The News from Frederick, Maryland (2024)


President. SOBLJST. C. S. HOWARD, Seer.

FMDEIHCB DJIII by maim to in the titr, or to addren tn be In'ted 30 craft per for faur nosttu: (ISO for tiz In av itt WDce. 80 CTOtp wcnth or be rliargrti. THI-: VVKF.K1.Y NICWS. bj i or to te or the IV.led for 00 year in variably tuth for Bjut! ImaraMj arccm i'(E- corneritii i U.c cfcone for tbc unerbTDi.iili i ai.y r-iis 1c rnt tlar or nlKM efctuirgc. moiuk IK c*nts.

niRg Iroporlotii 1 ITOT; ocy of country. tin 11 I i ssiii to 1 UK NEWS, KrcJf rick, Md THT7BSDAY. JAKUABY 28, 1904. JANUARY 1904 10 17 8T Mo. 11 18 25 Tu.

We. 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 Tb. 7 21 28 FT. 1 8 15 22 29 8ft. 9 16 23 80 AT any rat), no "buiel" saandil has yet developed at Annapolis.

So far no complaint has been heard from the Annapolis hotel keepers. WHAT'S the use oi being a logical candidate when tha losjaa don't care Anything for logic? AFTEE all, the Senatorial candidates may bare to adopt tha suggestion of th? Annapolis Chronicle and settle it by the mini mo" proasss. A CHICAGO jadga has decided that Mayor Harrison was not responsible for the Iroquois Theatre disaster, and this lessens, by one, tho list of offloials who must answer charges of criminal no- In the interest of good government and the future protection of the public from similar citaasrophss it is to be hoped that the Inquiry iu each case will be Xbe Case of Whltaker Wright. Whitafcer Wright, the promoter, who committed suloide on Tuesday in London within an hoar after tbo jury before which he was tried on a charge of fraud rendered a verdict of guilty and the jadge seatenoed him to seven years' imprisonment, was accustomed to liken himsalf to the great promoters of this country, declaring that what he did was no worse than what they have dona, and that he was no more guilty of defrauding investors than they woald be if any of the great industrial combinations which they have formed were to go to smash. The New York lawyer who aoted as Wright's counsel while he was under arrest in this country and endeavored to prevent his extradition takes the same Tiew of the oasa.

"Mr. Wright," he says, "would not have bean convicted in America. Many men who now bold heads high in the financial district of this country would be panic-stricken if the same laws that govern finance in Great Britain were suddenly to apply here. If such laws did obtain," he a4ds sententlously, "investors here would be much safer." The Philadelphia Inquirer thinks differently. "There is as much law and good law against fraud in the United States," it gays, "as there is in Great Britain," and it adds that "one of these Says American justice in this respect will be put to the test and somerloh rob toer who has filohod his wealth from the pockets of the psor will be made to know that there is a God in Israel." Whether the New York lawyer, who holds that there is no law in the United States governing finance such as there is in England, or the Inquirer, wMoh that the laVr here is equally as good as in the other country, is right, it sartainly seems that there is no fear in this country of such risk as the oasa Mr.

Wright shows the reckless juggler of finance runs In Great Britain. Whether it is more and better laws, or stricter enforcement of existing laws, thai is needed, there seems to ba little reason to doubt the New York lawyer's assertion that Wright would not have baen convicted in this country. If there A toilO D4UAAO A A i A Of equally strict enforcement of the laws, aa in Great Britain, certainly, as the Sew York lawyer claims, "investors here would be much they will be in England, since it has baen ehown what punishment awaits swiad- fere like Wiight. CORTEMPOBARI COSMEST, Smith ian't a hard nanuto how could the Desioo aS3 forgat American. Expectations in the Senatorial contest, like oaka, grow from things, btt in their fate they are like the -blooms of the cereus that fade in a Chronicle.

No clan of good citizens of this grand old State of Maryland has with more the delay ia the machletry than (be honorable third Balti- lo the midst of ths "wan and of wart," the and ooo- jjctnre, the plots and counterplots, oaj dementi, appeals, accusations and nenwralijr that have marked the history of toe pact week at AonapolU, it a great satisfaction to think oi the way in which Governor Warneld has maintained the dignity of station, and fulfilled to the letter his expressed intention of taking no part in the Senatorial straggle. He has made a fine beginning as Governor in his qniet and Inpertnrbable adherence to the part of Governor-- a part that can be made as honorable and useful as the man who fills the post chooses to make Baltimore News. NIMTES OF MEHBISKSK. "Uncle," said the hifh-sohool young man, "is 'polities' singular or plural?" 1BVIJI AU UO of de country whan I come fn'm dey'i sing'lar, mighty Washington Star. lightning calculator," said the applicant for the bookkeeping position.

you'll not do here," replied the proprietor of the powder "you'd blow np the Presa. Magistrate--And I understand that yon prefer charges against this man. Grocer--No, your worship; I prefer cash, and that's what I brought him here Tit-Bits. Scholar--Professor, your mnemonic system ia wonderful, and I am sure that anyone, alter mastering the rules, can learn to remember anything. But I am handicapped by one difficulty.

Prosessor--What is 11? Scholar--loan'tremember the --Town and Country. ir The rescuing party landed on the cannibal island. "What has become of the editor that was wrecked here some months ago?" they demanded. "Ob, he's bsen promoted," chuckled the savage in the tall hat. "Promoted?" "Yes; fat's editor in chief Rooord.

AQMKKT8 WITH THE MUSE. To Areadle. Ob, who can tall me which way leads To Aroadie- Down through thane flowery meads A path I see. I wonder If this be the way? I hare forget, Years ago, on a sammer day, I fonad the spot. Bnt there walked close by my side A manly yontb, And with him there to bs my (Bide What need, forsooth, Had I to tract the beaten row ToAroadie? Bat It was nearer then, I know.

At least to me! How oonld I that dear path have gone So carelessly? Ah, me, one cannot go alone ToAroadie. --NEW TIKIS DEMOCRAT. A Test. How rnnnh do mvimrnMt Ho-v much do yon really care For the honored plscs that is worth the race, fhoss that have won declare? Fur the gold of life ia ths viles strife, For hills of the larger view, Do yon care enough that the smooth or rough Hold ever their charms for you? How much do you care, my boy- enough To master the little eart? Do yon dare cry halt to the heedless fanlt That seeks to despoil the yean? Then you'll lay aside, with a soldier's pride. The lure of the laggard's dream; For, both Ess5 and West, it is toil that's best, As bard as the way may seem.

--FRANK WALCOTT Him in the Rim'a Horn. THE VOICE OF TUE PRESS. THEY HAVB REASON From the Atlnutn Journal, Probab the Siuth are just as much disgusted with our theater holocausts and railroad catastrophes as wo are with their revolutions. ESFORCEMENT THE THINCJ. from the St.

Louis Qlobo-Dornocrat. Another "pare food" law is soon to ba put in operation by the national government, and this Is where the secret of its effectiveness lies--in tho putting of it in operation. Regulations are easily enough made by Congress, bat it is "the man behind the gun" that counts; and that is about all that does count. There are laws enough, but men are That proper feeling that If one can't do a thing right one ought to prefer not to do it at all, is not a persistent or conspicuous ono in officeholders. They are quite as bad as the sornbman you hire at the baok door, who washes a shining spot in the middle of the floor and calmly ignores the edges.

There is such a general human desire not to do things as they should be done. It seems to be a victory gained from this bard world if it or somebody in it can be cheated jast a little. It accounts for all the dead letter laws. Officials ara willing to take the office and the pay for performing a task that they do not perform. How many of the city, State and national laws sgalnst adulterations are thoroughly enforced? A man with salf respect who finds it too irksome to do what his oftloe requires of him, ought to have the neg ative courage of resigning and devoting his time to his owa affairs; but he seldom has it.

LEGAL ETHICS. From the Pittsburjr DUpatoh. An illustration as to the growing question of legal ethics comes from Massachusetts that is worth considering. A man named Blondin was convicted of murdering his wife and sent to the penitentiary for life. Since his conviction he has confessed to the murder.

His counsel condemns the confession, that it has defeated his hepe of securing a pardon, and adds that he knew before the trial from confidential statements of his clients that the latter was guilty. There is the question of ethics. A lawyer knows from his client that he is guilty of a sordid and unjustifiable murder. He does not confine his defense to seeing that the forms of law are fully complied with in the trial and conviction. He fights the case through on the pretense of innocence, and when the trial is over preserves the expectation of securing pardon on an alleged doubt of the guilt which he privately knows to be beyond doubt.

Is that good legal ethics? Certainly, if the theory that the lawyer is an officer of tha and controlled by the purpose of seeing justice is done, there should be a positive reform iu the practice that permits so extreme a procedure of the business of getting criminals off from punishment. To Care Cold in One Take Lasntlre Brorao Quinine Tablets. All drusclsts refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W.

Grova's signature Is on each bos. 25c. Domestic Unexceptional to 2nd a fsrallr where there arc no domestic ruptures occasionally, trat these can be lessened by havlnc t'r. Kinc's New Life Pills around. Much trouble they or tbeir creat work In Stomach and troubles.

They not onlv relieve you. bat cure at A. It Pearre's Drue S'ore. NOAH CKAJMEK. QAK 5.

OBAHSB, FREDERICK. MD. HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN OFHCK- Bonds Stocks, Morteaees, Estates l-oiRtt. CALL FOK RATK ON HDEUTY BOND J20.000 to loan on morttraee- 1 at 5 pel cent S2.OOO to loan oa cotes in sums to suit. city, village, snbnrbaa farm property for sale.

Call for list 29S acre fxrra. Adarastown. and 1O4 acre New Midway, ami 5th --Jirs. 235 acre farm, alone C. C.

in S12.OuO. A bareain. Gth -Hpcse, cor. Market and Fonrth St Snefsrmof 200 acres. e'eeant buildlcc.

I'rbana pike. acd 14," acre farms, near city. 9th No. 6S Church Street. dweillns houses, Sixth St UwelHnes 18.

SO, Market 13th sere farms. DaypvlHe. 43, 52.149 K. Church Et 60 and 240 acres. Mt.

Airy acres farms. Urbanapike N. Market St. Four beautiful suburban borne: with ewn. FBEDEftICK COVIiTT MTL BiNS.

PEOPLKWEXNOW They are Frederick People Wliat They Say Is of Local Interest. When an incident like the following oconre right here at home, it is bound to carry weight with oar readers. So many strange ooonrrenoeB go the rounds of the press; are published as faota, people become skeptical. On one enbjaot skepticism is rapidly disappearing. This due to the actual experience of our citizens, and their public utterances regarding them.

The doubter must doubi no more in the faoe of snob evidence as this. The public statement of a reputable citizen living right here at home, one whom yon can see every day leaves no ground for the skeptio to stand on. Joseph I King living on East Seventh street near the Pennsylvania B. B. says: "I know something about the results obtained from different remedies said to be sure cures for kidney complaints and have tried a great many of thorn.

I have suffered 'many attacks of backache and pains in my sides. It is true that I received slight benefits from some of them bat nothing ever gave me the relief that I got from Dean's Kidney Pills which I procured at Oliaton E. Main's drug store on Market street. The pain in my back left me after I had taken the filth close but to make certain of a good permanent cure I continued the treatment until I had taken the whole box. This was early last spring and there has been no symptom of the trouble slnoa.

I think Uoan's Kidney Pills ara the best kidney remedy on earth and I always keep them in the bouse. I worked all during the harvest in the oounty and never had a pain in uny back this summer." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the United States.

Remember the name Doiti's and take no substitute. FOli SALE. 8 FOR SALE cheap. A Girton Upright Steam Boiler. 800 feet captolty, for sale at a barcaln.

Also a quantity of hoatloe pipe and steam Boiler his lately baen fitted with new llaes and crate further Information apply to Charles H. Cobtentz, Edward Kefauver, Henry C. Kemsbere, Martin C. Mlddletown, or to Krnory L. Coblentz, Frederick, Md.

Committee. jan2Sd3t Tf OR LOT OF NICE moth Bronze turkeys at reduced price. Apply to Herbert L. Cramer. Walkersvllle.

Md. OR THIO EACH OF Black Black Mlnoreas, S. C. Brown Leehorns.Rose Comb Brown Leirhorns and BuffKocks. Brlsh Bros 10 W.

Patrick Street. jan25dOt OR NO. 60 EAST Church Street, Apply to Wm. H. Keller, administrator, 60 Kasc Church Street, or 42 East Patrick Street, 323dGt POR Bargain in R.

B. Randall's farm of 155 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, wntar In every field, and never falllne sprlne near house, all necessary bntldines. situated alonu tnrnpUe between Frederick City and New Market. Apply to XOAH E. CRAMER.

j.in2.-,dAwlm Frederick, Md. OR SALE. PROSPECT VIEW. D. V.

srAVFFKR'S FARM and Handsome Suburban Residence, contaia- ine 103 acres, one mile from Frederick, situ ated both on tho Electric Koad and Jefferson pike, laree residence, two tenant barn 45xiX. and private stables. Applv to Noah Cramer, Real Estate Aeent. Would ex chantre for desirable town property, OR SALE --THE UNDERSIGNED intendlnc'ocbsneehls residence, offers hH fine mansion, corner of Record and West Second streets, at privates.ile. The i roperty will bs showa at any time to a purchaser.

A I I LINDSAY. OR THREE-STORY house, well built and in eood condition: bath room, bet and cold water, heat. For particulars spply East Patrick Street, r-'Odtf TPOR SALE. MT DONNELL FARM, property of the late Colonel O'Doncell, in from KECS and Brunswick Stations! ACRES AT $75 AN ACRE. All necessary outbuilding, barn, tenant house, dairy, corn house Hosij" and enclosure of five seres cot to be fold.

Apply. OWNER, loiO Masfsohusetls Washington, C. OR SALE --SIX-ROOM HOUSE IN eood condltlcc; water in yard, cas In house, olce yard, sood dry cellar and nice carret Fer apply to Capt Walter Sarccders. North Market street, j5dtf FKAXflAL. A LI? BED 1SS8, oWNSSND oOTT OH BANKERS AND BROKHSi, ATKTTK OPPC.

BALTIMOBX. KD. BPOKT OF THE CONDITION --or THI-- OF FREDERICK, At Kredei Ick. In tbe State of Maryland, at the t)f business, January HE SOURCES. Loaus and J2O3.352 32 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2281 U.

S. Bonda to secure circulation 125.000 00 Premiums on U. H. Bonds 1.62500 Stocks, securities, etc ZIO.OO9 00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 3.000 OO Due from National Bants (not Beserve Agents 1.OG5 40 Due from btate Banks and 9 4 1 Due from approved reserve agents 30.88981 Checks and other cash 372 32 Notes of other National Banks 1.87O 00 Fractional paper currency, nlck- els and 17879 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, Specie 9.518 50 Legal tender 7,285 OO Redemption fund with U. S.

Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 16 M3 50 G.20 00 lotal 42 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $150,00000 Surplus fund 50.00000 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Bunk notes outstanding 122.C6O 00 Due to other National Banks GG5 53 Dividends unpaid 4S! 77 Individual deposits subject to checK 250,43920 Total J002.444 42 STATE or MARYLAND, COUNTY OF FREDERICK, ss. 1. J. W.

L. CAUTT, Cushier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. L.

CAHTV. Cashjer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of J.tuunry, 1904. CHAS B.T. HE.NDRICKSON.N P.


'o trtve nftHno lao onwuiu Court Frederick Count on the of DENNIS DANIELS. late of Frederick Comity. deceased, All cUlou ntainrt the deceased art hereby warned to exhibit the time, with the thereof. legally authenticated, to tbi fpbaerloer. on or betore the 29th day Morels, 1901.

they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Those Indebted to the deceased are desired to make Immediate payment. MAST ANNA DANIELS. Executrix Edward 8. Eichelberter, J2845: QED EB NISI ON SALES.

NO. 7694 EQUITY. In the Circuit Court for Frederick County. sitting in Equity. Ida Copeland and Meredith 8 vs- Alice Michael, et ul.

In the Matter of the Report of Bales filed the 20th day of January. 1904. JASUABY TKBJI, 19O4. Ordered. That on the 12ta day of February.

1904, the Court will proceed to act upon the Report of Sales of Beal Estate, reported to said Court by Ed w. 3. El- helberger and Frank h. stoner. trances in the above cause and OF THE-FIRST NATIONAL BANK.

At Frederick, iu the State of Maryland, at the close of business. January 22, 1904. RESOURCES. Loans anil discounts 5250021 18 Overdrafts, secured and uuse- cured. U.

h. Bonds to secure circulation 25.000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 1500000 and fixture? 25,00000 Due from National Hunks (not reserve aerents) 1,311 14 Due from State Banks and Bankers 815(59 Duo from approved reserve agents 40 Checks and other cash items 690 07 Notes of other National Bunks 530 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 20740 Lawful Money Reserve iu Bunk, Specie 20 cal tender notes, 2.75U 00 18 017 20 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circu- llation) 155000 Total $378,35555 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in J100.000 00 Surplus fund 9.000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses nnd taxes paid 25,551 28 National Bank note? outstanding 25.000 00 Duo to other National Banks 768 90 Due to State Banks nud bankers.

210 00 Dividends unpaid 1,18500 Individual deposits subject to check 216.63977 Total S378.355 55 STATE OF MARYLAND. COUNTY OF FREDERICK, ss. 1, IKA TYLER. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and bollef. IBA TYLER.

Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of January. 1904. G. WESLEY K1NDLEY, N.


in the State of Maryland, at the close of business, January 22,1904. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured ana unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation U. bonds to secure U.

8. deposits Premiums on U. S. bonds Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Due from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) Due from State Banks and Bankers Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful Money Reserve Bank Specie $35.01350 Leenl tender notes OO 14 521 38 125.000 00 50.000 00 9,500 00 311.S10 00 20,000 00 10,280 38 2741 ol 77,489 31 5,556 96 755 00 311 22 Redemption fund with U. S.

Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent, redemption 66.057 00 6.230 00 950 00 Total 40 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 125,000 OO Surplus fund 60,00000 Undivided profits, les? expenses nod taxes paid 10.79565 National Bank notes outstandli'fr 125.0OO 00 Due to other National Banks. 1,321 58 Due to State banhs and bankers 239 90 Duo to Trust Companies and Sav- Insri Banks 325 13 Dividends unpaid.

119 25 Individual deposits subject to check 670925 59 United States deposits 50.0OO 00 Total 40 STATE or MAJKYLAXD, I Cofsrr OF FREDERICK, ss. WILBUR H. DCVALL. Cashier the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true te the best of my knowledge and belief. W1L.BUR H.

DUVALL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day oi January. 1904. CHAS.

B. T. N. F. Corrett--Attest: A KEMP.


T3OYAL SOABLET CORN A A ASPARAGU I Eli TN ADDITION 10 CHICAGO BEEF HAVE VEAL, PUDDING AND SAUSAGE, PORK A DREsED POULTRY. Respectfully, D1XON BROS. confirm the same, unless cause to tne contrary thereof be shown before said day. provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper published in Frederick County for three successive weeks prior to said day. The Report states the amount of sales to be 92.690.

bated this 20ih-day of January. 1904. SAMUEL HAFFNEH, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick Co. True copy--Test; SAMUEL T. HAFFNER.

Clerk. Elehdberger Stoner.So'rs. DEB NISI ON AUDIT. NO. 7704 EQUITY.

In the Circuit Court for Frederick County. sitting in Equity. Mrs F. Grove, aasiimee of William H. Ketbc.

mortgagee of John H. Grove and Cora E. Grove, his wi'e on petition. la the matter of the Auditor's Report filed the 13th day of January, 1304. JANUARY TEBJI, 1904; Ordered, that on the 5th day of February, 1904, the Court will proceed to act upon the Report of tho Auditor.

Hied as aforesaid in the above cause, to finally ratify and con- a i same, unless cause to the contrary thereof he shown before said diy, provided a copy of this order be inserted in some newspaper, published in Frederick County for two successive weeks prior to said day. Dated this 13th day of Januaiy. 1904. r-, SAMOBLT. HAFFNtffi.

Clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick Co True Copy -Test: SAMUEL T. HAKF.MBS, Clerk Reno 8. Harp, Solicitor. Jl4d3t PAVING NOTICE. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 293 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at tbe Session of 19C2.

entitled an Act to add a section to Article 11 of the Code of TubHc Local Laws of Mary land, title "Frederick County." sub-title "Frederick," to be mown as Section 236 A. and of an Ordinance passed by tbe Major and Aldermen at Frederick on the llth day of June, 1902. and of an Ordlnsnce passed by tne Mayor and AltJermen of Frederick on the 24tb day of August. 1903, and of an Ordinance passed by the Mavor and Aldermen of Frederick on tbe 5th day of October, 1903. Notice is hereby given to Marshall L.

Etchison. William Wi-e Annie Josephine Pearre, individually and as executrix ot the las will and testament of John Loatp, deceased, Keverdy li. Walline. Martha Ann Moffit, Warv E. g.

Wall'ngand Byron W. Walling, and all othir non resident owners of property situated on Market Btreet between Patrick Street and All Saints Street, tn Frederick City, Maryland, and to Bernard Rosen- onr and Mrs. Clara Lowens ein and all other non resident owners of property situated on Market Street, between Patrick Street and Church Streets, in Frederick Citv Maryland, that we, the nnderdgnrd Commissioners ap pointed by the Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick In accordance with the provisions of said Act of A ssembly and said Ordinance passed on the Hth day of June. 1902. will sit at the Mayer's Office, in the City Hall, in Frederick City, Maryland, oa FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 1904, between the hours of 10 o'clock m.

and 12 o'clock to assess -whether any aud what amount iu value damages will ba caused by the rep vlng with vitriaed brick of the block on Market Sireet. between Patrick Street and All Ssltts Street, aud by the re- kerbing ami re setting of kerb of said block, as provided lor in said Ordinance pa sed on the duy of 1903, for which the owner or vosses-or of any property on said block of said street ought to be compensated and to assess aud levy upon said property owners, aoeordirK to the number of front feet owned by thtjrn. one half the coit of said re paving, and resetting of kerb of said block of s.ia s'rsef; and to whether any and what amount in value of damages will be caused by the re paving with vitrified brick of the block on MarStt Street, between Patrick Street aad Church Street, and by the re kerblng and re-setting of kerb of said block as provided fi)r in said Ordinance passed oa the 5th day of October, 1903, for which the owner or possessor of any prop ertyonsaid block cf said street ought to be compensated, and to assess and lvy upon said property owners, according to the number of front feet owned by them one-half the cost of saH e-kerbing and re-set tine of kerb of block of said street. At which time and place all such owners of property shall be entitltd to appear and be beard on the q-es'ion of said assessment and costs. JOHN BENNETT.

W. NASsH, YOUNG. S. ELMEK BHOWN. 3inl5dl7t Commissioners.

i iQNVKTANOINQ. Deeds. Mortgages and Wills prepargd notice. Will clerk sales upon raasob- able terms, novUUtf HAMILTON AMUsem*nTS, LBROYOLDH4M, in his famous dUlect recital. 3E OLD TIME DABKEY," ASSISTED mr -MR.

SAMUfiL CONGDON. the VVpli-Known Baltimore Whistler. Uciler Auspices oSWotan'si Collece, Bent fit of Pipe Orgran Fund, WOMAN'S COLLEGE HALL. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 29th.

8 o'clock, p. m. Come aad EDJ jy a Good Liueb. ADMISSION 25 CENTS AT THE DOOR. jan27dSt OPERA HOUSE.


35c and 3Oc. SEATS ON SALE A YEAKLE'S. TENANTS secured for TOOT meant property by in TEC NBWB For Ktot Cclnnan. MISCELLiSEftVg. OUB VINE POBTBAIT6.

Try Our Try Our fine Portrait Kramer. Small Cool'd or Enlarged too Gu.raL;*ed. Yours For THE B'JRGER ART GALLERY. 23 North Market Street "LAXSEKD MEAL. Flaxceed meal, with the olt in it.

for feeding stock. Nothlrg to equal it. BE8ANT 8NOTT OBDITION POWDERS. Climax Condition Powders for sour Stock and Ponl.ry. BE8ANT KNOTT.

BATHER OIL Neatsfoot and Harness Oils for Scftenine and Preserving your harness BE8ANT KNOTT BE SOLD QUICK. Haying decided to retire from the liquor business to embark again in the bakery business, 1 offer my entire stock of Pnre Bye Whiskies, Gins, Rums. Apple Brandy and consisting of about 20 barrels, at and below- cost. 6-year old Bye 82 20 per gallon. 3 1210 2 Any quantity from 1 pint np to gallon.

Also A large quantity of Standard Beer at 30c dozen bottles, E. J. HUDSON, 217 North Market Street GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AND TAKEN 1NEXCHANGE LEADING JEWELER OF FREDERICK. DIAMONDS, WATCHES. CLOCKS.


TRY YOUR HOME OPTICIAN. Best and quickest Hepah ing and 33 N. Market St. 23 B. Market Frederick Count? Telephone.



THE BALDWIN. Grand Prize Winner at Paris Exposition, 1900. Also the Ellington, Hamilton, Howard and Valley Gnn. Terms Tnntesr, fcc. oldly GEO.

BBAWNEB. 'ALL OPENING. Jnst'recelved full line of GOODS. Trtamed asd Untrltatned Hats. Ostilcb Tips and: Feathers, Children's Caps and s'acqnes.

A complete line of Ribbons, etc. I solicit yonr patronage. MRS. W. F.

SNYDEB. Mrs. John Walter's Old Stand. o7dwly Q. SX ARIWG TYSON, Successor to J.

W. Jarboe. GENERAL DEALER IN GRAIN. ETC. The highest cash prices paid for Wheat.

Corn, Rye and 54 EAST PAT KICK STREET. Both phones. Orders solicited. FOR RENT, BOOM HOUSE No 68 W. Church St.

Apply to A. C. Cariin. 31 Patrick strett WEST Fourth street. Applp to E.

J. "Wine brener. JanSSdtf OB BENT -DWELLING COBNEB Market and South streets; alto dwelllue adjoining store. For particulars apply at B. J.

Wlnebrener'a store. jan28dtf OB BENT --STOBE BOOM NOW occupied by C. B. Wlllard. Apply to J.

Qeo. Lambert, 199 W- Patrick street. a28dtf OB BENT. A N1OE STOBE- house In a thriving rillaee. An elegant location for a Wide-awake hustler.

Possession April 1st. Call or address W. B. Krantz. Adamstowc.

Md. jan26d6t OR AOBES, OBOHABD, c. ApplyloWm.H. Adams, 82 "West Partrlok street. Frederick.

Md. OB ON SECOND fljoi Bentz building, newly papered. Rent moderate. Apply to B. Rosecour Sons.

jsnSiGdit OR NOS. 88 and 92 South Market Street. Furnace In cellar of house No. 88. Apply to David A.

Caatle, OB EAST PATBIOK street, splendidly located home 9 rooms. Modern conreulences and low rent. M. Nixdorff. Masonic Temple.

OB BENT--THE OOMFOBTABLE dwelling 81 Sonth Market St, from April 1st. Apply to Chas. Werthelmer. jan23dtf OB BENT TWO TWO STOBY bouses, one on West Patrick onenear KnltliBgMills. A Bnrtrer, 167 East Patrick street OB NOS.

85, 69 and 67 East Third Street; all modsrn conveniences. For particulars apply to H. C. Zacharias. j22dlm OB BENT.

SIX-ROOM AND hall hf use. No. 45 East Third Street, Gas and water in house. Inquire of C. A.

Castle. janl9dlm OB BENT--SIX BOOM HOUSE, No 22 East Fonith St. Apply to 16 South Market street. OB NO. 6 EAST South street.

Apply to Edsar K. Hoore. OB HOUSE No 9 East South Street: all -modern conveniences. S. E.

WlaebreEer. No- 106 East Patrick Street. OB ROOMS Now occupied by Dr. Henry C. Radeliff.

Poscssion Eiven April 1.1PC4. S. Clinsan. jodtf NEW HOUSES on East Third Street- All modern Improvements. Apply ttKolb Bros.

dSOdtf OB AND bakery, 160 N. Market St. Immediate possession. Apply to Alfred Hitter. Atty.

EovSOdtf BOARD OARDERS WANTED FOB 8EQ- ond story front rooms. W. Second St. Mrs. J.

B. Gwrott. jan27d6t SALE REGISTER. FtrwHn hAvtec ttrtr bills prUted tblt we inserted ia A or VTirELr Nru-i, taMfit of the Salt Register ol both every day.nnttl the day of sale, free of charge. January 29.

10a.m.. B. Font. Anct. for WM.

3. May. will sell near Dofi Old Mill, personal pronerty. bills. February 2.

i p. m. Wm. J. Martin Mattie Martin Beard, executors, will sell on 011 premises, ooe mile east of valuable real estate.

See Week'y News and bills. Februarys. 12 m-. Chas. Font.

Auct. for D. W. Kinna. will sell at tbe Ci Hotel, Frederick, In Peter, vine district See Weekly News and bills February 6.11 a.

Capt. Waiter Stuaderg. Auet- for Alfred Bitter. Trustee and Mort. gage.

wiJl sell at Court House, bo'xse and lot In Frederick. 6ee adT. in Daily News Sat-irdays. Februay 13. 2.3Oj.

William Dinner, will sell for H. Dowey Etcilsoa. at toraey. at Cutler Hrmb's store in Jefferson, that desirable property of Mrs. Julia A.

KtehUon. deceased, February 13. 1 p. Walter S. Reader.

Auet, for Samuel D. Harris, will sell near Yellow Springs, personal property. See adv. In Weekly News and bills February 20. at 10 a.

Luther Breads-, anct. will sell for John P. Groff oa the premises, tear Buekeystown. lot of valuable horses, farming etc See February 25. at Bready.

will sell for J. C. Compher. on the premises, on the Col. D.

C. Wine brener farm, near White's Ferry, Montgomery eouBty, lot of valuable horses, cattle and farming implements See bills. February 25. at 10 a. H.

R. will sell for Lewis Wachter. on the premises, eight miles north of Frederick, near tbe road leading from Charlesvlile to Lew- Istowu, adjoining Monntaindale. lot of valuable horses, cattle, farming implements. etc.

See bills. February 29. at 10 o.clocV. Samuel J. Forney, will sell for avid Brnn- ner.

oa tbe premises Lear McKaig. on Gas House road, between fredtrlck and New London lotcf valuable personal property- See Weekly New Feb. 18 and 26 aad bills. Joseph Bussard, clerk. March 1, at 10 a E.

T. Mercer, auct. will Sf 11 for J. S. Hall on the premises, the firm of O.

Willis. New Maiker, Md lot or valuable horses, ca'tle and farming implements See Us. March 3. at 12 o'clock Edeir Mercer. will sell tor K.

fl. Alexander, oa the premises of a mile west of West lot of vtlu-'ble livestock, farming 1 implements, etc See bills March 5. a m. J. y.

Naille. A E. human, clerk, tor Mrs Mary Wj-and, on B. O. K.

near takle's Us, will sell personal property. See bills. March S. at 10 o'clx'k, a. in Joan Uutrow, Auct, will sell for J.

E. Pnleeeer at Harmony Grove, valuable personal property. March 8.9 A auct. will sell for Vereou Bsroes 3 miles east Unionvilie personal property. Sea News and March 10.

at 9 a. in R. and J. L. Dutriw.aucts sell forEzraHoucb.Jr..

on the preir.ists,threp miles north of Fred- the road leading frjm Worman's Mill to theMocoeacr. vslnable cattle, farming imulements, household furniture, etc Weekly News. February 18. 25. March3.

Daily News. March 5 and 8 and large bills. Joseph H. Mareh 10, at 10 a. n.

Waratl 1. will sell for 8. King, on tbe premises on the road leading from to Hoshen. near Wooflfleld Postofflcr. Jot ot valuable live stock, farming implements, etc, See- sale bills- March 14, 9.5Q a.

E. A. Lnwrsnce, Auct. for J. V.

Albaugh, wilLsfll on premises of the late Preston S. Derllbisf, of Liberty, personal property. See adv. in Weekly Kews and bilte. March 1G, at 10 a.

E. Willhids, will'sell for C. L. Potman, on the 'J. miles northeast of Lewistown.

lot of valuable horses, cattle and farming implements. See Weekly News and bills. March 17, at 10 J. will sell fcr Wm. A.

Bucket, on the premises. tbe farm of John Etzler. 2 miles eati of Mt.JPleasarit on the Frederick and Liberty turnpike, near Chestnut Grove School Hoase, lot of valuablefarminzimplements, live-stock arid household, goods-, See bills. March 19, at lOa. mf Ernest Lawrence, will sell for Irvlngrs Albaugh.onthepreta Jses, 2X miles southeast of Liberty, lot of valuable JiyeustoeS and March 24.

at 10 o'clock, a. Hirvay B. Lease, wi 1 sell for Wm. JP.and Cfaas. premises.

1he Markell farm on the 'Ketch's Font'JRoad, 2 miles east ol Frederick, lot of valuable cattle and farmine implements. See bills and Weekly News, March 3,10 and 17. WANTED. BOOMS SUIT- able for Ilsht housfskeepine, with small family. Gpod location or would board.

Dorsey Rhoderick and Sister, Uos 152 jan28dtf OB 4 DESIRABLE rooms for light house ia location Acdress. with tdrms this office. jan27d3t HELP WANTED. BELTABLE MIDDLB aged colored woman to cook in a small family. References required.

Apply to 24 South Market street. jan25d6t IN GBOOEBY store, about 16 years of age. Wiite to J. Frederick. Md.


except Sunday, for IWashlngtcn Junction and Way Stations, Washing-ton. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York- Due ashington 6.3O A. M. 6.00 A. except and Way atlons, PJuladelphla and New York.

Due Washingten 8 as A. M. 6.10 A. daily, for Baltimore and Way Stations, Philadelphia, New Tort, and except Sunday, for Cumberland and Hag- Due Baltimore 8.45 A. M.

7,05 A. Sunday only, for Washington aad Way Stations. Due "Washington 10 A.M. 8.10 A. except Sunday, for Baltimore and principal Way Stations, Philadelphia and New "fork, line at Baltimore 10.25 A.

If 9.20 A. except Sunday, for Harper's Ferry Winchester, Harrisonburg, Lexington and Staunton. 9.45 A. Sunday, for Hagerstown, Martinsburgand Way Statiors. 10.40 A.

except Sunday, for Washington Philadelphia, New York, Washington Junction and Way Stations, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis. Plttsburg and Chicago. Due Washington 12.30 F. M.

1.55 P. except Sunday, for Baltimore and Way Stations, Philadelphia and New York. Due Baltimore 4.40 P. H. 4.10_P,~M., daily, for Washington and Way Stations, Philadelphia and New York Brunswick and Way Stations, Cumberland, Cincinnati and Sfc Lonis and except Sunday, Winchester and Strasburg Junction.

Due at Washington 6.25 P. M. 4.4O P. daily, for Baltimore and War Stations, Philadelphia and New Yorsr. Due at Baltimore 7.15 P.

M. 6.20 P. except Sunday, for Washington. "Hagerstown. Winchester and Way Stations, Wheeling, Chicago.

Washington and Way Stations, Philadelphia and New York. Due Washington 9.40 P. M. ARRIVALS. 6.38 A.

except Sunday, from CinoinnatC Cleveland, putsbjrg, Washington J. ana Way Stations, Mr. Airy and Way Stations. Baltimore ana Wtshingtcn mall arrives on this train. S.35 A.

except Sunday, from Winchester, Hagerstown and Way Stations. 1J.25 A. except Sunday, from-Baltimore and V- ay Stations. Philadelphia and Sew York. 1U.55 A.

except from Baltimore, Wasfiinglon and Way etations. 11.55 A.M.. Sunday oaly, from Washington and Way Stations, Chicago and Wcecfing. 12.05 P. Sunday only, from Baltimore and Way Stations, Philadelphia and New York 12.40 1'.

except Sunday, from St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago. New York.PhaadeS- Washington. Hagerstown, Lexington and Way btations. 2.25 P.

except cunday, from Martrasturg, Washington Junction and Way Stations. 3.45 P. bunday only, from Baltimore. Washington and Way Statioss. Si.

Louis and Cincinnati. 4.05 P. 51.. except SuBdav, from Baltimore and Wpy Stations, Philadelphia aud New York 6.50 P. except Sunday, from Baltimore and principal Way Stations.

Philadelphia and NW York. 7.00 P. except Sunday, fit Wa and Way Stations, Philadelphia, York. Pittsbargatd Chicago. 847 P.M., daily, from Baltimore sndi Stations.

8.40 P. except Sunday, from New Fork, Philadelphia, Washington, Cumberland, Lexington, Hagerstowr. Brucawlct acd Way Stations. W. T.

MTJLL1N1X. Ticket.Ageat".

The News from Frederick, Maryland (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.