known remedy. J. C. Kichakijsox, Prop'r, For sale by all Druggists. St.

Louis. Wii.noFT'3 Toxic! Usr-Art-iKO axd This great Chill Tonic cures Chills without the intervention of doctors and their Lills. No coiuiultiuz visits no prescriptions to be filled no Inure bills, entailing pecuniary embarrassments, added to loss of health. It is the friend of the poor man, because it enables biin to earn a livinsr, and of the rich, because it prepares him to enjov his wealth. This creat boon to mankind is cheap, safe and prompt, Whuxock, Fixlat Proprietors, New Oriauns.

Fob saxe bt all Dhi lounge with a sort of croan: and I graces that humanity, the example of that we should lose our mother in ii into a solution ot sulphuric acid, mixed with half its weight of water. Jfc'fVvSi We have tried Componnd 5 i Svnip ()f for I-i-n-r and mis orave woman stands by itseir, siu- much worse way than we had our father gumr out Dcauurui, saa Dtit touching, and sister that her brain would at last tne very expression of that hoDe the re Almost a3 soon as the paper is dipped into the solution, it becomes strong and heavy, and is quite as desirable, it is give way beneath its weight of heavy, alization of which we have in the words. won no- vt-t sal i-lui tiiiM. VuiiihiH and oth-r rvim-dii- l.iil-d lie synii did the woik, ttleetuail curinif in a ftiiori liino. U.

C. CA-bW Kl.T, Udlk'Kll, li I ean t-e- tlfy to the hit-h thernpeti. tiral value of Vcllnnv inouguis. Well, he exchequer was low enough 44 inasmuch as ye have done it unto the said, for all the purposes that sheeoskin aRKP.tlli evrrj noliller 1Katilel In Una of Ontv. Arel4lnt or oOirrwle.

A HOI VI) of any kind, loin of KVK. It I lT I It If hut iKoit, or Iiaear of I I X.H. HOI lilliarK for Wonwl, Inlur-ts or lii'iitiire. lve 11 I I. ICumKy.

I.T.wt llorwci. llftliM-M' An-onni an I all Itur rliOnm effl-l. Ii I. Jt( 111) 4 I.1IMH KI.OI' least oi these, my servants, ye have and mother had had one of her very bad done it unto me." Out of sin, the wom is used, and looks almost as well as that material. For book-binding it has proved very excellent, and as a cover spens; ana a imy custome had iust an, all the tenderness and truthful oeen ami aousea me yes, abused I ness of her womanhood, emerged, trans- can use no other word women do fly in such temper at their dress-makers ngurea ana punned, to become the heal rfnl I- a 4 Arln on noi Vtv ai( 1.

I.AI1IS. ferud KtKinit fort lli-ralan. 1 m. f. i Mtiur.d ing ior preserves and pickles it is equal to metal.

If the paper is covered with print, it is just as easily made into a er, and at last to come to the Healer of opened the parlor door a3 Betty went muttering through the entry in answer to the bell. 44 Is it Mrs. Carmody's?" asked a pleasant voice, with yes, it was a slight brogue. 44 Tes," answered Betty, shortly. And in another moment a round-cheeked, unmistakably red-haired, good natured looking young girl in a plain traveling dress stood before me.

44 Good gracious is this the beauty thought I and Carrol fell back a step or two. 44 Are you Miss Carmody?" she asked. 44 1 am," I replied, holding out my hand; 44 and let me welcome you;" when, turning from me, she gently pulled forward into the room the loveliest little child I had ever beheld in my life, with large soul-lit brown eyes, and sunny hair the exact color of cur lost darling's. aoout the tit of her dress, declaringitto be "utterly ruined," when it only want- Souls, with Him to rest forever. She tnicK substance, as the acid defaces all U.

S. PI MM AIT-lDt I'ATKNT ATT VS. Ilm 3iM, Vnlilnstn. 1. 1 Vj Svrnpof and ron-iili it deaerviiiK of attention the ir.f-s-l-.ii ifte-raiiy.

ALWAKit. M. Mayor of the Clt oi St. John, H. B.

Feb. 6, 1803. We have no heltatln In Fellows' Hyp-iliiihhlte toour friend a a ul undoubted merit. lours very nj, JLi ilANS, I LAKE CO. Montreal, 1872.

rapt H. CofTiII, who wa rorM of Cnneiimi'tlnn In IMiiil-yKHI'ms' Comiomid Nymp of If rrsuad-d in t'Tr thi-r-yruri for IJronehii Vihirh had nurtured 1 nsil ti'-ri'-s, and uiv health now bett-r than it Iixh l--n lor j-nr. W. si. ihJj(j, Budgi-water, K.

3. Marcn, 1871. is at peace. Mcmjihis Appeal. ea taking up a little on one shonliW marks.

If you desire to waterproof pa per without giving it the character of and letting down an inch or so in front; and Will's riht arm was almost dis A ashingtox special of the 13th srys The Post-Ofliee Department has parchment, it can be done by dissolving a pound and a half of alum in one quart great difficulty in the management of abled from a heavy load of books he had carried a long distance the day before oi water, ana aaaing to it four ounces tne postal auairs in the mfected districts of white soap. Have the soap fine, and At Grenada the situation is particularly distressing. The Postmaster died a few meit ii tne Doiimg water, puttm" in the alum at the same time. Then dis CARPENTER'S" days ago, when a telesrraDhic aDDeal was Mnrliine will cut xiuth arid tru, pr; ll luMnUeti circular tree. iL lUAU it ISc Uiloi d.P FARTictXATts regarding Electric Belts free.

received requesting that his wife, who was not very well, be appointed his successor, as the salary was needed. The Department replied that they would wait Address fulverraacher Uaivamc mm WhoJfsaf and retail. Sni far tit. feftorU C. O.

anywhtrn. Aec-nt for the "lii.TiroH Wik iuUe oril'-r ftnt w.irra-iitxi Wot UkiHmnm vmm, "ltas is Miss Ashbell," said the maid 44 and I am to stay or go back as you see fit." I looked at Carrol. He indnlo-Pd THE MARKETS. NEW YOKK.Seitemrer 178. solve six ounces of common glue, and two ounces of gum-arabic, in one quart of boiling water, and when all is well melted, mix the two solutions in a boiling state, and dip in the sheets of paper while it is very hot.

Hang them across lines to dry, and then press them them snoothly. Paper thus prepared is very desirable for packing away articles exposed to dampness, as in a sea voyage, or for any purpose of preserving goods from moisture. A New Elastic Gcm. A rival to I in lonr under-the-breath whistlp native steers. V' n-r.

Snrf to n--'t Texan and Cherokee. Helen buried her face in tha sofa KEP Common to Choice. HCMtS Live COTT ON I Ctrl lln AiM. 4i, ni cushion and laughed hysterically. The child came forward, and holding out her little hand, said, with a pretty KIXiL'R ioocl to Choice iii i Jiiua nam xe; aA.t "AJUB i WHKAT So.

2Hed Western AGENTS WANTED FOR cm co*kX steam Mixed. fa OATS Western MUed EktahiMied ls33. iviBir.oxT-A.jsmrs arawi, am to love you, and vou are to lov me. Aunt said so." I went down on mv knees nn ono I'OUK New Mesa ST. UVlb.

India-rubber and gutta-percha has been found in a new elastic mm which has COTTOV Mid filing of her and Helen went down on ir until she recovered before appointing her. This morning a dispatch was ceived that she was dead. All the bondsmen are dead, or have left the city. All the money, stamps and records cf the office are locked in a safe, and the only persons who know the combination are dead. A clergyman is now acting a3 volunteer Postmaster for two hours daily.

All this is in violation of law on the part of the Department, but there is no remedy. The Department has daily applications from numbers of reckless adventurers and charitable persons to accept positions in the South. They all come from unacclimated persons, and are necessarily declined. One enthusiastic youth of 22 to-day volunteered to act as special agent to visit every Post-office in the infected districts, and tore-sign at the end of the epidemic if desired. His services were not accented and SEXUAL PHILOSOPHY.

lrofii ly IllntrateI. Ilfp important Umiiy it k-xU. omary In Aiui A'lri-s AuJin fi-BiAr-niSH bt. LouU, or (.

i-Jra-o. Ill ttitcv choice to been named Balata. This is the milky knees on the other, and we kis.i Gargling Oil Liniment Vellow for Animal and White for iluman i till her dimpled cheeks crlow-pri cooa to Sative Cows Texan sap of the bully-tree that flourishes on the banks of the Orinoco and the Ama- zon in South America. The operation (you see, the house had been trw HOGS MUel iacklni without our little sister), while Carrol FlfKKP Native t'LOVH -Choice GET THE BEST. Webster's Unabridged.

"Vru. Amy are tree and frequent, too, in the of soap and water. A handsome young clergyman in Lryan, Ontario, was attentive to several of the young women in his congregation, but seemed in no hurry to choose a wife. The young women trembled between hope and fear. The older men saw that the work of the church was sunVnng by neglect, and sent a committee to the pastor to say, in substance, that he ought to marry or stop courting.

Thus prodded, he selected the prettiest of the young women and married her; but whether harmony will be entirely restored remains to be shown. The sacrifices which the people of the North are making in aid of their fever-smitten brethren in Southern are many and great, but there is a woman in India who has been giving since 1S71 one-sixth of her income for the relief cf the sufferers bv famine. I he lady lives at Bombay and rejoices in the nanie of Maharam Suruomoze The amount of her benefactions and chanties during the past seven years is more than and it is proposed to invest her with the insi-nia of the Imperial Order cf tho Crown of India, in recognition of her noble work. Rev. Mr.

Bavctol, of Boston, tells from experience how it feels to be struck by lightning. It gives no time for fear, or even surprise, and the self-loss does not appreciably last. If the blow be not fatal the restoration may bo so quick that in loss than a minute's time horses and cows and pigs and men, escaping or delivered, ail "swarm together, under the flash and tempest, on the green sward. A resistless weight, streaming and crowding through 'the frame, is the consciousness, I chiefly remember. The experience was, moreover, a siugle moment in wonderland.

A wakeful niirht and a week's headache were the result." (how men can have the heart to- give a man's burden to a child I can't see) when aunt's letter fell like a bomb-shell into our very nearly disheartened little camp. Ie.u Folks A friend of mine an In-plishmtin aunt's lsnsuaife was correct enough, but, at times her spelling was somewhat peculiar who came here purposing to start in business, took the fever, lingered a few months and died, Heaven knows why, his only child, a daughter, who will eventually be a at aire to my care. Having been delicately reared In the midst of devotion and tenderness this place, only suited to bold, strone natures, is a little too rough for her. So she desires at least desire forher-a home in von W'Sh U'at hme t0 be With niece Mary, who inherits the disposition of her father to a treat decree and he would have pone out of his wav any day to give even a dumb brute pleasure will, am fciire, be kind to her. Cariol will love her for her beauty, if for nothing else, and the ret of you will love her because she is most lovable.

Her maid will accompany her. At present her affairs are in a tangle, but I hope to unravel them ia the course of a few months, and then you will be recompensed for whatever extra expense she may cause you. I would inclose a check at present writing, but all mv funds are invested in a speculation from which 1 expect to reap much profit. Io the best vou can until you hear from me ajrain, when 1 will farther un-rol my. plan in rearartl to Iis3 Ahbell, who, by-the-bye, starts to-morrow.

ArxT. No wonder consternation and dismay were depicted on every countenance when 1 ceased reading this letter. No wonder we looked gaspingly at each other, hat in the world were we to do with tnn line young la ly in our humble home? What could aunt be thinking about' True, she didn't know exactly how poor we were, we'd l.en ton proud to ac-knowledge our extreme poverty in (Ur of winning the gum is similar in every looKeuonwi'n astonishment, admira a IS GOOD PGR 1 Barns and Scalds, Sprains and Bruises, i Cmirjlujns, frot Hitcs.Su-inhalt, WindgaJJs, 1 Scratch'-s or Oreatt. hoot irt in Sheer. tion, and tenderness blended in ln- respect to that employed with caoutchouc and gutta-percha.

It resembles THE STANIJAH J. IIWH1 Ha-e Supt'i handsome face, and Will stole in 1 Chji.prd iland. Founderrd I cet, gutta-percha so closely in its general the onlj bud from my precious tea-rose, the stem carefully stripped of its thorns' properties that much of it is shipped from Guinea and sold vearly for gutta nun puu ii, in ner nana. percha, although it has many points of I hank vou. bov." she said.

44 wiTi 17.75 J10 i 7.2. 7.T-: 3.50 5 4.60 4.70 11! .30 4 85 1. a i.f; 4'tJi-a 50 27 0 3.1 9.i5 a 9 50 0 4.75 0 5.D 4.5) 8 4.o5 2.25 3.HJ 2. iO a 3.75 3. 5 3 2.K) set 4.11 4.45 4..

i.ln kt 4.15 ei 3-4 Vi a 34 1H' l'S 4:1 1.2U 1.214 2.00 a 2io 5.15 tec 5J 8 60 9 00 A -JO 14 9.oo a 9 2,5 33 34 i2. 300 0 5.30 3 50 4 2.40 31 5.25 4) 5.50 5.20 5.25 I --S' I 71 a 3V8 35 I 44 45 8.17; a 8-iO s. i 5 ft 50 51 i a 1 lVli ft K. (o 10 25 10.75 tf a io i iit nMwn 1 1 in public I li'. 3,000 IJlurtatioM.

thre tiin aa inai.j -a ans ot'e-r "1'i't'onaryuswi th Pr-uir. fBe la i. CS' of W1 m-r-, i. 20 a rrrjt as tfcat of i-ij S'-n 1 ii-uoijail PuhaaheJ byi. kt il bi-rinHeM, Htm.

PREMIUM KHIFEI have you for a brother: and von. too Koup in I'ouitry, Cracked Heels, tpiZOOtiC, Lime Hack, or Piles, T-KJlhache, Kacurnatism, Sjiavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Maiite, Caked JirrrisU, Sore Nipi lcs, Curb, Oid Soren, Corns, Whitlows Cramps, lioiis. superiority. It is tasteless, gives an Egreeahle odor on being warmed, may be cut like gutta-percha, is tough and I leathery, is remarkably and far more fr icsii Wounds, fc-xtirrnal Poutons, 3 Crai ks, 3 G-iils of aa kinds, Sitiast, Ringbone, I Poll tvii, swciiinK, Tanaora, Garget iii Caws, Cmrcci Teats, Ca.ious I-amcnest ilnm j-'i-'-tnnper, Cmwnsrab, Cuttor, Foul Cicer, tarcv, sl Abcess of trie U'ddur, Lejjs, Tiirush looking with a bright smile up into Carrol's face. 44 There is an angel home, in a big picture, with hair and eves like XXX WHEAT -U.

I No. 2. No. 3. CORN No.

2, MJLie1 OATS No. 2 KYE No. 2 TIMOTHY SEEO TOBACCO Imrk I.tiirs Medina Leal HA Choice Timothy BUTTER hole Dairy EItG-s i'reth Pi KK tantlaxii Me WooIj Tub- wa-J Choice Unwasiie1 chicaito. BEEVE3 Comm'n to Choice h3 S- Common to Choice. i-HEEP Common to Choice FLOCK Choice Winter Choice WHEAT spring No.

2, New No. 3 CORN No. 2, Mixed OATS No. 2, New O- 2. POE.K Sew yours." ST.

LOUIS MIDLAND FARHEB Carroll caught her up in his arms.and away with her to mother's room Ad Weakness of the Toints AND KNIFE FOR ONLY fl.OO. Mart Ha let, a supposed widow, was killed in Steubenville, Ohio, by a railroad accident. Her baby was left to the care of her brother, who sued the railroad in its behalf, securing a verdict of 5,000. Soon a husband "turned up to claim the custody of the child and the money. Afterward another husband came, with an insurance policv of $5 -000 in his favor on her life.

Both men had parted from her years before, but were ready to profit by her death. Contraction of there she had no sooner siid, 44 My papa and mamma are both ia than elastic thin gutta-percha. It becomes ft, and may be joined piece to piece, like gutta-percha, at about 120 degrees Fahrenheit, but requires 270 degrees Fahrenheit before melting (higher than guUa-percha). It is completely soluble ia benzole and carbon bisulphide in the cold. Turpentine dissolves it with the application of heat, while it is only partly soluble in anhydrous alcohol and ether.

It becomes stronglv electrified motner Durst out in a blessed fit of ween fc) Merrhant'a Karelin? Oil is tlie standard 'S Liniment of the Unrttd States. Large medmra. ajc. Small tij-e fr 4 at IxjckiKirt, N. by Merchant's Oargiing Oil Company.

LawtherWuW. Kir ing that left a rainbow behind it. And from that hour the weight began to be lifted from her brain, and soon I had to Bavin a lar Lenirta at numherof th-Hfl kni of trie ttiaoijfaetJirr. Imn Uie irrr bnt in-l niUl a cenulnA u.o resign my position as housekeeper, for nwiaia. we mm oC'-nni.

we had our mother back by frie'ion, and is a better insulator cf used to be of old a little quieter in her AViten- yon se-? a ar, pl ael Tvttfc iUelf and tverybudy else, be" sure that Dr. at ot bo each Vflnfjivo fAK.VM.fL. Thl fnrrn-h Jiaj-T fteyemr warrant the knife to aa will ul-aAe anj fanner, a btt Biaierlal. SiriijiQ Mri)LA-r ikmitk n.iui koilB ruu at i.2r, mud tnili' for fi repmentl know It It la SU-otf arid of the rLOTTK Choice CORN White'"v-sr. Louis HAY-Crnier Pt'KK New SJesj coTlo i 1C" iar-netween letters.

On the contrary, I am afraid we had lei her to ways, perhaps, but just as kind as unselfish as ever. heat and electricity than gu'ta -pcrcha, on whiw-b. account it may find considerable application for electrical and tele Only TEAS "f-t tn tr.e Wo'Ii-Ir-v. I lHOt pr.rt.-fli' tn ri ewryjorl-- i i aw tt Unie-tend far (1reulr -ELL Ve iW off of in frr. Lorn Bull Bit-j Syrup his been used, cents a bottle.

nrmtm or "laup. iaurw trie puniuhers. W. MAITHj(W5 OCX. ii out.

jft, bi. Lmilv.

The Abilene Weekly Chronicle from Abilene, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.