THE EVENING THURSDAY, Card of Thanks CLAYTON, FRANK J. We wish to thank the Rev. Queally. rector, TransD. Aguration the vestry, Men's Club, Women's Episcopal Church.
Washington, Auxiliary, St. Catherine's Chapter and members of the Trinity Episcopal Church, Arlington, I. 0. O. F.
Lodge, No. 193, Arlington. Rebekah Lodge. No. 28.
Clarendon, and our many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement. MRS. FRANK J. CLAYTON AND FAMILY. 8 Deaths Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.
FUNERAL DIRECTORS J. William Lee's Sons Co. 4th and Ave. LI 5300 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON'S CO. 3605 14th ST.
N.W. TUCKERMAN 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1118 7th St N. Established 1851 V. L. SPEARE CO.
Neither successor to nor connected with the orir nal W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 St. N.W.
National 2892 FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. Expressive Floral Tributes. Modest prices.
Open daily, holidays. Phone orders also accepted 6:30 to 9 p.m. week nights. 900 14th St. N.W.
NA. 0106. GUDE BROS. CO. Individually Dssigned Wreaths and Sprays Charse Accounts Opened a by Phome 212 St.
N.W. -NAtional 4276 CHACONAS FLOWERS FLORAL PIECES. $5.00 smd DELIVERED 2.00 14th St. N.W Phone DU :121 FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAYS. Accounts $8.95 UP Invited DELIVERED Charge Two Convenient Locations 14th 8t.
St. N.W. N.W. ME: 7404 7433 808 804 17th St Blackistone, Inc ME. 7945 BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It ANDREWS.
ALBERT A. On WednesSeptember 7, 1949, at his residence, 1339 st. n.w., ALBERT A. ANDREWS, beloved husband of Marion Freeman Andrews, father of Dr. Thomas H.
Andrews, H. grandfather of Janice L. and Thomas Andrews. brother of Thomas H. Andrews of San Francisco, father-inlaw of Lucy S.
Andrews. After 12 noon Sunday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. where services will be held Monday, September 12, at 11 a.m.
Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 11 BRAME, ULYSSES (BOO). Departed this life suddenly, on Monday. September 323 5, 1949. ULYSSES (BOO) BRAME of st.
n.e., beloved son of Lydia and Ulysses Brame. husband of Mrs. Mary Brame, father of Sandra Brame. He also leaves a grandmother. five uncles, a mother-in-law, other relatives and friends.
Remains may be viewed at his late residence after 5 p.m. Thursday. September 8. Funeral Friday, September 9. at 11 a.m., from Mount Airy Baptist Church, st.
between North Capitol and 1st sts. n.w., Rev. E. K. Tyler officiating.
Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangements by Ralph Barbour's Funeral Home, 48 st. n.e. BROWN. OSCAR.
Suddenly, on Saturday. September 3. 1949. at Freedmen's Hospital, OSCAR BROWN of 734 Girard st. n.w.
He is survived by many relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines Co. Funeral Home, 3rd and Eve sts. s.w..
where relatives and friends may call on Thursday, September 8, after 4 p.m. Funeral Friday, September 9. at 1 p.m., Rev. Ernest J. Green officiating.
Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 8 BURGESS, ERNEST W. On Wednesday, September 1949. ERNEST W. BURGESS of 3108 35th st.
n.e.. husband of and Emma C. Margaret Burgess, L. Burgess, Mrs. Alice C.
father of Charles N. Smith, Mrs. Amabelle L. Reno: brother Mrs. Florence Weckley.
Services at of Funeral Home. 517 11th st. Chambers' s.e.. on Saturday. September 10, at 1 pm.
Interment Fort Lincoln. CLARK. EDWARD. On Monday. September 5.
st. 1940. n.w.. beloved husband of Mrs. EDWARD CLARK of 1812 Vernon Clark.
devoted son of Mrs. Ida Martin. nephew of Ceorge Clark of NorVirginia folk. of Catlett. Va.
Hr also leaves other son-in-law of Mrs. Virginia Foutz relatives Thursday. and September many 8. friends. friends mav call After 10 a.m.
at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church, 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Fri9. at 1:30 p.m., at the day, September above funeral church.
Rev. J. C. Hackett officiating. Relatives and friends invited.
8 Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7. 1949, COYKENDALL, of 1514 17th st. n.w., husband MARION A. September of Ula M.
Coykendall. Remains at Chambers' Funeral Home, 1400 Chapin st. Services at Arlington National n.w. Cemetery Friday, September 9, at 2 p.m. COYKENDALL, MARION A.
The members of Richard J. Harden Camp. No. United Spanish War Veterans. will assemble at the Chambers Funeral Home.
1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Friday, September 9. 1949. at to attend the funeral of p.m., Pas: Comdr. MARION A.
COYKENDALL. Interment at Arlington National Commander. Cemetery. HARRY T. CHAPIN.
WILLIAM B. HILL. Adjutant. CRABTREE, JOHN H. On Tuesday, September 6, 1949.
JOHN Katherine H. Steele CRABTREE. Crabbeloved husband of North Broadway. Yonkers, N. on 107 tree.
Services at Have's Funeral Home, Friday, September 9. at 2 p.m. CUTRER, COL. EMILE V. On August Col.
30. 1949, at San Antonio. by his EMILE Mrs. Mary Fithian Cutrer of V. CUTRER.
He is survived wife. Elmhurst San Antonio. Los a son, Mr. E. V.
Cutrer, of West Angeles, 8 daughter, Mrs. William W. Jones, ofwife ficer of of Col. Andrews Air Force Base, Jones. the commanding a brother, Judge V.
Cutrer of Magnolia. and two sisters. Mrs. Walter D. and Albert E.
Ott of Osyka. Miss. FuMrs. neral procession forms at Fort Myer cate to Arlington National Cemetery at 2 p.m. September 9.
Services at the Friday, grave. KATHRYN M. On Tuesday. September DANT. 6.
1949, at her residence. 728 beloved Maryland wife ave. of n.e.. Harvey C. Dant, mother KATHRYN M.
DANT. J. and Edward Dant and of Harvey sister of Mrs. Margaret Driscoll and Michael Welch. Funeral from the Timothy Funeral Home.
641 8:30 st. n.e.. High on Hanion Friday, September 9, at a.m. Church at 9 requiem a.m. mass Relatives at and friends invited.
St. Joseph's Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 8 ELDER, ROBERT L. On Saturday, September 3, 1949. ROBERT husband L.
of ELDER Mrs. of Inetter 717 Elder. 6th st. Four sisters. six brothers, s.w..
other relatives and many friends also survive. After 3 p.m. Thursday, September 8. friends may call at the Carver Memorial Funeral Home, 29-31 st. n.w., where funeral services will be held on Friday, September 9.
at 2 Interment p.m.. Elder Payne's Vick. minister. in charge. Cemetery.
FISHMAN. MAX. On Thursday, September 8. 1949, at 3134 19th st. n.w., MAX FISHMAN.
beloved husband of Gertrude Fishman and devoted father of Mrs. Rena Haimes. Mrs. Eva Press. Miss Louise Fishman.
Morris. Isadore and Louis Bernard FishFuneral services at the man. Danzansky Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w..
on Thursday. 'September 8, at 3 p.m. Interment Tifereth Israel Cemetery September FOSTER, 6, 1949. MATTIE N. FOSTER MATTIE N.
On -Tuesday. of 513 st. s.e., wife of George Foster, by sister a of host Ida of Lucas. other relatives and friends. She also is survived Friends may call at the Malvan Schey Funeral Home.
N. J. ave. and st. n.w., after 4 p.m.
today, where services will In- be held Friday. September 9. at 1 p.m, terment Woodlawn Cemetery. FREALING, BERNARD. On Tuesday, of September 1905 15th st.
n.w., dearly beloved hus6. 1949, BERNARD FREALING band of Pearl Adams Frealing and brother of Mrs. Margaret James and Miss Eliza Frealing of Steelton, Pa. Also surviving are other relatives and many friends. After 10 a.m.
Friday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 9th st. n.w. Solemn high requiem mass will be offered at St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 15th st.
between and sts. n.w., Saturday, September 10. at 10 a.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial CemePlease omit flowers. 9 tery.
FREALING, BERNARD. Columbia Lodge, No. 85. I. B.
P. O. E. of 15 hereby notified of the funeral of Brother BERNARD FREALING. from St.
Augustine's 15th st. between and sts. n.w., Saturday. September 10, 1949, 1 o'clock. Elks' servIces Friday.
September 9, at 7:30 p.m.. at the McGuire Funeral Home, 9th and Friday. September 9. at 7 p.m.. at the Westminster sts.
n.w. Session of sorrow Elks' Home, 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w. JAMES L. WATSON.
Exalted Ruler. HARRY R. PRATT, Secretary. FREEMAN, LYDIA ATKINSON. Suddenly, on Monday, September 5.
1949, at her residence, 1320 Rhode LYDIA ATKINSON FREEMAN, p.w., daughter of the late Edward and Mary E. kinsop and wife of sister. Archie Freeman. surviving are a Mrs. Josephine Simmons: two brothers, Chester and William Atkinson, and other relatives and friends.
From 4 to 11 p.m. Friday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. 9 GATELY, MARY C.
On Tuesday, September 6. 1949, at her residence. 1804 st. n.e.. MARY C.
GATELY, mother of the late Leo D. Gately, aunt of Alvin J. Gheen and mother-in-law of Mrs. Bertha Gately. Remains resting at Hysong's Funeral Home, 1300 st.
n.w., where prayers will be said on Friday, September 9, at 9:30 a.m.: thence to Holy Name Catholic Church, 11th and sts. n.e., where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery.
STAR, SEPTEMBER 8, Washington, D. C. 1949 Deaths GIBSON, JOHN H. On Wednesday, 1439 st. n.w., beloved husband of Anna September 7.
1949. JOHN H. GIBSON of Belle Gibson. He also is survived by four brothers, James Mathew Joseph M. and Harvey H.
Gibson; two sisters, Annabelle B. Field and Lula M. Brown, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E.
Murray Son, 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. dence, Lincoln rd. n.e., BENNY urday, September 3, 1949, at his resiGIST, BENNY LEE.
Suddenly, on SatGIST, husband of Modest Gist, brother of Mignon Norris, Tommy J. Russell and Willie G. Gist. Also surviving are many call other after 5 relatives and friends. September Friends may, p.m.
Thursday, 8. at the Dovie G. Brooks and Otis F. Allen Funeral Home, 12th st. and Florida ave.
n.w., where services will be held Friday. September 9, at 1 p.m. Inter-, ment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 8 GRAMLING, ANNE V. On Tuesday, September 6, 1949, ANNE V.
GRAMLING of 905 Hamlin st. n.e., beloved wife of Lt. Charles H. Gramling, retired, and sister of Mrs. Sarah E.
Bachofer, James William R. and Joseph Deery. Friends may call at William J. Nalley's Funeral Home, 3200 Rhode Island at Eastern ave. n.e.
Funeral on Friday, September 9, at 9:30 a.m.; thence to St. Anthony's Church. where requiem mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited.
Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 GRAMLING, ANNE V. Officers and members of La Boutique des Huit Chapeau et Quarante Femmes, D. C. Salon, No.
14, are requested to meet at William J. Nalley's Funeral Home. Rhode Island Mount Rainier, on Thursday, September 8. 1949, at 8:15 p.m., to conduct the Eight et Forty ritual service for our late partner, ANNE V. GRAMLING.
CLAIRE E. SMITHSON, Le Chapeau. OLA D. LEE, La Secretaire. 8 GRAMLING, MRS.
ANNE. Omcers and members of Vincent B. Costello Unit, No. 15, the ican Legion Auxiliary, Department of the District of Columbia, are requested to attend unit services at Wm. J.
Nalley's Funeral Home, 3200 Rhode Island ave. n.e., on Thursday. September 8. 1949, at 8 p.m., for our departed member. ANNE GRAMLING.
MARGARET GREENBURG, Secretary. GROOMES, THOMAS J. On Wednesday, September 7. 1949, at the home of his daughter, 8 Sudbrook lane. Pikesville, THOMAS J.
GROOMES. Funeral from the Lamorbau Funeral Home. 4510 Heights at. Hillsdale in Baltimore, on Friday, September 9, 11 a.m. Interment Mount Olive Cemetery, Randallstown.
Md. HAFFERMAN, AGNES, CECELIA. On Wednesday, September 1949. AGNES CECELIA HAFFERMAN of 1349 Maryland ave. n.e..
wife of the tale John Anthony Hafferman, mother of Mrs. George William Anderson. John Joseph and Henry Hafferman. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e., on Friday, September 9.
at. 8:30 a.m. Mass at Holy Name Catholic Church at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HAYNIE, WILLARD S.
On Wednesday, September 7, 1949, at Garfield Hospital, WILLARD S. HAYNIE of 1023 Quebec pl. n.w.. beloved husband of Lillias Angell Haynie. Services at the S.
H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Friday, September 9, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery.
HENNESSY, MICHAEL THOMAS. On Tuesday, September 6. 1949, MICHAEL THOMAS HENNESSY of Colonial Beach, husband of Jessie Hennessy. Remains resting at Chambers' Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e., until Friday at 9:30 a.m.
Mass at Fort Myer Chapel at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HOLMES, DR. MARY. On Wednesday, September 7, 1949.
Dr. MARY HOLMES of 4634 Ellicott st. n.w., beloved sister of Mrs. Jason F. Defandorf and Miss Fannie Holmes.
Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st.
n.w.. on Friday. September 9, at 3:30 p.m. ment private. Instead of flowers, friends who desire may make a gift to the American Heart Association.
HUHN. HARRY B. On Wednesday, September 1949, at his home, 9215 Woodland Silver Spring, HARRY B. HUHN, beloved husband of Bernadette Huhn, father of Mrs. Louise Fletcher and Bernard W.
Huhn. both of Silver Spring, and Milton A. Huhn of Washington. D. C.
Also surviving are three grandchildren. Barbara, Joan and Patricia Huhn. Mr. Huhn rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home.
8434 Georgia Silver Spring, where prayers will be said on Saturday, September 10. a.m.: thence to St. John's Catholic Church. Forest Glen. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m.
for the repose of his soul. Interment private. 9 KNOWLES, JULIA. On Wednesday, September 7. 1949, at her residence.
1017 Rhode Island ave. n.e., JULIA KNOWLES. beloved sister of Mrs. Marie Kloczewski, Mrs. Katherine Mothershead and Mrs.
Magdalena M. Scholl. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass, ave, n.e., where services will be held on Friday, September 9.
at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. LANGLEY, JOHN THOMAS. On Tuesday, September 6. 1949.
at the United States Naval Medical Center. Bethesda, JOHN THOMAS LANGLEY. husband of Laura E. Langley of 2530 Que st. n.w.
Remains resting at Hysong's Funeral Home, 1300 st. n.w.. where prayers will be said on Friday. September 9. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 36th and sts.
n.w, where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Friends are invited to attend. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 LE PIRE, INFANT JAMES PHILLIP.
On Monday, September 5, 1949, at Children's Hospital, JAMES PHILLIP LE PIRE, beloved infant son of Edith G. and Joseph P. Le Pire. Private services and interment were held Tuesday. September 6.
MATTHEWS, DOROTHY ISABEL. Thursday, September 8, 1949, at her residence, 6418 8th st. n.w., DOROTHY ISABEL MATTHEWS, daughter of Walter L. and Blanche T. Matthews.
sister of Margaret A. Matthews. Services at the S. H. Hines Co.
Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. on Saturday, September 10, at 7:45 a.m.: thence to the Church of the Nativity, 13th and Peabody sts. n.w., where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 8:15 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Congressional Cemetery.
9 McINNIS. JOHN F. On September 6, 1949, JOHN F. McINNIS. husband of Ruth Morse McInnis of 365 Clinton Brooklyn, N.
Y. Services on Saturday, September 10. at 11 a.m., at Oliver H. Blair's, 1820 Chestnut Philadelphia, Pa. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery.
MUDD, THOMAS H. On Wednesday. September 7, 1949, at his residence, 407 6th st. s.e., THOMAS H. MUDD, beloved husband of May M.
Mudd. father of Eugene, Inez. Paul and Raymond Mudd; brother of Mrs. John Storer, Arthur Mudd and Mother Teresita. Mission Helpers of the Sacred Heart.
Towson, Md. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home, 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Saturday, September 10.
at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Peter's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.
Please omit' flowers. 9 MURRAY, HARVEY E. On Wednesday, September 7. 1949, at Providence Hospital, HARVEY E. MURRAY.
beloved husband of Violet B. Murray, father of HarRoy Murray, son of Jeannette M. Murray, brother of Ernest G. and Archie J. Murray.
Services at Chambers' Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e., on Saturday, September 10. at 10 a.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 9 NEIL, WILLIAM G.
On Monday, September 5, 1949, at his residence. 707 60th Fairmont Heights, WILLIAM G. NEIL, beloved husband of Anna F. Nell, father of Cashin Rodney Lindsey Eugene Shermont T. and George W.
Neil. Also surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Addie O. Grigsby, Miss Georgia O'Neill. Mrs.
Nannie O. Crawford and Mrs. Marie Hackett: two brothers, Stover and Goldie O'Neill: five grandchildren and many other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Wednesday, September 7.
friends are invited his late residence. Services Thursday, September 8, at 1 p.m., at the Sargeant Memorial Presbyterian Church. 51st and Grant sts. n.e. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
8 O'DONNELL, MARY A. On Tuesday, September 6. 1949, MARY A. O'DONNELL. beloved daughter of the late William and Nora O'Donnell and sister of James and Cohn B.
O'Donnell. Funeral from the residence of her brother. John B. O'Donnell. 1523 Michigan ave.
n.e., on Friday, September 9, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9 a.m. Interment, private. Mount Olivet Cemetery.
PERROW. JESSE. On Thursday, September 8, 1949, at his residence. 5201 Temple rd. s.e., JESSE PERROW.
beloved husband of Mary E. Perrow, father of Mrs. Jeannette L. Baker. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st.
and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Saturday, September 10, at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Please omit flowers.
9 RILEY, WILLIE E. On Tuesday, September 6, 1949. at his residence, Indian Head, WILLIE E. RILEY, beloved husband of Emma Hoffman Riley. Funeral on Friday, September 9, from his late residence.
Services will he held at the Indian Head Baptist Church at 11:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery at 1:30 p.m. ROTH, FREDERICK WILLIAM. On Tuesday, September 6, 1949, FREDERICK WILLIAM ROTH of 101 York Baltimore, husband of Nancy Harriet Roth. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home, 517 11th st.
s.e., on Friday, 9. at 10 a.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. SCHOENING, CARL F. Suddenly, on Tuesday, September 6, 1949, at Buffalo, N.
CARL F. SCHOENING of 2400 Perry st. n.e., beloved husband of Janette Hanco*ck Schoening, father of Carl E. Schoening, brother of Mrs. Ervin Roeder, Mrs.
William Nieman and Arthur Schoening. all of Buffalo, N. Y. Services at the S. H.
Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Friday, September 9, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. SHEETS, CHARLES W.
On Wednesday, September 7. 1949. CHARLES W. SHEETS. beloved husband of the late Elizabeth A.
Sheets, father of Edward D. Sheets of Benicia, George W. of Hyattsville, Miss Katherine I. Sheets and the late Minnie A. Bettis; grandfather of Louise Russell, Katherine Briggs, Margaret Austin and Charles R.
Bettis. Friends may call at his late residence. 3220 Alabama ave. s.e., where services will be held on Saturday. September 10.
at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 9 CEMETERY LOTS. FOR SALE: Choice lot.
four sites, In Chapel Section, Fort Lincoln Cemetery. For details. write Box 197-A. Star. CHOICE 4 BURIAL SITES at Fort Lincoln Cemetery.
$300 cash. ME. 1652.. Funeral Rites Today For Mrs. Mary Hill Funeral services for Mrs.
Mary Eva Hill, 61, were to be held this morning at the Holy Name Catholic Church. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Hill died Sunday at her home, 1210 Bladensburg road N.E., after a illness. She was the mother children and had 34 long, grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
After the death of her husband, Willie Quade, about 30 years ago, she married William D. Hill, who is now working for the District government. They moved to Washington in 1929. Nine of her children live in the Washington area. are: Mrs.
Agnes Edwards, Mrs. Janie Smith, Mrs. Josephine Gray, Mrs. Burnadette Wannell, Melvin Quade, Ambrose Quade, Lawrence and James I. and William Smith Hill.
A son, Pvt. Ralph L. Hill, is stationed in Japan and her other daughter, Mrs. Rachel Schoenberger, lives in Erie, Pa. She also is survived by four sisters, Mrs.
Carrie Buckler, Mechanicsville; Mrs. Lula Lucas and Mrs. Pearl Richardson, both of Indian Head, and Mrs. Mable Ferris of Washington, and two brothers, Raymond Quade, Mechanicsville, and Alie Quade of this city. John Crabtree, Investigator For FTC in New York, Dies Funeral services for John Hinton Crabtree, 61, investigator for the Federal Trade Commission, will be held at 2 p.m.
tomorrow in Yonkers, N. Y. He died Tuesday in Yonkers where he had maintained a home since 1929. Mr. Crabtree began his Government service as a clerk in the Federal Bureau of Corporations here in 1911 and later worked as an accountant for the Government before becoming an attorney.
He left the Federal of Corporations, which later became the Federal Trade Commission in 1926 and transferred to the Internal Revenue Bureau where he remained for three years before resigning to go into private business in Yonkers. In 1937 he again went to work for the Federal Trade Commission and was assigned to the New York office. During World War II he was detailed to the War Production Board and also served for several months as a special investigator with the House Naval Affairs Committee in 1941. Mr. Crabtree was born in Bentonville, and spent his youth in 1 Lawton, Okla.
While residing Washington he lived at 1612 street N. W. Earl K. Hammers, 64, Dies; Former Shrine Potentate By the Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Sept. Karl Hammers, past imperial potentate of North American Shrines, died today in his Pittsburgh home.
He was 64. Mr. Hammers was elected head of the Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, in 1947. Prior to that he served as chairman of the Shrine's Public Relations Committee. native of Indiana, Mr.
Hammers was employed in the employe relations department of the H. J. Heinz Co, The family physicians said Mr. Hammers died of a heart attack after a siege of indigestion. Beaths STONE, CATHERINE WEST.
Departed this lite Monday, September 6, 1949, Mrs. CATHERINE WEST STONE of 707 1st st. n.w. She is survived by foster father, Mr. Jesse Francis; two sisters, Mrs.
Mildred Walker and Mrs. Leanna Brogden; two uncles, one aunt and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the Hall Bros. Funeral Home, 621 Florida ave. n.w., Thursday, September 8, after 5 p.m.
Funeral services Saturday, September 10, at 1 p.m., at the above funeral home, Rev. David Brown officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 9 TAYLOR, ALONZO. On Saturday, September 3, 1949, ALONZO TAYLOR of 1622 4th st.
n.w., devoted son of Emma Taylor, brother of Agnes Rodgers, William E. and James E. Taylor. Services will be held at the Malvan Schey Funeral Home, N. J.
ave. and st. n.w.. at 2 p.m. today.
Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. THOMPSON, JOHN MILTON. On Tuesday, September 6. 1949, JOHN MILTON THOMPSON of Oxon Hill, the beloved brother of Sarah E. Perkins.
Funeral from the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home, 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Friday, September 9, at 1:30 p.m. Services at St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church, Oxon HilL at 2 p.m.
Relatives and friends invited. Interment church cemetery. VAUGHN, ROY W. Suddenly, urday, September 3, 1949, at his residence, 1247 12th pl. n.w., ROY W.
VAUGHN, husband of Mrs. Sallie Vaughn, son of Mrs. Sarah Vaughn, brother of Mrs. Nola Terrill and Mrs. Lady Banks.
One niece, three nephews, other relatives and many friends also survive, From 3 p.m. ThursSeptember 8, until 10:30 a.m. Friday, September 9, friends may call at the Carver Memorial Funeral Home, 29-31 st. n.w. Interment Charlottesville, Va.
WASHINGTON. IDA VIRGINIA. On Tuesday, September 6, 1949, at her residence, 55 st. n.w., IDA VIRGINIA WASHINGTON, beloved mother of Mrs. Mary Jackson.
Mrs. Virginia Jackson, Mrs. Theresa Galloway, Edward, Clarence: William and Louis Washington; sister of Mrs. Ella Lash. Noble Brooks, Robert and Charlie Mitchell.
Also surviving are five grandchildren, Mrs. Ida Brent. Edward, Louis, Clarence. and Harry ington: five great-grandchildren. three Mrs.
Laura, Viola and Clara Washington: three sons-in-law, Leon Galloway, James Jackson and Clarence Jackson; other relatives and many friends. After 3 p.m. Thursday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home, 1820 9th st. n.w., where services will be held on Friday, September 9, at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.
8 WATKINS, MARY FRANCES. Sudden1y, on Wednesday, September 7. 1949. at Folly, MARY FRANCES WATKINS. beloved wife of the late O.
F. and mother of F. Earl Watkins. Funeral from her late residence, 2023 Hanover Silver Spring, on Friday, September 9. at 0:15 a.m.
Reaviem mass at Relatives St. Gabriel's Church at 10 a.m. and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. In Memoriam BROOKS, A.
GEORGE. In memory of A. GEORGE BROOKS, who passed away September 8, 1947. To think you Say good-by Before you closed your eyes: The blow was hard, we'll not complain, But know in Christ we'll meet again. CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN.
JAESCHKE, MARY A. In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, MARY A. JAESCHKE, who passed away four years ago today. September 8, 1945. HER CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN.
NELSON, NANNIE O. In memory of our mother, O. NELSON, on her birthday, September 8, 1949. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time 80 far has only proved How much we miss her yet. THE FAMILY.
SCAGGS, FANNIE S. In loving remembrance of FANNIE 8. SCAGGS, who departed this life four years ago, September 8, 1945. The love you gave us for many years Will never from us depart, dear; Though you have gone beyond our reach, You are always in our hearts, mother, dear. DAUGHTER, FANNIE, AND GRANDCHILDREN.
THOMAS. EDMONIA. In sad remembrance of my dear daughter. EDMONIA THOMAS, who passed away nine years ago today, September 8, 1940. Gone.
but not forgotten. Your memory is as fresh today as the day you went HER DEVOTED MOTHER. E. Murray Funeral To Be Held Here Saturday Funeral services for Harvey E. Murray, 64, retired business representative of Wood Wire Metal Lathers Union, Local No.
9, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Chambers funeral home, 517 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be in Washington National Cemetery. Mr. Murray died Wednesday of a heart attack in Providence Hospital after a week's illness.
Harvey E. Murray, Born in Washington and educated in the public schools here, Mr. Murray had been a metal lather in private industry for almost 44 years here. He served as business representative of Wood Wire Metal Lathers Union, Local No. 9, for 12 years until his retirement last August 1.
He lived at 5001 Forestville road, Forestville, Md. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Violet B. Murray, and a son, Harvey Le Roy Murray, both of the Forestville road address; his mother, Mrs. Jeannette Murray; two brothers, Ernest G.
and Archie J. Murray, and three grandchildren, all of Washington. Atlanta Mayor Renominated With 91-Vote Majority By the Associated Press ATLANTA, Sept. unofficial returns in Atlanta's mayoralty race gave the incumbent, William Hartsfield, a third four-year term yesterday. Mr.
Hartsfleld polled 20.080 votes, only 91 more than the combined total of his three opponents for the job. Charlie Brown, who ran second with 17,255 votes, refused to concede the election pending the outcome of official tabulation of the votes today by the city Democratic Executive Committee. The other candidates in the race received only token support. Joe Salem polled 1,111 votes and Bill Todd 1,623. Mr.
Hartsfield's 91-vote lead over the field saves him from a possible runover with Mr. Brown. To receive the Democratic nomiwhich is tantamount to election, a candidate is required to poll a majority of all the votes cast. A total of 94.744 Atlantans were eligible to vote in the primary. The list included 22,405 Negroes.
It was the first time Negroes were allowed to vote in a primary. Harry B. Huhn, 66, Dies; Lifelong D.C. Area Resident Harry B. Huhn, 66, a lifelong resident of the Washington area, died yesterday at his home, 9215 Woodland road, Silver Spring, after a six-week illness.
Mr. Huhn was a meat cutter with several Washington firms, retiring in 1942. He was a member of Father Rosensteel Council, Knights of Columbus, of Forest Glen, and of the Holy Name Society of St. John's Catholic Church, Forest Glen. Besides his widow, Mrs.
Bernadette C. Huhn, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Louise Fletcher of Washington, and two sons, Milton of Washington and Bernard of the Woodland road address. Requiem mass will be said at 9 a.m. Saturday St.
John's Catholic Church. Burial be in St. Mary's Cemetery. Jose Clemente Orozco Dies; Noted Mexican Muralist By the Associated Press MEXICO CITY, Sept. Clemente Orozco, 65, one of Mexico's "big three" mural painters, died yesterday.
He will buried in the "rotondo of illustrious men" with others of his country's leaders. He died at home of a heart attack. The other two of the "big three" Mexican muralists are Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros. Like Rivera and Siqueiros, Orozco was a political left winger, but unlike them he did not publicly proclaim his politics or take part in Communist and other leftist demonstrations. Many considered him the greatest of modern Mexico's painters.
Rites for Mrs. Taliaferro In Orange, Tomorrow Special Dispatch to The Star ORANGE, Sept. services for Mrs. Ann Taliaferro, 80, wife of Thomas Garland Taliaferro, will be held tomorrow 1 in St. Thomas' Episcopal Church here.
Burial will be in Graham Cemetery. Mrs. Taliaferro died yesterday in the University Hospital. Charlottesville, after a long illness. native of Ohio, had resided in Orange for years and had been an outstanding worker in church and affairs.
Besides her husband, she is survived by a number of nieces and nephews residing in Ohio. Funeral Tomorrow For Dr. Mary Holmes, Retired Physician Funeral services for Dr. Mary Holmes, 75, retired physician who practiced here for 38 years, will be held at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow at the S.
H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Dr. Edward Latch. pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Church, of which she was a member many years, will officiate.
Burial will be private. Dr. Mary Holmes, Dr. Holmes lived at 4634 Elliott street N.W. She died unexpectedly yesterday of coronary thrombosis.
born in Ohio and came to Washington with her parents, the late James M. Holmes and Mrs. Frances Turner Holmes, at the age of 9. While still a child, she decided to become a physician after hearing tales of need for medical care in India and China from returning missionaries. Qualified as Teacher.
Becoming a doctor in those days She was a first difficult qualified task as for a teach- womer in the public schools here and taught several years in Carberry School after her graduation from what is now Wilson Teachers' College. She was then eligible for enrollment in the medical school of National University which later merged with the George Washington University Medical School. Two years followed in the Women's Medical College of Philadelphia and an internship in the West Philadelphia Hospital for Women. Dr. Holmes retired in 1939.
During 18 of her 38 years of service she was the only woman in the city chosen as a life extension medical examiner for a large life insurance company. From the beginning of her professional career Dr. Holmes' practice was chiefly among women and children. Her last case before retirement was the delivery of triplets. Active in Clinical Work.
In addition to her many years in clinical work, she had been actively affiliated with the District Society, the American Medical Association, the Women's Physicians of the Southern Medical Association, the George Washington University Medical Society and Alumni Association, the Medical Council of Sibley Memorial Hospital and the day nursery of Neighborhood House. A graduate of the first class of Eastern High School in 1893, she was awarded the school's honor medal for distinguished achievementier her retirement, Dr. Holmes spent a great deal of time developing her hobbies; flower gardening, sewing, crocheting and stamp She exhibited her stamps and crocheted afghans and bedspreads in hobby shows. She also had been active in sewing for Red Cross; was president of the Wesleyan Church Service Guild at one time, and was a member of P. E.
both local and national. Surviving her are two sisters. Miss Fannie Holmes of the Ellicott street address and Mrs. Jason F. Defandorf of Garrett Park, three nephews, Col.
James H. Defandorf and M. Defandorf, both of Chase, Frank, and John L. Defandorf of Milwaukee, and a niece. Frank Lloyd Weaver of Garrett Park.
Rubber Workers Accept 11-Cent Pay Reduction By the Associated Press NORWALK, Sept. Members of Local 283, United Rubber Workers of America (CIO), voted last night to accept a decrease in pay averaging 11 cents an hour from the Norwalk Tire Rubber Co. on a trial basis. The union membership accepted the proposal, agreed on by its representatives at a negotiation meeting with the company yesterday, by a vote of 124 to 45. The cuts of 2 to 13 per cent will return the rubber workers' pay to the level of two years ago when they were granted an 11-cent-anhour increase.
Officials of the firm, which laid off 350 employes in June, have promised that if business improves wages will be raised to last year's figure. TOMORROW IS YOUR LUCKY DAY! See the Bowl of Fortune IN SWOPE'S WINDOW 1114 STREET N.W. COLLINS FUNERAL HOME Francis J. Collins 3821 14th St. N.W.
Telephone Randolph 7117 W. R. Frank Hines, President Washington's Foremost Funeral Home Since 1873 The S.H. Hines Company 2901-03-35-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. COlumbia 7023-24 No Branch Establishments TRADING CO.
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