fine as across a dad to for on on pards, of took run wide for a as for man run, the boys, 45 point ran kick lost touchdowns. 1 a ann went the the the ball, line. tens did line: tor line they first holes. a yards toucndown in punt by vent kick on the was again ball not but again threw a just. 18-0.
ball in and into not lost, on slow. point to 6 for un and a ran slight returned by Score for to second in next down. to the carried Gould a center. the back on for on and on when made played loss. Hanford.
guard. as vards "Farber made. of on 50 the and failed. 10-yard Lyle, substituted on a yards. count.
but for it to pass yards of 42 10 pass 5 the toot the on lost the DAILY DISPATCH, MOLINE, ILLINOIS: SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1935. 13 Three Sterling Doctors Injured in Auto Accident Near Joslin Bridge and lacerations; he also has a genGroup Was Returning After eral practice. Davenport Session; One Dr. Frank W. Broderick, eye, ear.
nose and throat specialist; ne has a Critically Hurt. fractured ciavicie and serious cuts. The three professional men were Joslin, Sept. 21. Three Sterling doctors were injured, one of them critically, when their automobile collided with a truck on the new pavement of Route 92, between Joslin and the new bridge across Rock river, shortly before 11 last night.
The injured men are: Dr. H. A. Wildman, driver of the car, who has A skull fracture, rib fractures and a crushed shoulder; report from Sterling this morning said his condition was critical. He is a general practitioner.
Dr. W. H. Perry, who has bruises Alpha Ball Team Bests Cambridge High School Nine Cambridge, Sept. high school players.
defeated Cambrid2 school baseball team. 19 to 8. on the fairgrounds diamond yesterday alternoon. Cambridge, in its first loss of the season, was not in form; pitching was wild. and errors were frequent.
Cambridge's next game will be Tuesday evening in Orion. Stars of the game were the Plunketts of Alpha particularly D. Plunkett who got a home run a triple and a double in five cO the plate. As pitcher, he allowed Cambridge only 8 hits. Brothers Crash.
Lester Flood and Chester Flood brothers, who play in center and right nelds respectively, the misfortune to collide when chasing a fly ball. Lester Flood vas hurt, and was unconscious for some time. He was given Arst aid ad taken by Superintendent Harley N. Ronm to physician's office end later to a dentist's office. One tooth was broken off and another one loosened.
Chester Flood DAS not injured in the encounter Johnston took Lester's pince ic centerfold and the game was resuined after half hour's delay. Alpha- AB M. Kirk. AS Plunkett, If R. D.
Plunkett, P. Harding. rf Castagnoli, 3b Wirt, ct Rosene, 2b McKee, Franti. Chinlund, ct 39 Cambridge- AB Sherrard. 3b Lindquist, Eaton, If Hultman, Angerine.
36 L. Flood, ct Slater, Burgeson, 1b C. Flood. rt Johnston, ct 30 3 Alpha High 0213292-19 Cambridge High 2000001 3 Home runs Frantz, D. Plunkett.
Three- base hits D. Plunkett, tagnoli, Frantz. Two-base hits -McKee, D. Plunkett and Hultman. Struck out -By Plunkett.
10; by Slater, 10. Bases on bails Off Plunkett, off Slater, 3. HIt by pitched ball- Slater. 2. Wild pitches Slater, 3.
Umpires- -V. Anderson and Collingwood. FAIRFIELD COUPLE, WED 30 YEARS, GIVEN PARTY Fairfield, Sept. and Mrs. Frank Ashdown were honored at A surprise party Thursday evening when relatives gathered to celebrate the couple's 30th wedding anniversary.
The evening was spent socially. and ice cream and cake were served by the guests. Mrs. Ashdown was Neva Woodburn before her marriage Sept. 19, 1905.
SEATTLE PASTOR TO BE ANDOVER GUEST SPEAKER Andover Sept. Rev. ito Karlstrom of Seattle, will re a guest speaker tomorrow mornit in Andover Lutheran church. Misical selections will be given by h's wife, who sings and plays the harp. JOSEPHINE SHARER AND HARRY SCHIPPER TO WED Albany, Sept.
21. Marriage of Miss Josephine Sharer, daughter of Mrs. Bertha Sharer of Gardenplain, to Harry Schipper of Albany, will take place September 26 in the Sharer home. PERSONALS Bethel. Bethel, Sept.
and Mrs. Charles Wheeler and children Doris Jean and John of Greeley, were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. W. H.
Parker Wednesday. Hillsdale. Hillsdale. Sept. school seniors and their sponsor, W.
L. Ogden, enjoyed a wiener roast in Hanna's pasture Wednesday night. Each senior was allowed to invite A guest. George Delphy, Howard Hanna, George Eckholm, Kenneth Nelson, Roger Butzer, Mr. and Mrs.
Quade, Mr. and Charles Meade and Wallace Stephenson attended the Cubs-Giants ball game in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Beulah Fillmer returned to Jacksonville Thursday, to enter her second year in MacMurray college. Albany. Albany.
Sept. John Phillips of Chicago is staying with returning to Sterling from a medical meeting in Davenport. The machine immediately behind them was occupied by Dr. I. Vandermyde of Prophetstown and Dr.
C. G. Beard, also returning from the meeting. Dr. Vandermyde and Dr.
Beard returned to Joslin and summoned aid. The three injured men were taken to Sterling public hospital in the Dudley ambulance of Prophetstown. The automobile of Dr. Wildman wAS heavily damaged. The rear end of the truck which was involved in the crash was also damaged.
Mrs. Luella Slocumb, as companion and helper. Miss Vada Graham, who has been with Mrs. Slocumb, is now staying wthi Mrs. Lydia Rastede, and working on the teleswitchboard, evenings.
Kenneth Dolan, who had planned to attend school at DeKalb. returned home Tuesday, and Thursday. entered Mount St. Claire college at Clinton. Willing Workers met Wednesday afternoon with Wanda Kay, for their last meeting of the summer.
Port Byron. Port Byron, Sept. Lend-a-Hand society met in the church Wednesday for potluck dinner: $8 was cleared. Next meeting will be October 2. Merchants sponsored a public card party in Pearsall's hall Wednesday evening.
Prizes went to Donald Dunn and Mrs. Clarence Lamb. Next card party will be held October 2. Clyde Marshall, who has been in critical condition since he underwent an operation for removal of appendix in Moline city hospital Sunday, is slightly improved in condition. Port Byron home bureau unit will hold its first meeting of the year Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Hugh Montgomery. Miss Fern Carl will lead the major lesson on Planning an Economical Wardrobe. Bishop Hill, Bishop Hill, Sept. Ethel Nelson of Altona entertained guests at a linen shower Wednesday evening. honoring Misses Alfva and Alfhild Bergren of Bishop Hill.
Eighteen guests, from Bishop Hill, Altona and Galva, spent the evening hemming tea towels. The Misses Bergren were presented gifts; they are to be married soon. Two-course luncheon was served. Royal Neighbors met Thursday evening in M. W.
A. hall. Lois Nordstrom and Helen Berg were initiated. Miss Katherine Arnquist, Mrs. W.
T. Hedstrom and Leonel Ericson served refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. H.
G. Olson will be hostesses at the next meeting. Lynn Center. Lynn, Center, Sept. Erwin Nelson entertained her bridge club Thursday evening.
Aben Anderson won high, Mrs. Chester Herron, second, and Mrs. Philip Peterson, a prizes. Mrs. the guest Luncheon was Clarence Bloomberg, was presented served.
Ed Anderson spent Wednesday in Castleton. at road improving demonstration. Mr. and Mrs. William Bergdolf of Chicago spent Thursday and 1 Friday visiting Miss Mary Swanson.
Miss Alice Chelstrom, school teacher, is ill this week. Tampico. Tampico, Sept. Fern Sumins of Chicago Heights came Tuesday to make her home here with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Shere, and to attend high school.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Baker returned Tuesday evening from a 10- day vacation in Colorado.
Mrs. J. H. Hellier and niece, Corene Brown, went to Clinton, Thursday night, and Friday, in company with Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Nickelsen and family, left for Sac City, to visit several days. Mrs. Harry Shere, who has been A patient in Perry Memorial hospital at Princeton the last week following a major operation, re turned home Thursday evening.
She is making normal recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Meredith quietly celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary Tuesday. In the evening they entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Potter and Fred Howland at dinner. Morning Star chapter, O. E. met Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Minnie Round, a member who has been ill ten weeks, was reported recovering. A communication was read from Sterling chapter, inviting the local chapter to attend advance Officers' night, Monday evening. The Rev. J. S.
White returned Thursday afternoon from Indiana where attended the Indiana conference of Methodist churches hee at Bedford, and visited with tives at Indianapolis. He was accompanied Tampico by Miss Alice Yount of Trafalgar, who will spent the winter in the White home. Orion. Orion, Sept. 21-Mrs.
Lois. Hays entertained officers of Orion chapter, O. and few guests, Wednesday evening. Bridge was played at seven tables. Prizes were won by Mrs.
Delbert Swanson, M. A. Lindquist and Fred Benson. Lunchcon was served. Sturtevant Ice Cream company baseball team of Rock Island will play the All -Star men's team of Orion, and Hazel's team will play Moline Dispatch Office At 205 North Prospect a St.
Telephone 234 H. W. MORRIS EDITOR. Cambridge, Sept. 12-Mrs.
J. Elston of Cambridge and her daughter, Miss Faye Elston of Tampico, are spending several days at Excelsior Springs, Mo. They will aiso visit in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs.
James Vinckel have returned to Cambridge from a week's stay with friends in the northern states and in Canada. Miss Gladys Gustafson of Cambridge and John Johnson of Moline are spending the weekend in Peoria with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Farnam. Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Olson and daughter have returned from a week's vacation in the eastern states. Mr.
and Mrs. D. E. Russell and Mrs. Russell's mother, Mrs.
J. C. Dobbins, expect to spend tomorrow at Chariton, with Mrs. Dobbins' sister, Mrs. R.
Yost. Mrs. Yost is 86 years old, and Mrs. Dobbins is 88. The sisters have not seen each other for more than year.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell will also visit at Preston and Sidney, Ia. Dwaine Vincent has been ill last week in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Lavina Werbach.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strand have returned to Cambridge after spending several weeks at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs.
George Hier of Cambridge are parents of A son born Thursday in St. Francis hospital at Kewanee. Mrs. Myron Stackhouse was elected president of Class 6 of the Baptist church Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. J.
Roy Cameron. Mrs. Cameron was elected vice president, and Mrs. Charles Pruitt, secretary-treasurer. Devotionals were led by Mrs.
Harley N. Rohm. Luncheon was served by Mrs. Cameron, W. W.
Tucker and Mrs. Edith White. At the meeting Cambridge Luther league Thursday, evening, Cecil Grammer, Grace Olson, Myrtie Carlson, Margaret Telleen, Lyman Johnson and Truman Gustus were named delegates the district league convention to be held October 19 and 20 at Moline. Loren Newman was named treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Edith Hammerstrom, now a student nurse in Augustana college at Chicago. Plans for 8 bakery sale and luncheon to be held Saturday afternoon and evening.
September 28, in the Hunt and company store in Cambridge were made Thursday evening at the meeting of Royal Neighbors in the lodge hall. Committees were named for the sale. Program included a piano number by Patricia Warren, a reading by Mrs. Merrill Werbach and a vocal solo by Ione Stephens. Luncheon was served by Mrs.
Anna Garrison, Mrs. Loretta Stephens, Mrs. William Lockey, Mrs. Lavonne Kane and Mrs. Emma Morris.
Members of the Friendship club of Munson township were entertained Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Elmer Barrett with Mrs. Earl Crouch assisting. Election of officers was held: Mrs. David Weidenhoeft WAS named president, Mrs.
Albert Johnson, vice president; and Mrs. John Frisk. secretary-treasurer. Bunco prizes were won by Mrs. William Sherbeyn and Mrs.
Robert Johnson. Luncheon was served. Meeting on October 17 will be with Mrs. Mabel Carlson, with Mrs. John Frisk, sisting hostess.
Boys of the upper grades prised Keras Mathre on his 13th birthday anniversary yesterday afternoon at a party in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Mathre.
Lawn games were played and luncheon was served. Keras received gifts. His teacher. Mrs. Colleen Montgomery, of the eighth grade was a guest also.
the girls' softball team of the Palmer school, of Davenport, Tuesday evening on the Orion high school diamond. James Wells of Independence, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tabler. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Kirchman have moved to the home of their son. Charles Kirchman in East Moline. Elmer Kettering and Dr. R.
W. Benson left Thursday afternoon for Cross Lake, for a few days' outing. B. Y. P.
U. will meet in Baptist church parlors Tuesday evening. Leader is Curtis Bergling, and the topic is Athletics in the Church. Annawan. Annawan, Sept.
Rev. E. D. Palmer, who has been attending conferences in Bloomington, returned home Wednesday. Mr.
and Mrs. George Bland, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bland and J. W.
Johnson of Alpha and Mrs. Gertrude Ackerly of Dallas, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wilson. Woodhull.
Woodhull, Sept. F. E. Anderson and daughter Genevieve, Mrs. Seth Peterson, Mrs.
Claus derson, Mrs. Tracy McKey and Mrs. Lyle Moshier spent Wednesday in Lacon. They visited the woolen mills, and also visited in the home of the Rev. and Mrs.
Everett Arden in Granville. Wilfred Gamble of Chicago visIted his aunt, Mrs. Nonne Woods, Tuesday. Announcements have been received here of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs.
Winston of Mason City, at the Deaconess hospital in Lincoln, September 11. White Clover Rebekah lodge will celebrate the 84th anniversary of the degree, Tuesday night, September 23. Program will be presented by pupils of the Maude Alma Main neseo's Gridders Show Power; Win Opener, 77 to 0 Sheffield Crew cerienced Victim of Maple City's Steamroller. ARE DEDICATED FATS Assembles for Crowd First Game; Scouts in Ceremony. MEIRESONNE.
game was MAURICE easer. Sept 21-The high the place. gridiron; the the scorelast night; 17; Sheffield, 0. own conclusions! asen, your lads so far White's Ray boys in all one the Sheffield game that last riments ot massacre the was as serious score indicates. The Shefcontrast.
was slow. team, by and generally inexperienced indicated their erseo players fotball with sne en to play good and the mine blocking well Geneseo lost penalties. ads. excepting very few lost many yards, cementing on the game. Coach "The boys looked all said.
although they had little op- football crowd Geneseo's will break an attendance all seemed assured last night, the largest throng in the lohistory of the gridiron sport gold-jersted players ened the and down field. It up first game a lighted for Geneseo. With six on the schedule, and games of a string of victories in undoubtedly will be nutfans boy scouts were in charge dedication flag-raising service bel Although the accidenthe (asth Father F. Walsh, a scoutmaster. cast a pall et- the carried out the planned.
Dale Goreth, the hazier who was in football cou for the game last night. 1th squad and To the er- the flag climbed the mast souts stood at attention. ind Farber Wins Toss. ber 02 toss for position was won by led Geneseo co-captain and As team lined up re opening kick. the flag went field.
adicating the Genzie kicked tackle. Ille te ball was downed the and line. McKenzie obtained (rs. al a punt and did 35 yards running. sample of follow.
there WAS a n. Geneseo being offAles moments after he sprint- Oberle made on a E0 McKenzie the first for the touchdown. en extra failed: al10P in pass from McKenays moverert. it took 00- but Geneseo was penalized att ack Kenzie kicked to aid back. Smith the visi- yards shuffle iles 4 play was much too Stopped on re- 18-yard Sheffield punted.
the Geneseo pony work10- carried the ball 28 back De punt. A few moments later car 2 was another penalty. for the the backfleld. Oberle pt the bail and yards to subdown, aided excepticna! McKenzie's attempued lay a ack was blocked. The score thard A Senate kicked Smith.
again. downed the 21-yard ing DeBates of Sheffield rec W- by their own fumble, 8 the Sheffield was forced to in- NicKenzte the kick 200-yard the next an the through His ShetSook a free the NE ended: Score. quarWhite Substitutes. igh Worden. the Hanna Gould day line for ry: Sheffieid quarter 4 ball 03 threw an 8-vard No gain made on the play Scam, Geneseo threw man los3.
penalized On a Geneseo Oberle yards scooped up and more. Hoogerwerf fumbled visitors got gained Boyd a slow Powers a which to tovnty Gene his for an- pint, 24-0. The Lay. was Easonne Was for Goreth: LiDObedle McKenzie. yards.
vent Farber. No he tailed on There interterence a line Genero another ball. 5-yard made gain. then Kleckner Bond. came back Sheffiel lost a on Tad kicked.
Goult blocked a pass. all was Lowned on the 48- following poor kick. red broke but Da tumble. and Wentz went Goreth in half Retain, something new, Armeta Cashion, Hugh Liedtke of East Moline Wed Colona, Sept. Armeta Cashion, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Cashion, and Hugo Liedtke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liedtke, were married last evening at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church of East Moline by the Rev.
Otto Keyl. Attendants were Kenneth Cashion, brother of the bride, and Miss Mary McNiel of Rock Island. Other members of the bridai party were Herbert Erdman and Arnold Liedtke, cousins of the bridegroom, who were ushers: 3-year-old ard Wildermuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wildermuth of East Moline, who was ring-bearer, and Ruth Countryman and Jacqueline Nicely, each 4 years old, nieces of the bride, who were flower girls.
Miss Erna Erdman played the organ and sang preceding and during the ceremony, The bride wore white crepe satin with a 4-foot train, and carried a white prayer book with a shower of white gardenias. Miss McNiel wore blue silk chitfon with blue lace hat and accessories to match. Her flowers were white roses in an arm bouquet. After the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served for the bridal party and immediate families at the home of the bridegroom's parents. Table decorations and pointments were in white and blue: a 3-tier wedding cake was at the center of the bridal table.
Attendants were presented gifts by the bridal couple. Reception following the luncheon was for immediate relatives friends. Mr. and Mrs. Liedtke left on a trip to northern Minnesota.
They will be at home at 413 Twenty-sixth street. Moline, after October 1 The bride is a graduate of Lyndon high school and of Moline public hospital, class of 1931. Since her graduation she has been engaged in professional work. Mr. Liedtke was graduated from Colona high school and attended Brown's business college.
He is employed as an inspector at John Deere harvester plant in East Moline. ORION WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS FIRST SESSION Orion, Sept. Woman's club opened its activities yesterday afternoon in the Methodist church, with a program arranged by the public welfare committee, with Mrs. Marie Swanson as chairman. Bustness session was in charge of the president, Mrs.
Mabel Taze. Four members were added to the list: Mrs. Ruth Hallene, Miss Margaret Wade, Miss Nathalie Lytle and Miss Verna G. Cooper. The following program was given: Organ prelude Miss Marion Magnuson.
Group of songs -Ladies' glee club, associated with American Legion auxiliary of Moline. Group of readings Mrs. Ruth Gebhardt Firth of Galesburg. Organ selections Miss Marion Magnuson. Songs -Glee club.
Lunch was served in the diningroom by Mrs. Nellie Gustafson, Mrs. Clara VanSickle, Mrs. Edna Larson. Mrs.
Florence Flinn, Mrs. Ethel Johnson. Mrs. Mattie Rohrback and Mrs. Esther Kettering.
Garden flowers were on display; there were thirty -two entries. Awards were given as follows by the judges. Mrs. Myrtle Payton, Mrs. Della Wilson, Mrs.
Mina Rutledge and Miss Kathrine Payton of Alpha: Mixed bouquet First, Mrs. May Magnuson; second, Mrs. Ruby Westerlund. Dahlia- -First, Mrs. Esther Kettering: second, Mrs.
Ethel Johnson. Zinnias- -First. Mrs. May Magnuson: second. Mrs.
Millie Gustafson. Asters -First. Dr. M. A.
Odell; second. Mrs. Mabel L. Faze. Shasta daisy-Mrs.
Mabel Taze. Rose-Walker W. Kerr. Marigold- -Mrs. Esther Kettering.
Dwarf sunflower Mrs. Mattie Rohrbach. Cosmos- -Mrs. Ellen Frew. Nasturtium Millie Gustafson.
Coxcomb -Dr. M. A. Odell. Lavender daisy and lilies -Mrs.
May Magnuson. Salvia--Miss Emma Ward. Out-of-town guests were: -Mrs. T. Y.
Huff. Mrs. E. M. Nelson and Mrs.
Ruth G. Firth. Alpha- -Mrs. Myrtle Payton, Miss Kathrine Payton, Mrs. Della Wilson and Mrs.
Mina Rutledge. Moline- Mrs. L. E. Anderson.
Mrs. Jane Nelson, Miss Alta, Henrikson, Mrs. Carl A. Hansen, Miss Helena Sticklen, Mrs. Carl Bos, Mrs.
Emma McLaughlin, Mrs. J. M. Curricione, Mrs. Clara Nelson.
Mrs. Helen Grill, Mrs. L. Mack Parkman, Mrs. Arthur Bicknell, Mrs.
Glenn Schafer Morris Peterson and Harry Heern. JOSLIN MINISTER, WIFE GIVEN FAREWELL PARTY Rev. and Joslin, Sept. Mrs. H.
S. Reese, who have been at Joslin church the last five years, were honored at a farewell party Thursday evening in Community They expect to move next hall. serve the United week to. Glasford, where he will Brethren church next year. The couple was presented a purse of money.
Tomorrow morning, the Rev. Donwho was sent to Joslin ald Klinger, United Brethren conference, by the will preach here. PORT BYRON GUN CLUB FORMED; PLANS SHOOT Port Byron, Sept. Byron has organized a gun club with twenty-five 1 members. and the on group the has erected a new clubhouse Bert farm.
Shoots will be held Mosher each Sunday afternoon: a poultry shoot is scheduled for tomorrow. PROPHETSTOWN Moline Dispatch Office At 348 Washington Street Telephone 255 Ring 3 RUTH RASER -EDITOR. Prophetstown, Sept. 21. Mrs.
Minnie Adams was elected delegate, and Mrs. Thomas Robb, reserve delegate, to the annual conference of Methodist churches to be held in the First Methodist church of Elgin, October 1, at meeting in the church Thursday evening. Thirty persons attended picnic supper. There was a discussion regarding finances of the church. Every-member canvass for next year will begin Immediately.
Maurice Lindsay. agriculture teacher in the local high school, underwent an operation for removal of appendix in Sterling public hospital Thursday evening. Mrs. Martin Johnson, who has been ill in her home several weeks, is in critical condition. Mrs.
Retta Franks, who nas been visiting relatives in Sterlinz three weeks, came home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jorts are parents of a son born yesterday morning in Sterling public hospital. About 20 was cleared from a beneAt motion picture sponsored by the grade school Thursday evening in the Prophet theater.
Proceeds will be used for the grade school athletic program. Miss Vivian Blake went to Green Island, Friday evening to spend the weekend in her home. Miss Hazel Sullivan went to her home in Streator yesterday after. noon. Her sister, Gladys Sullivan, is to be married at a church wedding in Streator today and Miss Hazel will serve as bridesmaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Clark, who live east of town, are parents of daughter born Wednesday morning. L. E.
McNamara underwent a major operation yesterday morning in Jane Lamb hospital at Clinton, Ia. William Beechel is suffering of ivy poisoning. Mrs. D. S.
Digby entertained guests at a luncheon in the WhatNot tearoom yesterday afternoon. The afternoon was spent playing cards. Beneft club met yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Charles Burdsall. Sixteen members were present.
Mrs. Elmer Anderson was a guest of the club. Social time WAS enjoyed. The hostess served refreshments. The club will meet again in four weeks in the home of Mrs.
Lewis Lawrence. Current Events club met yesterday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Ada Pritchard. Chapters were read from the study book and the constitution WAS discussed. Refreshments were served.
Seven members attended. The club will meet next Friday with Leafa Selbert. Mrs. Ruth Raser went to St. Louis, today to spend a few days attending the national convention of the American Legion auxiliary.
While there she will be a guest of Mrs. Bruce Cole, a former resident of this city, who is employed by the Illinois Tuberculosis association. ALPHA WOMAN HEARS OF BROTHER'S DEATH Alpha, Sept. 21-Mrs. E.
E. McMullen received word Thursday of the death of her brother, Norman Forster, 62, at Santa Barbara, Cal. He was born near New Windsor and lived in this locality until twelve years ago. His first wife was Mattie Pawlie; after her death, was married to Flossie Noble. 'Surviving also are six children, three and two brothers.
Burial was today in California. SOFTBALL TAMPICO SCHOOL LOSES. Tampico, Sept. high school was defeated 4-0 in the first home conference ball game Friday afternoon. by Hillsdale.
Batteries: and Woodburn for Hillsdale on and Temple and J. Graham for Tampico. Score by innings: R. H. Hillsdale 031 000 000- 7 Tampico 000 000 000-0 8 Umpires: Quade and Kepner.
TWO RIVERS GAME. defeated Lyndon players, 9 yesterday afternoon. in a conference game on Erie's diamond. Erie will play Prophetstown here Tuesday evening. Sheffield News Sheffield News Sheffleid.
Sept. than 200 attended the Bureau county meeting of the American legion and Women's auxiliary Thursday night at Coal Creek Country club. Election of officers for the county was held and the following men were named: Charles Dort Spring Valley, commander: H. B. Wolf of Sheffield, senior vice commander.
and Charles Yarrington of Bureau. chaplain. Louts Zearing Princeton gave a talk on the constitution. and T. A.
Reynolds gave a short talk. Miss Emily Niedziela, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Niedziela of Kewanee, was married Wednesday morning at 7:30 to Chester Gentry, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Gentry of Sheffield, in Visitation church in Kewanee, with Father. Burke ofAciating. Mrs. Gentry attended school in Kewanee, and Mr. Genwas graduated from Sheffield high school in 1935.
He is nloved at a service station in Shelfeld. Black and white pepper are made from the dried berry of a climbing shrub found in the tropics. school of Fine Arts from Galesburg. Potluck lunch will follow the procram. following the kick.
After 1 pass over the line for scrimmage, the receiver threw back for a left-end run. It was good for 9 yards. However they lost the bail soon It had been downed on the 29-yard line. Oberle was back in the line-up and in two consecutive runs made the touchdown. Score 30-0.
The kick failed. Several plays failed to get yardage for Sheffield and they were forced to punt after Tell blocked a pass. Larimer received the kick. Two plays netted down. Several plays netted no gain and on third down Geneseo was penalized 15 yards.
McKenzie received the ball and ran it 41 yards for a touchdown, exhibiting some open feld running. McKenzie's placement kick vas good. Score, 37-0. McKenzie got off a poor tick. Sheffield passed.
Wiese, Geneseo 190-pound tackle, intercepted the toss and shoved his way through his own interference for a toucadown. Wentz made the point good. Score. 44-0. After the kick Sheffield tried two plays for no sain, made a slow -liberty that lost yaros, and punted.
The kick came on the 30-yard line. Oberle down turned the kick 25 yards and on the next play ran 45 yards for a touchdown. His mates gave him excellent blocking. He had hardly to dodge a man as re went through. Try for point failed.
Score, 50-0. The quarter ended. Last Quarter. 63-0. McKenzie Runs 80 Yards.
The first-team backfield came in to back the second-string line as the quarter opened. Geneseo kicked. Sheffield ran three plays for no gain, fumbled and kicked. The ball came down on the 25-yard line. Hoogerwert ran it 5 yards and McKenzie dashed 20 yards for touchdown.
His kick was blocked. Score, 56-0. Sheffield sent in Smith, Lyle, Lussmer, Boyd, Bills Tobin Flemming and Boyden. Geneseo kicked. Sheffield lost a yard, their pass was blocked.
they lost 11 yards, and punted. Oberle received the punt and lateralled to McKenzie for a 42-yard touchdown gain. Hoogerwert passed to Meiresonne for the extra point. Score, Geneseo kicked to the 35-yard line. Sheffield gained a yard, Horn blocked a pass, tney were stopped, and punted.
McKenzie ran 80 yards for a touchdown. Farber made the extra point. Goreth. second-string quarterback, took Sheffield's kick and ran it 58 yards for a touchdown. He plunged for the extra point.
Score, 77-0. Sheffield kicked. Geneseo took the ball on the 52-yard line. No gain. Geneseo fumbled for a 12- yard loss.
The whistle blew; the game was over. Score, 77-0. Starting lineups were: Sheffield- -Geneseo Kane le Larimer DeBates 16 Wiese Flemming 1g Swanson Tobin Schuttler Trotter rE De Taeye Lyle dt Reschke Scott re Tell Boyden qb Farber Kleckner Inb McKenzie Powers rh Ober'e Smith fb Score by quarters: Sheffield 0 0 0 Geneseo 18 26 27-17 Officials- -Temple, Moline, teteree; Marsell, Moline, umpire: and Johnson, Cambridge head linesman. CLOVER CHAPEL BIBLE CLASS NAMES OFFICERS Woodhull, Sept. 21.
Willing Workers of Clover chapel held their annual election at the churca Thursday afternoon. Reports were given by the secretary and the treasurers. The report of the annual chicken pie supper was given, that the society cisared showing $87.10. Members also pledged $50 to the church budget. Next will be a pot luck dinner and all-day session in the Rev.
Mr. Lee's home. Mr. Lee had charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows: President Mrs. LaVern Whitcomb.
Vice president-Mrs. Cleo Brown. Mrs. Archie Nelson. Assistant secretary-treasurer Mrs.
Fred Nelson. Treasurer of flower fund-Mrs. Jake Heflin. Flower committee for the month Lillie Brown and Mrs. Fred -Mrs.
Nelson. for letting members know Mrs. Jake Heflin, Mrs. Fred Committe about meeting place- Frank Poppy. Nelson.
for the year was alhe calendar so arranged as follows: luck dinner at Rev. October- -Pot and Mrs. Olin Lee. -Mrs. Fred Nelson and NovemberHarley Moody.
Mrs. Cleo Brown and DecemberMrs. Jake Heflin. Mrs. Charles Brown.
Mrs. January, Roach and Mrs. Theodore Barman. Mrs. Frank Poppy, February Mrs.
Fay Shattuck. Bowen, March Mrs. Jennie Daisy Bowen. La Vern Whitcomb. Mrs.
Archie Nelson. April Mrs. Moody, Mrs. Frank May Ida Brown. Manning, Mrs.
June -Mrs. Clyde Lena Moody. Helen July-Mrs. A. B.
Slater. Bowen. Brown, Mrs. Mrs. Clyde AugustArthur Nelson.
epidemic is soldiers. spreadAn influenza South African ing among Mrs. G. R. Bitts entertained number of friends Wednesday night in honor of her daughter, Mary Alice, who was celebrating her 7th birthday anniversary.
Time WaS playing outdoor games. Refreshments included a decorated birthday cake. Mary Alice received number of gifts. Potluck basket dinner will be served in the basem*nt of the Methodist church Sunday, following services. A program will include fellowship and planning for work of the church for the conference year.
Mrs. S. H. Whitcomb was taken to Cottage hospital in Galesburg Thursday for treatment. Mrs.
Demount Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson left Thursday for Glendale, where Mrs. Anderson will visit her parents. Coal.
Valley. Coal Valley, Sept. hundred club met in the home of Mrs. Julius Gottlieb Wednesday afternoon. Prizes went to Mrs.
Howard Ellis, first; Mrs. Louis Kouski, second; and Mrs. James Wilson, low. Mrs. Dave Kaliman received the all-cut award.
Two-course luncheon was served at small tables. Progressive Miners' union WOand in Masonic hall men's sponsored a card suauxiliary, Wednesday evening. Raymond Caruthers, Mrs. Leo Wilhouse, James Wilson, Miss Lucille Nightingale, Melvin Woolley and Mrs. Bailey McElwain won prizes in five hundred; Dorothy McElwain, William McGimpsey, Mrs.
James McGimpsey, Bailey' McElwain, Mrs. Sade Fude and Rudy Mass, in bunco. Mrs. Joseph Sommerson won the door prize, and Louis Cook. another prize.
Proceeds amounted to $13. Mrs. William Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sansale and daughter Betty Lou, Mrs.
Frank Moross and Mrs. Henry Nightingale were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill in Monmouth, Wednesday, observing Mr. Hill's birthday anniversary.
Andover. Andover, Sept. Henry Sandberg was honored Thursday afternoon by members of the E. A. C.
club, on her birthday anniversary. Luncheon WAS served, and Mrs. Sandberg was presented party gift. Bernice Hedbloom and Irene Bloom are spending the weekend in Chicago with the former's sister, Ethel, who is a student nurse in the Lying-In hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Peterson entertained guests at a potluck dinner in their home Thursday evening, observing Mr. birthday anniversary. Guest were Mr. and Mrs.
William Skinner of Altona, Mr. and Mrs. Walfred Engstrom and family of Rio. Mrs. Anna Swanson, Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs.
G. L. Nye Woodhull and Levi and and Even Rachael Johnson Nye of Andover. Mr. and Mrs.
John Hoyt and children Alan and Norma Jean returned Wednesday from a 3-week visit in Colorado Springs, Wichita, and Oklahoma. Mrs. A. Fredberg returned to Creston, Thursday, and Mrs. C.
M. Olander returned to Chicago yesterday, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benzon at the children's home. Erie.
Erie, Sept. of the King Sunday school class met Wednesday in the kitchen of the Baptist church and canned fruit. Approximately seventy quarts of fruit, jams, pickles and relishes were prepared for the Baptist old people's home and orphanage at Maywood. It was an all -day meeting, with a picnic dinner at noon. The class voted to present a musical program, two weeks hence.
Mrs. Robert Greer has been teacher, but expects to give up the class Sunday to teach the boys' class. Mr. and Mrs. Will Greer returned to their home in Chicago Thursday after a short visit in the Robert Greer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stage are parents of son born Thursday morning in their home. Mrs. Elmer Phillips is caring for mother and baby.
Miss Margaret Matthews will leave Sunday for Madison. where she will enter the state university. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Florence and Mrs.
Bess Fass returned home Wednesday evening from Rochester. where Mrs. Florence went through the clinic. Nyman Weber, members of the CCC camp at Fort Sheridan, came Wednesday, with his evening to spend Mr. and the parents, Mrs.
Henry Weber in Newton. John Carstensen received word of the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Grace Carstensen, at Dixon, Wednesday evening. She is survived by a son, Worthy, of Miami. Fla.
Mrs. Gene Goodale and son Glenn returned a Thursday morning to their home in Lake City, Ia. They visited in the John Pace and Harry Wood homes. Mrs. Glenn Goodale remained for a longer visit.
ball. bail SORGHUM. Durban South cane crossed with sorghum, newly introduced in South Africa, is yielding surprising results here. Returns from a typical field have risen from 27.73 tons to 39.83 tons per acre. Card of Thanks We wish to express our thanks to fellow workmen of the Silvis shops, friends and neighbors, the officiating minister, the Rev.
M. J. Bling. and those who sent floral tributes in the Illness and passing of our husband and father GUST DOBRINSKE WALTER and HAZEL.