a a a a THE FREEMAN'S JOURNAL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1895. AND BRAY INTELLIGENCE. TOWNSHIP COMMISSIONERS. Testerday was the held stated in the Town meeting of board Hall. Mr.
pReslin, J.P, CTC, were presided. The other emissioners present Rowland Fanning, Cuthbert, JP; Ww Capt PatrickJP; Robert Clifton, W.m Roasiter, Farland, Gow, Richard Philip and Martin Langton. FINANCIAL. the Town Clerk's balance. sheet showed there was £1,357 with credit of the amissioners' accounts the treasurer.
THE RECENT ELECTIONS. fir. Thomas Craig wrote stating that he sidered it his duty direct the attention commissioners to 80116 matters sirence to the election which were recent sarisfactory. In the had first place parties were wed to vote who not paid their rates, ed in the east ward where there four (three "three years' seats" and 39 "one veer seat the returning officer eared the three candidates receiving the number of votes elected to the whee years' scats" and the candidate coming Eli to the one year seat." The latter was te uf the commissioners seeking re-election, ad it was a question whether under all the ramstances the elections would not, if rationed, be declare I void for uncertainty. de believed that matter.
commissioners should arially conavier had the Jir. Now. who been declared elected truce sear, wrote clainung a three EN. He objected to the records previously ride. Toe Chai: man said he considered the letter cost extraordinary communication.
He stainly did not understand Mr. Craig's he having been assessor and having ated to, him that while not agreeing with O'Meara circ*mstances, it might seeing be as that well, the under the candidid not object to acquiesce in the ragement about voting. Mia. Langton business. remarked He knew that what he 0'Meara was king about.
Mr. Rossiter said that the question of station was, discussed by the solicitors. genta, candidates on the morning election before a vote was given, and ber agreed that the practice which had existed should continue, the three genest to get the three years' seats aunt de next the "one-year and acting on da: agreement the returning officer declured election, and no exception was then wen. Mr. Cuthbert and Captain Patrickson conarded that it was a matter between the two adidates concerned.
Jr. Clifton said unless things remained as were it 433 2 matter between all the alidates, The letter was altimately marked read," ad the matter dropped. THE HARBOUR WORKS. A report was read from the General Pur2568 Committee enclosing reports of Cert of Works in reference to progress of FORET3 (Mesars Strype and Comber) send woour works. The report of the engineers no highly favourable, but Clerk of Borks (Ir Carroll), chichis report.
cbaced to the manner in some of the MIX had been executed, the most serious Negation being that blocks had been placed a the sand at the extreme end of the north tskwater, and had not been removed, though he protested. Subsequent heavy sa3 knocked the blocks ont oi level. in reply to a addressed to hen by the Town Clerk askino for an CXcanation. the engineers Wrote to say that noT should the decline to discuss engineering matters on mere ipse dixit of the Clerk si Works. They were quite satisfied with be manner in which the Works were being executed, The matter gas adjourned to a special meeting to beheld -morrow evening.
SINGSTOWN TOWN COMMISSIONERS Yesterday a meeting of the Kingstown ommissioners was held in the Town Hall, Mr 1 Findiater, TC, presiding. The commissioners present were Atwood, Colonel Beamish, Thomas Brown, John Carr, Fred Coldwell, lanes Dillon, I James Evans, diward Field, Philip Hynes, John Moran, John Cullagh, I. Daniel O' Brien, Thos Robinson, Win Williato Robinson, Samuel Smith, fames Triston, Wallace, and Thomas doss. Mr Wallace, in accordance with notice of notion. proposed the following resolutionThat notice having appeared of the of the Dublin Corporation to proceed rich a bill in Parliament altering materially heir contract with this board for the supply of water, it is hereby resolved to appoint 8 committee of the whole house to take such lops as may be deemed advisable for the protection of the luterests of the township." The Corporation of Dublin had revived the Improvement Bill they introduced last year, deals with the supply of water to the township, and that was no trivial matter, but one affecting seriously the contract with the township.
They should see what could be done to protect their intereste. To be forewarned was to be forearmed, and he thought they should adopt that resolution. Mr Dilion seconded the motion. Mr. Kyans said that when they were proseeding to procure a Provisional Order for 811 independent water supply the Lion opposed them on the ground that their Corporacontract should not be broken.
'They should 30W see that the Corporation did not break that contract. Ir. Atwool believed they should take care that no expense would be incurred by the committee unless it was frat discussed at the board, and he would move as an amendDent that the following words be added to Wallace's amendment-" That no exHr Dense whatever be incurred by the committee without the Sanction of this board." Mr. Brown seconded the amendment, and that Mr. Wallace should embody the words in his resolution.
The Chairman considered Mr Wallace's resolution a very proper one. He could say that the Bill of the Corporation was an attempt to increase the water rate in Kingstown by 5d in the S. Mr. O'Brien supported Mr. Atwool's amendment.
Mr. Evans asked if there was a conspiracy with the Dublin Corporation to assist them putting an extra rate The amendment was then put, and lost by upon Kingstown. 12 votes to 6. The resolution was carried on the same livision. The Chairman -Twelve gentlemen are for opposing the Corporation and six gentlemen are against it (laughter, and no).
Mr. Atwool and Mr ('Brien protested against interpretation put upon their action by the Chairman. Their only object was to guard against expense. The meeting then adjourned. DALKEY TOWN COMMISSIONERS.
Yesterday the Commissioners of the Dalkey Township beld their monthly meeting in tho Town Hall, Dalkey, Mr Clay, (chairman) presiding. The other Commissioners present were -Messrs Comas, Buggs. John Leaby, Joseph Lecky, Smallinan, Phillipson, Casey, Charles Eason, jun. THE ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN--A SCENE. Mr M' Comas took exception to the minutes last meeting because they contained 20 record of the strong protest which had been made on that occasion by, himself and three other members of the board against the elecion of the chairman in their absence.
The Chairman -I don't see why they should contain a record of it. Ar comas--I don't see why they shouldn't, IF. Chairman--It was no portion of the business of the board. The decision arrived at in the ordinary and a subject was discussed way, and the usual time was waited for before ceedings the procommenced. Mr M' Comas- That is not I am simply saying the my minutes point now.
that are not an accurate record contend that the protest took, right to be place, and I entered on the minutes (hear, hear). The Chairman -I say it had not. Mr Lecky-I beg to move that it be entered on the minutes. Mr M' Comas--I second that. As you know, there has been a good deal of feeling about the matter, and I think it is only fair that the opinion of the Commissioners who were unjustly shut out should be recorded.
Chairman-I am. sorry that this matter should be introduced. Mr Comas -I don't wish to introduce thing that would canse friction at the board. anybut think this protest ought to be I on the minates. Chairman-Ithink it ougat not to be on the minutes.
It is protest about a matter that occurred before you attended the Mr Casey thought the contention Mr M' 'Comas was absurd. The Chairman said sometimes a protest was put in in writing, but had never heard of a verbal protest being entered on the minutes of any society or corporation before. Mr Eason supported the motion. He thought that under the circ*mstances they ought to have the faots entered on the minutes. Chairman--This proposal, I understand, is a personal insult to myself.
Mr M' Comas-I object to that. It is not intended as an insult to you. Chairman--It is. -I can only say that it is not intended as an insult to you or anyhody else. But I think your election to the chairmanship of this board was very unfair thing in the absence of certain members who, to.
your knowladge, were coming to support Mr Conan, they bad no right to be upset from the chairmanship. Chairman--That confirms what I say and aggravates the insult. I consider if this is the way you are going to begin the year's work Mr may consider what you like. On a division the resolution was declared carried by a majority of 5 to 4, the chairman declining to vote. In reply to Mr Casey, The Chairman said he did not care to vote.
The motion was only intended as a shot at him, and he did not care piu about it. He was perfectly innocent of the whole thing. Mr Comas denied it was intended as A a shot at the chairman. He did not blame him, but two other members of the board. Chairman -Make me the scapegoat if you like, but let us get on with the business of the township (hear, hear).
Mr Smallman said Mr M' Comas had tried to throw discord into the board. Mr Comas denied this. But when he was treated in a scandalous manner he thought he had a right to express his opinion as well as anybody else. The minutes were amended in accordance with the resolution, and the subject dropped. KINGSTOWN POLICE COURT.
(Before Mr Wall, FEROCIOUS DOGS. Charles Blake, a man of respectable with appearance, being was drunk in charged by Williamstown Constable between est 5 and 6 o'clock pm the previous evoning, and having five ferocious dogs with him, one of which had bitten a man named James O'Neill. He found O'Neill sitting on a wall for fear of the doge, which were trying to get at him, and the prisoner was lying up drank against the wall. James O'Neill, carpenter and builder, 98 Williamstown, deposed that between 5 and 6 o'clock the previons eveniag he was coming home from Merrion, and when he came to Willow terrace, Williamstown, the prisoner's five dous attacked They tore his new trousers, which cost 12s 6d, and one of them bit him on the leg. Some of the dogs were bulls and the rest "kennels." He was working for a very respectable man in Rath.
gar avenue, and he was likely to ba sacked" as he was unable to go to his work that morning. His week's wages came to 383. He claimed compensation for the destruction of his trousers and the loss of his employment. The prisoner said his dogs, all of which were kennels," bad never attacked anyone before. He bad taken some drink the previous day, which completely knocked him over.
At the same time he knew what was going op. There had been a crowd of people aunoyiag the dogs, and they were only protecting him. His Worship said it was an outrageons thing for a man to be going about with ferocious dogs in this manner. He fined the prisener 5s or four days for being drunk aud 2s for having the dogs with him, ordered him in addition to pay 253 compensation, or in default 14 days' imprisonment. THE FATAL, ACCIDENT BRAY.
Yesterday Mr. H. Jones, coroner for East County Wicklow, attended at Bray and held inquest on the body of Mr8 Rosanna Clarke, of Glencormack. who was accidentally knocked down by a grocer's van on Saturday, and injured so severely that she died some hours afterwards. Mr.
O'Meara, solicitor, represented the next of kin, and Mr. THR Craig, solicitor (Hamilton and Craig), represented Mr Bryan, owner of the Fan, and Philip Doyle, driver. After hearing evidence, the jury found that Mrs Clarke's death was the result of an accident. Mr Beggs (foreman) said that the jury desired to convey their sincere sympathy to the friends of the deceased. They were satisfied that the unfortunate occurrence was purely an accident.
Mr Craig, on the part of his clients, also expressed his deep sympathy with the deceased's family. FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. BARRY MANN. Yesterday the remains of the late Mr Barry Mann, manager of the Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company, were removed for interment in the Moravian Cemetery, Whitechurch, from his residence, Springville, Cross avenue, Blackrock. Previous to the departure of the funeral Rev Birtill, clergyman of the Moravian body, to which the deceased gentleman belonged, conducted the opening portion of the burial service in the house.
The service is brief and simple, and the concluding portion at the grave side was also conducted by the same clergyman. A long line of carriages containing many friends af the deceased gentleman followed the remains to their last resting place, and testified to the great esteem in which he was universally held. On nearing the cemetery the coffin, which was laden with beautiful wreaths, was taken from the hearse and borne to the grave by employer of the Dublin and Glasgow Steampacket, and for the last brief distance by the intimate friends of Mr Mann. The chief mourners were -Frederick Mann and John Mann (sons), Isaac Mann (brother), SanderSOD Christie (brother-in-law), Richard Mann and Robert Christie (nephews). Amengst those who attended or sent carriages woreGeorge Macnie.
Roche, Col M'Gregor, Russel Dowse, MI directore Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company; Alexander Forsyth, Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet Company; James Dalziel, can vaasing agent, Glasgow; James Taylor, agent, Dublin, Greenock, and Glasgow Steam Packet Company, George's quay; Purdon, V7 Dollar, Chalmera, Williama, Menton, Heftield, Nicoll, Davis, Barls, A O'Connor, Griffo, O'Kelly, Capt Boloud, Griftin, Carpenter, Gilchrist, Slater, Thornbill, Pape, Cuthbert, Milligan, A Mooney, Shaughnessy. Wheian, Losty, Manly, Daly, Moore. Led with, Cullen, Bryan, Lumley, Reilly, Lawlor. Connor, Conk, Flannery, Goslip, Hoare, Walshe, Nolan, Guirk, Brogan, Lemon, Power, Sye, Reddan, I Abnew, Gaughren, Cannon, MI'Guirk, Curran, A M'Donaid, an Kand, A Henderson, Robert Miller, Caledonia Railway Co, Glasgow; Alex- ander A Keith, Manager, A Guinness, Sane and Company, Limited, Glasgow; Geo Wells and Edward Holohan, Laird Line; Robert Tedcastle, Geo Tedcastle, Bingham jun, Tedcastle, and Co; TP Callaghan, TH Downey, and Railway Co Charles Middleton, Dublin and Liverpool Co; A Archer, secretary Drogheda Co; Andrew Taylor, Dublin, Dundalk, and Londonderry Co; A Lyon, Silloth and Fred I 0 SP Co; A Egan, Band IS Co; Colling, Wexford and Roslair Railway Co James Kirkland. Read, and Read, Graud Canal; Wm A Wallis, Johu Wallis, Crabbe, John Wallis and Sone; Middleton, Hewat, Heitop and Co; Ter Dr Sterling Berry, Rev Mr.
Smith, Rev Skene, St Columba's College; Professor Purser, TC Purser, Dr Pollock; Colclough, Marchbank, TO; Win Ross, CE; Walpole, John Griffith, Capt A Dunn, town; Wm Barry Dunu, solicitor; Cooper Hafield, KingsGlenageary: John Haziey, Blackrock; Atkinsop, Booterstown; John Nickson, Booterstown W.m verend, Booterstown; Charles Keatinge, Charles Lang, Rathmines Gifford, Sinclair Robinson, Molony, Charles Cooney, Fred Griffith Francis Junes Boydell, Green, CH Egan, Egan, Wallace, A Cole, Frederick Warren, Henry Cordner, Patrick Coyie, Byrne, James Danaher. EH Heron, Wm Litchfield, Wm Kane, Kingstown (R Tedcastle and Charles Grabame Harvey, Alexander Keene, Campbell. Wreaths wers sent by deceased's children, Mr. and Miss Christie, the staff ashore and aflent of the Dublin and Glaagow Steampacket Co, Dublin; Masonie Lodge No 666. Dublin; Mr.
and The Misses Read Mr James Boydell, Capt Watts, and I Steampacker Co; Mr. Campbell. The large wreath, 5 feet, composed of choicest flowers, with card attacued, "From the staff of the Dublin and Glasgow Steampacket Co, ashure and afloat, in respectful memory of our late Mire manager, Barry Mann, Esq." sthpplied by Lambe, Court Florist, Grafton PEMBROKE TOWNSHIP. Yesterday, at 11 o'clock, the fortnightly meeting of Pembroke Commissioners was held at the 'Town Hall, Ballsbridge, the Chairman, Sir Robert Jackson, in the chair. The other members of the board present vereMessra Wm Beckett, George Carolin, John Cranny, MD; Col Andrew Devoren, Cornelius De Groot, Capt John Gibbs, Sir Ball Greene, Capt Hastings Molloy, Fane Vernon, George Walker, and George Wells.
Mr. Mahon, 0 the Surveyor, was iu attendance. THE LATE SURGEON LIEUT-COL NASH. Dr Cranny moved the following resolution That we wish to express our feeling of the great loss the board has sustained by the Nash, sad who death was of oue Surgeon of the oldest members Colonel the board, and we hereby convey our condolence to his relatives in their bereavement." Colonel Davoren seconded the resolution. The Chairman said the late Col Nash was one of their most useful members.
The resolution passed unanimously. Mr. Manly, the secretary, formally reported the fact of a vacancy on the board having beon caused by Colonel Nash's death, stating that ho would have gone out of office 011 the 15th November, 1896; end also that his death created a vacancy on the Board of Governors of the Pembroke Technical Schools, Ringsend, on which he was one of the tive representatives of the township, and that his tenure of office in that capacity would have lasted until the 31st December, 1895. Colonel Davoren gare notice that at the meeting of the Commissioners on the 18th instant he would move that Mr. William Soady should be co-opted a member of the board in the room of Lieutenant-Colonel Nash.
On the motion of Mr. Carolin, seconded by Mr. Faue Vernon, Dr Cranny was elected to fill the vacancy on the board of the Tachnical Schools. THE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, RINGSEND. The second annual report of the governors of the above schools for the session 1894-5 was received.
It stated that the second session opened on the 24th September, 1894, with classes in navigation and seamansbip, net-making, boat-building, manual instructiou, metal work, mechanice, mathematics, chemistry, drawing, shorthand, bookkeeping, reading, writing, arithmetic, cookery, laundry work, dressmaking, machine knitting, ambulance, swimming, and the life and habits of fish. The number on the school roil was 245, being increase of 63 over the previous session. and the average daily attendance of students WaS 49, AS against 42 in the first session. The amount roceived in school fees in the past session was £42 5s 4d: the reanlt fees were £5 108; private subscriptions, £40 78 donation from the late Earl of Pembreke, £50 donation from tho Royal Dublin Society, £100; Pembroke Commissioners' contribution, £420; and Department of Science and Art contribution £420. On the motion of Dr Cranny, seconded by Mr.
De Groot, it was resolved to make the usual annual grant to funds of the Technical School of 1d in the pound on last year's valuation, amounting to 2425 2s 10d. BALLSBRIDGE. Mr. Beckett gave notice of a motion that the engineer should be instructed to prepare drawings and an estimate for increasing the width of Ballebridge by adding about 12 feet to the side of it next Simmonscourt, and by placing the present wing wall in new ATTENDANCES OF THE COMMISSIONERS, Air. Manly, the secretary, read a return of the attendances of all the members of the board at the several board and committee meetings since the 15th of November, 1894, by which the total attendances were shown as follows: Wm Beckett, possible 122, actual 93; George 0 Carolin, 126, 120; George Casson, 101, 45 Cranny, 95, 84 Colonel A Davoren, 111, 67: Cornelius De Groot, 85, 73: John Gibbs, 43, 22, deceased 4th April, 1895 Captain John Gibbs, 40, 13, co-opted 29th April, 1895; Sir Ball Greene, 87, 43 Sir Robert Jackson, 117, 100; Captain Molloy, 89, 44 Sir George Moyers, 114, 22 Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Nash, 101, 59.
deceased 218t October, 1895 Fane Vernon, 109, 58; George Walker, 80, 41; George Wells, 79. 15. Other business having been disposed of, 'The board adjourned. SUMMARY OF AUCTION ADVERTIsem*nTS. The following auctions are advertised in our columns this day JAMES H.
NORTH--House property, 49 Lower Camden street; 4, 5, and 6 Havelock square, Bath avenue; 14, 1 15, 30, 31.and 32 Strandrille avenue; and 7 Stoney road, at 110 Grafton street, 12th November. GAVIN of Teltown, Co Meath, at 50 Prussia street, November. SMITH, GRIFFIN, AND in farm of Newcastle, Co Wicklow, 11th November. A COONAN-Interest in farm of Piercetown, Dunboyne, at City Arms Hotel, Dublin, 7th November. MAHER -Interest in business establishment in 'Thurles, 9th November.
JOSEPH at 17 Bachelor's walk, to-morrow; cycles, 16th November. ALEXANDER DOWNS. -Furniture at 17. Longford terrace, Monkstown, to-morrow. MERRICK AND DEVITT.
Houses and cattle, at Mooresfert, to morrow. JOHN BENTLEY -Wearing apparel at 161 street, this day; watches and jewellery this ovening. PATRICK O'CONNOR AND of hay and letting of land, at Lodge Park, Ratoath, Co Meath, to-morrow; furniture, live stock, implements, vehicles, farm produce, at Annesbrook, Swords, Co Dublin, 8th November; hay at Mitchelstown, Malhuddart, Co Dublin, 11th November. SPORTING NEWS. LEWES AUTUMN MEETING.
YESTERDAY. 145- The MAIDEN (at entry) TWO YEAR Gea OLD RACE of 100 gova. Fire furlongs. Randelph's Monks Eleigh, by St Honorat -Domiduca 9st 71b 1 Mr. Joicey's Lakeside, 9at Loates 2 Mr.
Luscombe's L'Eeclave, 88t 4lb (£1001 Al app 3. Mr. Mount Colius, 8st 7lb (£100) Hunt Mr. Mackusick Morgallyth, 9at Wingfield 0 Mr. Purefoy's Mobled Queen, 888 1116 Chaloner.
Mr. Swan's by St Symphorien-Alert, 9at Lord Rossmore's Hawker, 9sb 0 J. Jones Mr. Wood's Yellow Jacket, Luatea 0 Betting--Evens agst Monks Eleigh. and Yellow Jacket, 11 to 2 agat L'Esclave, 100 to 14 agat Lakeside, 100 te 6 agst Mount Coliue, 33 to 1 agst any other.
After a long, tedious delay, the Alert filly jumped off in front of l'Esclave and Monks Eleigh and led to the distance, where the favourite drew to the front and won by four lengths; leagth and a separated the second and third Mount 5Ceeius was fourth, Yellow Jacket fifth, Alert colt fifth, and Hawker last. 2 15-The ROTHSCHILD PLATE of 100 SOVE, One mile. Sir Jas Duke's The Corsican, by Exile IIWarble, 3 yre, 10st Mr. Brook 1 Mr. Brydges Willyau's Splendour, 3 yra, 716 Phillips 2 Capt Lumley's Chit Chat, 3 yrs, 10st 116 Ms.
Hampton 3 Mr. Brown's Baraac, 3 yre, 10at 9lb Mr. Lushington 0 Mr. Harvey's Vicar II, 8 yrs, 10st 6lb Mr. Phillips Mr.
Ralli's Sir Knight, 4 yrs, 11st Mr. Gee Mr. Thompson's Xylophone, 5 yrs, llet 81b Mr Maitland 0 Betting-11 to 8 on The Corsican, 3 to agat Splendour, 9 to 1 agst Bareas, 83 to 1 agat any other. Vicar II made running from Chit Chat and until entering the straight, where The Corsican drew out with a clear lead, foliowed by wen in a canter by twelve lengthe; 8 bad third. Barsac was fourth, Vicar II fifth, and Sir Knight lest.
2 45-The CASTLE PLATE of 100 sov8. Five furlongs. Mr Mr. A Toking' Cox's Dirk, 4 yrs, 9st 4lb Bradford Poupee, 4 yre, 9at 1lb Hoases Mr. Bates's Gold Belt, 4 gre, 9at 00 Dir.
Kruger's Polly Morgan, 4 yra, 9at 116 Booty 0 Mr. Hoodlesa's Marie Louise, 2 gra, 7st 616 Chaloner 0 Mr. Nesbitt's Ochiltree, 2 yre, 7at 9lb Madden 0 Dead heat; stakes divided. Batting-6 to 5 cu Marie Louise, to 1 each agst Dirk and Ochiltree, 7 to 1 each agat Gold Belt and Poupzo, 20 to 1 agst Polly Morgan. Dirk made play from Gold Belt and Poupea till insido the distance, when Poupee closed with the leader and made a dead heat of it: three lengths off the dead heaters Gold Bels was third.
Ochiltree was fourth, and Mario Louisa last. The stakes ware divided. Poupee was bought in for 105 and Dirk for 55 guinezo. 3 15-The LEWES AUTUMN HANDICAP of 300 sows; the second to receive 30 sovs, and the third 10 out 'of the race. One mile.
Mr. Luscombe's King's House, by Royal Hamptom-Glen Isla, 3 yre, Sat 11b Loates Mr. Dobell's False Step, 3 yra, 7et Sib 0 Madden 2 Mr. Dougall's Lady Halle, 5 yra, 7at 1216 Allsopp 3 Mi Hoodless's Crawley, 4 yrs, 8st 12lb Bradford 0 Miss Pett's Keymer, 5 gra, 8at 11lb Jones Sir Waldie-Griffith's Toreador, 6 yrs, Sat 515 Price 0 Mr. Hibbert's Last Toast, 4 yrs, 8st 31b Cartledgo 0 Sir Millor's Millennium (5lbex), 3 yrs, 891 Loateg 0 Mr.
Levy's Mob, 3 gre, 7st 31h (car 7st 4lb) Chaloner 0 Betting--7 to 2 agat Millenium, 5. to 1 each agat, King's House aud Lady Halle, 8 tc 1 aget Kormer, 10 to 1 each agat False Step and any other. The running was made by Last Toast from Lady Halle and Millennium, with King's House and Toreador next, and Mob whipping in to the straight, where False Step drew up to the leader, and a quarter of a mile from home assumed command, but was challeuged in the run homa by King's House, who won a goed race by a short head; four lengths separated second and third. Millennium was fourth, Toreador fifth, Keymer sixth, and Last 'feast last. 3 45 -The SELLING NURSERY HANDICAP of 100 sova: entrance for two year olds; the winner to be sold for 100 winners extra.
Five furlongs. Mr. Baddiugton's Kenwoldo, by Duce of Clubs -Careen, 8st. 61b Mr Wigan's Hubbub, 7at Loates 2 Mr. Lambton's Chorale, 6st 1115 (al 51b) Newman 3 Me Lucombe's 8st 10lb(car 88t 11lb) 4 Chaloner 0 Mr.
Hunt's Punch Ladle. 8st Hunt 0 Mr. Grabam. Meuzie's by Despair -Star of the Evening, 8st Bradford Mr. Bleackley'R Verno, Sat Madden 90 Mr.
Harvey's Hailsham, 8st (car 6st 4lb) Mr. Clark's Hove, 9lb Wingfeld 0 7st (all Kenny White's Petras, 7at 51b (all Pinyoun Mr. Lane's Bartminster, Get 9lb (all 51b). Lene 0 Betting-7 to 4 agat Chorale, 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 to 2 agst Hubbub, 6 to 1 agat Veruo, 10 to 1 aget Kenwolde, 100 to 8 bar four. Kenwold jumptede eff in front of Star of tho Evening colt and Hubbub, and making the whole of the runuing won by three lengths; four leugths separated second and third.
Verno was fourth, L'Esclave Star of the Evening colt sixth, Punch Ladle eighth, Hove ninth, and Bartminstor last. 15-The ASHCOMBE HANDICAP of 2 80 VS each for startore, with 100 added. Fivo furlongs. Mr. Aldward's Compton Mise, by Despair- -dam by Vespasian, 3 yra, 8st 21b Bradford 1 Mr.
Merry's Diplomat, 3 yrs, 7st 1216 Chaloner 2 Mr. Henaman's Prince of Poets, 4 yre, 7at 10lb Leates 3 Mr. Hyame's Antoros, 6 yrs, 416 Loates 0 Mr. Hunt's Spoil, 3 yrs, 7et 815 (car 7at 915). Hunt Mr.
Crest's Furze Busb, 4 gre, 7st 61b0 Madden 0 Mr. Brassey's Pardalo, 3 yrs, 7st Gib Grimabaw 0 Mr. Dawson's Loyse, 8 yrs, Newman 0 Betting-5 to 4 agst Diplomat, 5 to 1 agat Pardalo, 6 su 1 ages Prince of Poets, 8 to each aget Furze Bush and Tekay, 10 to 1 each agat Compton Miss and Anteros. Prince of Poets showed the way in a deluge of rain from Diplomat, Tokay, and Anteros, with Mies next, for half the journey, when Compton Miss drew to the front, followed by Diplomat, and wen easily by four lengths; half a length separated the second and third. Farze Bush and Tokay were last.
SPORTSMAN" OFFICIAL STARTING PRICES AT LEWES. Race. Horse Price Maiden Monks Kieigh Evens Rothschild The Corsican. 8 to 11 Castle 6 7 to I to 1 Autumn King's House. 5 to 1 Lewes Kenwolde be Compton Miss 10 to Dead heat.
Stakes divided. TIPS FROM "CELT." TELEGRAM.) Jewes, Monday. Had the weather ouly been kind at Lewes this afternoon everything would have been well, but it was not, although the sport discussed was quite up to the averago, and the Autumn Handicap, which fell to King's House after a desperate struzgle with False Face proved a rare good betting race. The meeting concludes to-morrow, when I fancy the followingHoundean Plate -Bonnet Southdown Welter--Knight of Rhodes. Lewes Nursery Juvenile Plate--Kenwolde.
Club Welter--The Corsican. CELT. PROGRAMME FOR TO-DAY. (Horses marked (a) have arrived). 1 30-The HOUNDEAN PLATE (handicap) of 100 sova; entrance 3 sova; winner to be sold for 70 80 v8, Five furlongs.
age at lb a Mr. Hoodless's Dirk 4 9 Mr. Gottschalk's Bonnet Bleu 5 9 4 a Mr. White's Miss Sybil 9 2 a Mr. Scruby's St Peter a 9.
1 aMr. Rose's Glen Sterling 6 8 11 aMr. Stanley Pearce'a Conachar 6 8 10 aMr. Hibbert's Beaded 8 9 aMr. Grean's Persecuted (late Little, 8 6 aMr.
Merry's Absentee 4 8 5 'a Mr. Luntham's Juan Fernandez 3 8 aMr. Stevens's Last Chance TI 3 7 12 aMr. Savage's Ivy Leaf 1:2 0-The SOUTHDOWN WELTER HANDICAP of 200 sov8 entrance 6 sove; the second to receive 10 winners axtra; to be riddon by members of the club. One mile and quarter.
age st lb Lord Stanley's Blackburn (12lb ex) Mr Lansbton 3 12 2 Mr. Atkinson's Kuight of Rhodes Escott 5 12 0 aMr. Crest's Mowbray: Bates 4 11 9 Bir. M'Creery'a Minnow Robinson 5 11 Mr. Oliver's Aventuriere Private 3 11 aMr.
Homewood's Bank Note (716 ex) Stereas 11 0 aMr. Brown's Barsac Chaloner 3 10 10 aMr. Luscembo's Lynwood Chaloner 3 10 9 2 30-The LEWES NURSERY (handicap) of 200 the second to receive 20 B078; for two year olds winners extra. Five furlongs. at lb aMr.
Calvert's Lantwit Peck 9 0 Mr. Miller's Spring Grass Halsey 9 0 aMr. Cannon's Landmark Owner 8 10 Heaswan's Sweet Song Prince 8 8 Mr. Wood's Yellow Jacket Viney 8 Merry'e Sarellum Braime 8 6 Mr. Brassey'a Lady Ailsa Jenninge, jun 13 Lord Durham's Poverino Peck.
7 Mr. Stevens's Southmoor Owner 7 12 aMa. Chester's King Amphion Barnes 7 11 Mr. Sherwood's Wise The King Dowager Sherwood Owner: 8 9 Mr. Moore's Rummager Braime 7 aMr.
Bieackley's Verno Lynham 6 10 03 0-The JUVENILE PLATE of 100 ROV8; entrance 3 sova; for two year olde; colta, 9at; fillies and geldings, 8st 11lb; the winner to ba sold for 50 soys; if for 100 7lb extra. Five furlongs. aMr. Armstrong's by The Rejected--Water Lily (£50) aMr. Blackley's Verno (£50) aMr.
Bleackley's Hadlow (£50) Chester's- King Ampbion (£50) aMir Hibbert's Parley (£50) a Mr. Hoodiese's a King's Own (£50) aMu Hudson's Miss Mufit (£50) a Br. Millard's Sauteuse (£50) aSir Millar's by Springfield--April Fool (£50) abir. Neebitt's Ochiltrec (£50) aMr. Popham's by Sir Bevy (£50) aMr.
Schoenfield's by Trapeze-Cecil (£50) a Capt de Vere Smith's Aridaa (£50) A Mr. Wigan's Kenwolde (£50) 8 30-The CLUB OPEN WELTER of 100 govs; for horses which at time of entry have not Won a race of one mile or over in (advertised) length; weight for age, etc. One mile sud a half. age st lb Colonel Cumberlege's Gold Bell Prigate 6 11 9 a Ralli's Sir Kuight Burbidgs 4 11 9 Mr. Dashwood's Tibocrat Sydney 4 11.
6 a Mr. Luscombe's Lynwood Chaloner 3 10 9 Capt Lumley's Grosnaia Burbidge 3 10 6 Mr. Sebright's Oswestry Luke 3 I0 6 aMr. Brown's Barsac Chaloner 3 10 6 aSir Jas Duke's The Corsican Barratt 3 10 6 Mr. Harvey's Vicar II Sydney 3 10 3 Mr.
Jee's Bumble Bee Private 3 10 3 Mr. Douglas Lane's Lull II Sydney 3:10 3 4 0-The MILE SELLING HANDICAP of 100 sove; winter to be sold for 70 soys. One mile. age st lb Capt. Aiken's Young Hampton Parker 4 8 10 Scruby's Lord Munden Lukie 6 .8 6 M.
Lebaudy's Hatfield Lynham 6 8 5 Mr. Corns'8 Johnston's Oceanic Never Despair. Geater Owner 3 4 8 8 2 3 a Mr. Merry's Porto 3 8 Mr Hanau's Edict Stevens 3 8 0 Mr. Burbidge's Stockham Owner 3 7 12 Mr.
Waller's Helpless Driscoll 7 10 Mr. Day's Ditton Andrew 3 7 10 Mr. Menzie's Ironstone Clement 8 8 Lord Vane-Tempest's Listener Golding 3 7 Mr. Pope's Ben Lui Private 3 Mr. Dashwood's Rising Star Sydney 3 5 Savage's Garland Owner 4 SCRATCHINGS.
Lewes Nursery -Bomb. Mile Selling-Hawkesbury. ADDITIONAL ARRIVAIS. Bank Note, Sauteuse. Mowbray, Porto, Land.
mark, King's Arms, Packington, Sir Knight, Beast, Bartminster, Laura Douglas, Lantwit, Brown Bonnet Bieu, Miss Sybil, St Peter, Glen Sterling, Gouachar, Bended Persecuted, Absentee, Juan Fernandez, Last Chance II. Ivy Leaf, Water Lily Hadlow, King Amphion, Parley, King's Own, Miss Mulit, April Fool Pomp Cecil Aridas. Many others pected this SHEFFIELD AND ROTHERHAM MEETING. YESTERDAY. 1 30-The WENTWORTH STEEPLECHASE PLATE of 40 soys, second to receive 5 sove, Two miles.
Caps Ethelaton's Pitch and Toss, by RattleValerie, 6 gra, 11at Hassall 1 Mr. Prichard's Lady Clifden, 4 pre, 12st 21b Mr. Gordon 2 Mr. Rochfort's The Commodore, 4yrs, 11st 21b Mr. Beatty 3 Mr.
Frost's Thorneycroft, 5 gra, 11st 10lb 'H Brown 0 Mr. Sydney's Gailoptioue, 4 yrs, 11st 2lb Owner 0 Betting-5 to 4 agst Lady Clifden, 3 to 1 cach agat Commodore and Pitch and Toss, 10 to 1 agat sany other (offered). Wou by six lengths; a bad third. rofused. Thorneycroft 2 0-The HOLMES SELLING HURDLE RACE of soys weight for age.
Two miles, over hurdles. Mr. Scott's The Keelman, by Riversdale-Gabare, 3 gre, 10st Wilson 1 Mr. Dodd's (late Mr. Ariastrong'e) Tinkler, 5 grs, 10st 71b (car 10st 816) 2 Er Marriott's (late Mr.
Harley's) Phantom Star, 4 yrs, 11st Golden Heart, 5 gre, 12at Hogan 0. Bar, Lee's Henry gre, 10st 71b Mr. Mr Harper Roberts' (late Mr. Howarth's) Luttralstown, aged, 12st Bland Mr. Allen's Blue Girl, 3 gra, 10st 7ib (car 10at 0 Mr.
Harper's White Heat, 5 yrs, 3lb Mr. Harper 0 Betting-5 to 4 on Tinkler, 7 to 2 agat 'Phentom Start, 8 to 1 agst Blue Girl and White Heat, 10 to 1 ugst Golden Heart. 100 to 8 each agst Keelman and any other. 2 80 -The ROTHERHAM HANDICAP HURDLE RACE PLATE of 60 sovs. Two miles, over hurdles.
Mr. Platt's Royal Douglas, by Royal Hampton--Catherine Douglas, 5 yrs, 12nt Lake 1 Mr. Rutherford's Demetrius, 4 yra, 11st 12ib Kuox 2 Mr. Harpor'a Changeling, 4 yr3, 11st 11lbOwner 3 Mr. Winters's Lady Kildare II, 5 11st 101b Lathom 0 Betting--11 to 8 agat Royal Douglas, 6 to 4 agat Demetrius, 7 1 agat Lady Kildare IL, 8 to 1 agst Changeling.
WOB by eight lengths; a bad third. 3 0-The STATUTES SELLING STEEPLECHASE PLATE of 40 SOVE for age, Two miles over the Steeplechase Couzse. Mr. Wrilier'e (late Mr. Hobday's) Bridesmaid, by -Wren, 5 grs, 128t.
Elis 1 Mr. Irving's (late Mr. TR Irving's) Venetia, aged, 12st Hassali 2 Mr. Platt's Persuasion, aged, 11st 12lb A Lake 3. Mr.
Lee's Tho Yoy, aged, Ilet 12lb Mr. Harper Mr. Vittior's I Bet, 5 yra, 11st 9lb Mx. Ferguson Mr. Menzier's Black Turf, 5 yrs, 12st Mr.
Menzies 0 Betting-5 to.4 aget. Venetia, 5 to- 1 agat The Toy, 6 to 1 agat Bridesmaid, 7 to 1 agst, Venetia. Won by lengthe; same distance separated' second and third." 3.30-The. WEST RIDING HALF. STEEPLECHASE PLATE of 40 sove.
About three miles. Capt Ethelaton's Servant Maid, aged, 12st 916: Hassall 1 Mr. M'Micking's Botanist, aged, 11st 7lb Beatty 2 Mr. Briscoe's Royston Crow, 5 gra, 12st 416 Hogan 3' Mr. Taylor's Woodco*ck, 0 yre, 119t 71b Mr.
Brown 0 Mr. Trimble's Bacchus, 4 yrs, 11st 6lb Mr. Knox Betting--Evens Royaton Crow, 7 to 2 each agat Servant Maid and Botanist, 7 to 1 each Woodco*ck and Bachus. Won by six lengthe; bad third. 4 0-The MAIDEN HURDLE RACE PLATE of 40 sove.
Two miles. Capt Etholstone's Emigration, by Enterpae-Swallowtafl, 10st 10at Hassail 1 a Mr. Mason's Snape, 3 gre, Hogan aMr. Lee's East Linton, 6 yrs, 12st 31b Mr. Harper 3 Air.
Goodall's Hullabaloo, 3 yrs, 104t Mr. O'Neill 0 Betting--Evens Snape, 3 to 1 each agat East Linton and Emigration. Won by a length; a bad third, SPORTSMAN" OFFICIAL STARTING PRICES AT entworth Chase Pitch and Tons, 3 1 Holmes Hurdle Keelwan 100 to 00 Rotherham Royal Douglas 11. to 00 Statutes S' 6 te Riding S'Chasa Servant Maid, 7. to Maiden 3 to SHEFFIELD MEETING.
ORDER OF RUNNING -THIS DAY. Cutlers' Steeplechase 1 30 Fitzwilliam 'Chase 2 0 Selling National Flat 2 30 Sheffield Handicap 3 0. Ecclesfield Hurdle 3 30 Sandbeck Hurdle 4 0 ENTRIES. ECCLESFIELD SELLING HURDLE. age 85 ib Mr.
Dudd'e Tinkler 5 12 7 Mr. Barker's Ambrosine 5 12 4 Mr. Bell's 6 12 1 Mr. Jolliffe's Golden Heart 5 12 0 Mr. Green's Halsbury 6 12 0 Mr.
Black's 5-12 12 0 Mr. Harper's White Heart 5 12 Air. Froat's Thorpeycroft 5 11. 0 Mr. Le Ciulay's Mizpah 3 10 12 FITZWILLIAM STEEPLECHASE, Mr Robinson's Extincteur, 5 yre Mr.
Law's Dr Thompson, aged Platt's Persuasion, aged. Mr. Moltell's (jun) Highcliffe, 6 yrs Mr Jollife's Lady Bride, 6 yrs Mr. Baker's Ambrosine, 5 gra Hir. Lee's The Fay, aged Irving's Venetia, aged SELLING NATIONAL FLAT RACE.
Mr. A Maryheld's Cyril II, aged Capt Wolmer's Bainease II, 6 yr8 Mr. Scott's Rapid Stream, 4 yra Mr. Firth's Southolme, 6 gre Mr. Sidney's Sheridan, aged Hassall'a Stint, 6 gre Mr Jesson's Mistake, aged ADDITIONAL ARRIVALS.
Pitch and Toss, Servant Maid, Woodco*ck, General Sir Bevys, Noiseless, Lady Bride, Delorn, Snape, Cyril II, Golden Heart, Rapid Stream, Malchus, Sheridan, Ambrosine. Highcliffo, Boa, Halebury, Beecham, Mizpah, Extincteur, Doctor Thompson, Deloraine, King Charles. Others pected this morning. LONDON BETTING, YESTERDAY. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM.) The market yeaterday was solely confined to the Liverpool Oup.
Stowmarket increased in farour. itism, and 9 to 2 was once freely closed with, but later on a strong desire appeared to lay the price. Worcester raeanwhile adranced to the past of second favourite, 13 2 being booked, and Rockdove's declining to 7 to 1 was by the advancement of Portmarnock to 8 to 1. Sanderling likewise stood on the same mark, and a wellbacked candidate, aud Glenalmond had plenty of l'aupporters at 10 to 1. The Rush declined to 100 to 8, while Macrankie figured at 100 to.
7 and Redwing II at 25 to 1. PricesLiverpool Cup. (Run en Friday, November 8. One mile threa furlongs). 9 2 agat Stowmarket.
(t and o) 13 to 2 Worcester (t) 13 to Rockdove (t and o) 00 to Portmarnock (t and w) 00 to Sanderling (t and o) 10 to Gienalmond (t) 12 to to The Rush (o) 14 1 M'Crankie 25 to Red Wing II MANCHESTER BETTING. YESTERDAY. Liverpool Autumn Cup. 9 to 2 agat Stewmarkel, (t) AT 1 Worcester (t) 7 to 1 Rockdove (o) 100 to 14 Sanderling (t) to 1 Portmarnock (t) 9 Glenalmond (t) 10 to 1 The Rush (t) MISCELLANEOUS SCRATCHINGS. Liverpool Cup -Swanshot.
Downe Nursery, Liver pool-Nixo. Liverpool Nursery Sauterelle, Carridon, Devoue, Dumobell. Westmoreland Welter, Liverpool -St Jobann. Nursery, Liverpool Leonatus, Nixe, Sauterelle, Echline, Beauregarde, and Musley Chief. Grand Soften Steeplechase--Lady Pat Liverpool Marnock.
Lewos engagements- ly Gerrea out of Allot-. ment, Hawkesbury, Aberdeen. Hurst Stewarde' Nursery, November Hurst Inchiquin. Park, Handicap -Golden Rod lator, Address, Hurst Park ongagements-Stockboy, VentiPlumpton engagements -Geod Gracious. Astroscope.
Glenparva Handicap, Leicester-Hawkesbury, Friary Nursery, Derby-Leonatus. Derby. engagements Black Douglas and Dynamo. All engagements- Lightly, Mecca, and Isagon. TRAINING NOTES.
The Curragh, Monday. A fine morning. Little doing after town. Mr. Linde's Prattle, Buttonhole, BallLeoparde- conte, George Morgan, Trueno, and Starlight Ill galloped two miles at half.
speed; Chit Chat, Niblick, Boatman, Summer Lightning, and others cantered. Mr. Beasley's Beuderlock, Finish, and Instability went nix furlongs Mr. H'Aulife's Thorax, Laudmaid, and Event weat one mile and a quarter. Shanahan's Deliverer, Clear the Way filly, Torpidity, and brother' "to Wise Chief covered ono mile and a half at a fair pace.
Laft for Liverpool- Castlewarden, Kosmes, Lady Vic, First Dragoon, and Beited Will. THE ILLNESS OF MR. E. TATTERSALL. The Sportsman's Newmarket correspondent -The condition of Mr Tattersall remains about the same.
Brindley, 14 Upper Merrion street, Dublin The MAIDEN PLATE of 500 BOVS, af which the second will receive 50 sovs and the third 25 for horses that are maidens on Nevember 6th, 1895, and that have not won a race under Rules of Flat Racing in any country, of the Four years old, 10at; five years old, 11st; six value of 100 sovs, after the age of two veara. and aged, 11st 516. Four miles. A winner of a race value £50 to carry 51b extra; a winner of a race or races collectively value £100, 101b extra; a winner of a race or races collectively value £200, extra; 2 winner of race or races collectively value £300, 21lb extra. 1 807 entrance.
687 LIVERPOOL JOHN JAMES, TURF COMMISSION AGENT, 47 FLEET STREET. DUBLIN. Commissions executed, win and place. Starting Price Commissions executed. Telegraphic Address-" Astracan." Telephone No 370.
ADVT.) M. M-QUADE, TURF COMMISSION AGENT, 46 DAME Dublin, Executes Commissions on all the principal Handicaps at market prices. Starting price on all races. No Commission charged. Telegraphic Address-" M'QUADE, DUBLIN." -ADVE.
P. CADOGAN, TITRI ACCOUNTANT. 4 JOHNSON'S COURT (Grafton street), DUBLIN, (Established 27 years.) Starting Price executed. Terms on application. Telegraphic Address-" Patsey, Dublin." 961 HARDAWAY AND TOPPING, FLUSHING, HOLLAND.
Price List Published Twice Daily during the Season, containing latest market movements on all important events, address. forwarded free on receipt of postcard containing LIVERPOOL AUTUMN CUP, MANCHESTER NOVEMBER THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED FIRM IN THE NO REPRESENTATIVES: 692 JAMES WEBSTER, MIDDLEBURG, HOLLAND. and Westminster Bank, Londen. Scotland -Bank of Scotland, Glasgow. Ireland-Baak of Ireland.
Dublin. Liverpool Autumn Cup, Manchester November Handicap, Doublo, apd Treble Events, Accumulative Commissions. Starting Prices on all Races. No Starting Price limit on the Principal Races. "Turf Chronicle" free on receipt of address.
7999 RACING WORLD." CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING. BEAUMONT HARRIERS. The above club held A run last evening from the clubroem, Royal Canal (Blaquiere bridge). A spin of about six was indulged in by the following Reid (pace), TO'Rourke (captain), Byrne, Conran, Butterly, Miller, Murphy, Conran, Bodley, A Mackimmon, Todd, W. Dawson, Flynn, Mangan, Douglas, Forster.
All communications to be addressed to the hon sec, Conran, 28 Rathdown road, Phibsborough. RUGBY FOOTBALL. THE HOSPITAL CHARITY MATCH. COUNTY DUBLIN V. UNITED HOSPITALS.
On Saturday next the annual charity match in aid of the city hospitals will take place at Lansdowne road. It is now seventeen years since the fixture was inaugurated by Mr. Peter, and though for a long time it was not looked on very greatly improved in this respect in the past few seriously as an exhibition of good football, it has years, and judging from the strength of the opposing teams, and spirit which is being displayed on both wides, it is safe to predies fine game next Saturday. The tickets are nOW on sale, and should the weather prove fine big crowd should be in attendance. Last evening the Leinster Five met at the Grosvenor Hotel and picked the following excelent team to represent, the county--Full back, Andrews (Bective Rangers); three-quarter backa, Magee (Bective Rangers), A Gwynn University), Ridings (Monkstowe), Carnegie (Wanderers) half baeks, (Bective Rangers), A Kenny (Dublin University) forwards, O'Conor, A Coe (Bective Rangers), A Couga, Franks (Dublin University), St Eccles (Monkstown).
Johnston (Wanderers), Swan (Landowne), Elliott (Old Wesley). ColoursRed and black. CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY P. and R.I.C. The following will represent the RIC to-day (Tuesday) at Bandymeunt.
three off at 245 m. Full back, M'Clelland; backs, Dickenson, Wynne, Jacques, Dickson; Butler, Killen; forwards, Cream, Daly, Fitzgerald, Talbot, Rigney, O'Donnell, Ferris, Callaghan; sub, Maboney, ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. RICHMOND ROVERS V. FALCON. This match was played on the ground of the former at Drumeondra on Saturday last.
The Rovers' forwards played a geed curbination game, completely outclassing their back diviBion. Final score- -Richmond Rovers, 5 goals; Falcon, nil, BELGRAVE V. INDEPENDENT. This match was played on the ground of the former, and resulted in a draw, each side scoring goal each. GAELIC FOOTBALL.
NORTHUMBERLAND F.B.C. V. BERESFORD JUVENILE F.B.C.. This match was played in the Phoenix Park, and resulted in a victory for Beresford Juveniles an Juveniles, 2 goals; Northumberlande, 1 goal, STRIKE OF COMPOSITORS IN GHENT. (REUTER'S TELEGRAM.) Ghent, Monday.
The compositors employed in most of the newspaper offices and printing works in this city, uniform went rate out of on strike the to-day, demanding a wages, minimum being 40 centimes an hour: In consequence of the strike, the majority of the papers have not appeared this evening. SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES DEBATING SOCIETY. The opening meeting of the Solicitors Apprentices' Debating Society takes place this evening in the large hall of the Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts. The chair will be taken at eight o'clock by the president of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. The Auditor, Mr P.
Flanagan, has chosen for his address the interesting subject of the House of Lords. The speakers include his Honour Judge Adams, Mr John Ross, Mir Harrington, and Mr Wra Fry, solicitor. LAW STUDENTS' DEBATING SOCIETY. A general meeting of the Law Students' Debating Society was held last evening in the Lecture Hall, King's Inns, Mr A Alfred in the chair. The questicn for debate Dickie, was, rightly "That decided." Taylor Smith (2 93) was R.
Catcheon, Lavan, and BA; Masers Dudley White, O'Donnell, supported the affirmative and 'Messrs White, MA, BL; Langtry Macuaine, 5. and EJ Healy, M'Elligott, the negative. The chairman gave hie decision in favour of the affirmative. A vote of thanks to Mr Dickie for his kindness ip presiding brought the meeting to a conclupIOn. DRUMCONDRA BRANCH I.N.F, A meeting of the above branch will be held at eight o'clock to-morrow evening at 24 Rutland square.
Members of the branch and per8029 wishing to support the Irish to attend and support the National are Party requested cause. JABEZ BALFOUR'S TRIAL. CROSS-EXAMINATION BY MR. JOHN O'CONNOR. London, Monday.
The Court in the trial of the directors of the Balfour companies did not sit till 11 o'clock this morning, and then Mr. John O'Connor resumed his cross-examination of Mr Wheeler, the official receiver, who has now been in witness-box week. He adhered to opinion he had previously expressed that the sale of the Chingford estate was fictitions one, as no profits had ever been received upon it. In farther crogs-examination Mr Wheeler said there was no minute in the books ordering the addition of £10,000 in respect to Dudeli villa on the Brighton property. Witness was further asked to state what were the law costs Board of Trade fees in the liquidation and reconstruction proceedings, but the judge ruled that this could not affect the guilt or innocence of the parties charged.
This concluded Mr O'Connor's examination, and the witness was then cross -examined by Mr Woodfall for Dibley. He did not suggest that Dibley received any secret payment or money from the companies he was not properly entitled to. Counsel examined witness as to Dibley's public examination, but the Attorney-General objected, and Mr O'Connor said it would be hard on his client to allow this, as never had an opportunity of hearing the statement (loud laughter). The Attorney-General pointed out that Balfour had absented himself from the country at that period. The court adjourned.
MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. War Office, 31st October. Field- Marshal R.H George FC the Duke of Cambridge, CB, GO SI, MG, I PersonalAide-de-Camp, to be Chief Personal Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. Field- Marshal George the Duke of Cambridge, KG, KT, KP, GCB, GOSI, CM CIE, to be Honorary Colonel-in-Chief to the Forces. Field-Marabal George FU the Duke of Cambridge, CB, CSI, GOMG, GOIE, to bo Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Regiment of Artillery and of tho Corps of Royal Engineere.
STAFF. Field Marshal the Right Hon Viscount Wolseley, CB, MG, to be Commander-in-Chief vice Field Marshal the Duke of Cambridge, etc, who relinquished that appointment. Dated 1st November. MEMORANDA. Lieut Col and Col Lord Algernon Gordon Lennoz, Aide-de-Camp to Field Marshel HR the Duke of Cambridge, etc, CommanderMajor Col George WA Fitzgeorge, half in-Chiof, is placed on half pay.
the Duke of Cambridge, retires on retired pay Camp to Field Marshal A pay. Lieut Col and Col Augustus Fitzgeurge, private secretary to Field Marsbel RE the Lieut Duke of Cambridge, reverts to half pay. Colonel and Colonel Hugh Viscount Downe, CIE, Aide-de-Camp to Field Marshal the Duke of Cambridge, is placed on half-pay. Major A Davidson, from the King's Royal Rifle Corps, Aide-de-Camp to Field Marshal the Duke of Cambridge, to be Lieut Col on half-pay. WAR OFFICE, IST NOVEMBER.
2nd Dragoon Guards---Lieut A Wilberforce, seconded for service on the staff. 6th Dragoon Guards--The apppiniment to Second a Lieutenancy of Gentleman Cadet Spencer Clay from the MC is cancelled. 3rd Hussars -Lieut A Kennedy to be Adjutant. 20th Hussars -Second Lieut A from let Dragoon Guards, to be Second Lientenant. REGIMENTAL DISTRICTS.
Brevet-Colonel. Prior, from LieutenantColonel halt pay, to be Colonel to command the 38th (Staffordshire Regiment) and the 64th (The Prince of Wales's Staffordubire Regiment) Regimental Districte. LINE BATTALIONS. King's Owa (Royal Lancaster Regiment) -Captain Willoughby S. Burton is seconded for service 88.
an Adjutant of Volunteers. Garrison Sergeant Maj Clancy, from the Indian unattached list, to be Quartermaster with the honorary rank of Lieutenant. Royal Welsh Fusiliers-Lieutenans Walker to be Captain, Secend Lieutecant 0 Flower to ba Lieutenant. Sergeant Major Vernon to be Quartermaster with the honerary rank of Lieutsuant. Gloucestershire Regiment -Captain Keating retires.
Lancashire Regiment--The appointment to East a Second Lieutenaney of Gentleman Cadet Ritchie, from the M. is cancelled. Dorsetabire Regiment- Capt Todd-Thornton retires. Lieut A. FitzR Day, from the Welsh Regiment, to be Captain.
King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) -The motion te the rank of Lieutenant of Second Lieutenant Badco*ck is cancelled. Princess Victoria (Royal Irish Fusiliera)-Lieutenant Silver to be Captain. Quartermaster-Sergeant CH Osborne to be Quartermaster with the honorary rank of Lieutenant. ARMY SERVICE CORPS. The undermentioned officers are transferredLieutenants- Mi Donald, PG from Royal Marine Light Infantry; Mylrea, from Royal Marine Light Infantry.
Kenneth Mi 'Donald, from Royal Marine Light Infantry; 0 Burne, from the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment); Cariatopher, from the Sherwood Forsters (Derbyshire RegiJ tent); M. FS Atkinson, from the 6th Dragoons, Morgan, from the Victorias (Royal Irish Fusiliers); Brooke, from the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Second Lieutenants -H FT Fisher, from the Worcestershire. Regiment; Frank from the Wales Borderers; Puckic, froma South Wales Borderers; Vittie, from the Bedfordshire Regiment. STAFF.
The appointment of Major Knowles, to be 8 on the Staff to command the Force in Egypt is dated 1st. October. Major A French, to ba Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General for A at headquarters in Ireland. Captain RE Warmer, Army Service Corpe, to be a Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General. ARMY PAY DEPARTMENT.
Paymaster and Honorary Major Sherrard to be Staff Paymaster. Captain RT Lethbridge, the East Lancashire Regiment, to be Paymaster. BREVET, The undermentioned Officers to be Colonels Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkwood, Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colouel Shone, DS0, RE; Lieutesant Colonel Will, Lieutenant Colonel Ed A Ollevant, Lieutenant Colonel Brackenbury, RE; Lieutenant Colonel Jacob, RE; Lieutenant Colonel Wallace, Lieutenant Colonel Williams, Lieutenant Colonel Lambert, A. Lieutenant Colonel Torkington, HALF PAY. Major and Brevet Lieutenant Celonel Jenkins, from the Duke of Wellington's (West Regiment), to be Lieutenant Colonel.
Riding MEMORANDA. Lieutenant Colonel Jenkine, half pay, retired on retired pay. Lieutenant Lord, half pay, rosigns his commission. The undermentioned Quartermastera and Honcrary Lieutenante are granted the honorary rank of Captain York, Connaught Rangers; A Rifle Corps. Wynne, King's Royal ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF ARTILLERY.
lery, Yesterday from the Newbridge, Battery, Royal Horse Artil. non consisting of 3 officers and 68 officers and under the command of Major A Phill- men pots, arrived in Dublin and proceeded to North Wall, embarking on board the London and North- Western Co's steamer Violet for Holyhead en route to Woolwich. The Battery of the same corps under the command of Major MS Brunker, which has will recently arrive come in home Dublin from Sialkote, Bengal, to-day, proceeding to Newbridge in relief of 0 Battery. To DARKEN GREY HAIR. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR ROSTORER effectually doe this in a few days.
A PLEASING APPEARANCE. Always wash with SULPHOLINE SOAP to have a beat: tiful fair skin. IVER COMPLAINTS DR' KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. This old-fashioned remedy, without mercury, remores all Bilious and Stomach Disorders. FASHION AND VARIETIES.
FAHIONABLE MARRIAGE. London, Monday. At St Margaret's Church, Ifeld, Sussex, this afternoon, the marriage was sclemuised of Dr Gordon Geo Wm Henry, of Blair Minehead. Somerset, son of the late Mr. Win Henry, of 41 Cambridge road, Brighton, and Miss Frances Alice (Lily) Hastings, only daughter of she late Vice-Admiral the Hon George Fowler Heatings, and the Hon Mrs Hastings, of 31 bury road, Brighton, grand daughter of the 11th Earl of Huntingdon, of Somerby Grove, Oakham, and Sharavous, Roscrea, King's County, Ireland.
and cousin of the present Bari. Thers were no bridesmaids. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. Walter Hastings, wore handsome wedding dress of rich ivory satin, with long court train of ivory satin brocade, trimmed with Brussels lace flounces (the gift of Anne Lady Synge); her veil was of fine tuile, and covered a neat chaplet of orange blossom in the hair, factby a diamond oreament (the gift of Mr. Hastings Parker), and her bouquet.
which was the bridegroom's gift, wan composed of choice white exotics tied with white satin streamers en suite. Later in the afternoon Dr and Mra Gorden Henry left for London, where the early days of the houeymoop are to be spent, the bride's travelling costume being of rough blue and black cloth, trimmed with white ribbed eiik and astracan, and a large blue velvet picture bat. trimmed with black lace and ostrich feathers. The sents were most numerous and costly, and included many handsotue gifts of plate, jewellery, art, and furniture. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES.
Earl of Ranfurly has arrived at town from England. Colonel Hon Gough has arrived at Kingstown from England. Captain Hon Dawson has arrived ai Kingstown from England. Colonel Dease has arrived at Kingstown from Englaud. Captain Moriarty has arrived at Kings.
town from England. Colonel Dopping has arrived at Kingstown trom England. havejleis The Earl and Countess of Portarlington Kingstown for England. Lady Brooke Las left Kingstown for England. land.
Col Dease has left Kingstown for EngCapt Kellett, R. has left Kingstown for England. Major Larkins has left Kingstowr for England. ColT Forster has left Kingstown for England. Arrivals at Kingstown per Royal Mail Rer William Walth, OSA; Rev A Walsh, 0 S.
A A. Lewm, Miss A Allen, Godfrey Edward Carrol, Lennen, Fetherstanhaugh, Meade and Mr3 Meade, Saun Riebards, Richardson, Swifte, Benson, Tenni300 Lysus, Mrs Silverpont and family, Hearne, Burtchaell, Mrs Ormsby Lindsay, Bunting, A Chatterton, Edward Marr, Alderman and Mrs 'Kernan, Rev Dr Rainford, Lawton, Dr Roberts, Dr Finucane, Joho Marlow, Thomas 3'Geeney, Peter Geed. William Lynch, Miss Dunbar, Osmonc Tearle and Mrs Tearle, Brown Hogg, William Lowe, George Rouse, John Fielding, Milton. Miiton, Potts, George Barrett, jun Cliford, Mr. and Mra Hoodless, John Kelly, Mr and Mrs Maconchy, Mr.
A Ogden, Randolph, Mr and Mrs Richard Smith, 0 Jameson, Fred Budey, Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs Clifford, Hiss Moriarty, Webber. mail Departures from Kingstown per Royal steamers -Dr fa*gan, David Kellett, Mra Hudson, Master Savile Hudeon, Mr. and Mra John Welch, Hearn, Mrs William Mise Figgis, George A Hipwell, Mr. Meschin.
Fry, Hollinshead, Miss Priscilla Koight, Mrs Swinburne, Kendal Franks, Dr Tweedy, Dr Barry, Abraham, Fred Switzer, Patrick Bergin, Wm Fawcett, James Mecredy, Geo French Mrs Croker, Douglas Brooke, Mr. and Mrs Nasir Dolling, Chas Richarde, Murphy, Miss Pennefather, Woodcombe, Edward Terry, Belmore Terry, Herbert Terry, George and Belmore, ET Murray, Staples Hawkine, Wm Crook, Leslie Kenyon, Thomas Ord, A Wade. Arrivals at North Wall Station by the London and North Western Company's Express passenger steamer -Rev Fitzgerald, Capt Poole, Capt Spencer, Capt Poole, Surg Bannister, Mis Simons, Miss Simons, O'Sullivan, Mra O'Sullivan, Thomas Vickers, Mra Vickers, Geo Oaburne, Mrs Osbarne, Heury Leerane, Miss Leenane, Miss O' Kelly, Miss O' Kelly, Henry Thomp. son, Thompson, Arthur Smullen, Mrs Smullen, Master Smullen, Henry Adamson, Mrs Adamson, Quigley, Mrs Quigley, Thomas Joyce, Henry White, Mrs White. Miss White, Goodwin, Robert Hanbury, Mre Hanbury, Colgan, Wilson, A Smith, Chapman.
Departures from North Wall Station by the London and North Western Company's ex. press passenger steamer -Captain Imisson, Bet Arnold, Rev Holt, Mrs Spiere, Mrs A Bevan, Miss Bevan, A Lambert, Mrs A Lambert, Misa Lambert, Charles Cookson, Miss Cook500, Thomas Mayfield, Alfred Wilson, Mrs Bluut, Miss Blunt, JordaR. Mrs Jordan, family, and maid; John H. Beeley, Krg Bealey, Miss Bealey, M'Cartby, Wolaeley, Michael Thompson, Hayden, Murphy, Williams, Mrs Molyneux, Harding, Brooks, Walter Nugent, James Austin, Miss Austin, Thos Wilson, Smyth, Mre Smyth, Miss Smyth, Miss Greene, Campbell. WILL OF LORD GOUGE.
(SPECIAL TELEGRAM.) London, Monday. Probate of the will has been granted, and -astate duty, amounting to £4,621 198 6d, has been paid on £70,846 10s 7d, as the value of the personal estate of James Stephens, second Vis count Gough, of St Helens, Booterstown, Dublin, and Lough Calra Castle, Gort, Cc Galway, FL GS, and High Sheriff for Tipperary in 1849, who died on the 31st May last, aged 80 years. Lord Gongb's will, 1892, has which bears the date of Febraary 6th, been proved by his second son Colonel the Hon George Hugh Gough, of Cabin Abbey, Co Tipperary, power being reserved to grant probate to the testator's eldest son Hugh, now third Viscount Gough. To him the testator devises the St Helens estate absolutely, and he bequeaths the gold and silver plate, sworde, boxes with freedoms of cities, gems, and other articles presented to to his devolve father, Field-Marshal first Viscount as heirlooms with the settled Gal. Gough, way trust estate.
The testator appoints from settled funds sums of £16,000 each to his son Col George Gough and his daughter the Hon Parse. He gives to his said son Col Eleanor George Gough his reversionary interest in the Collis estate in the counties of Cork and other Kerry, and he settles the Cabir estate and all real estate upon traste to the use of his elder son, the present Lord first other sons, but subject to the Gough, and his condi tions entitled that if Lord Gough shoudd become to the Collis estate he shall convey it upon trusts for his brother, and in the eveni of his refusing to do this, the Cabir estate is to go entitled to Colonel George Gough. to the The person to settled Galway estate is always use the name and bear the arms of Gough, and the testator bequeaths his residuary personal estate to his elder son, his successor in the title. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. Lest Baking Powder BORWICK'S BAKING in.
the Wholesome, World, BORWICK'S BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. Pare, and BAKING POWDER. from Alum 729.